3 Post – 1575 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's when appointed officials side with the people, and the people are educated and thoughtful.

Or so I'm told. I've never actually seen one. It's like a unicorn.

Many rolls, I imagine

Honest answer? Kids toys ads. The kids love the ads more than the show sometimes.

It sucks for parents though. Gets expensive.

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The whole point of religion was to keep the psychopaths in control. Sometimes you had to throw them a bone to keep them in line.

I don't want fastest. I want least stressful. No left turns without a traffic light. No really short merges. And if it could find a way to route all the chaotic idiots along some other road, that would be perfect.

Oh Wooly Willy, you scamp!

Are we still keeping up the farce that we don't pick noses? It's 2023, I think we can stop, and just be human.

Now, be clean about it, but just do it.

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Just a reminder that this isn't caused by lack of nurses. This is caused by a lack of salary, and a lack of support staff being hired.

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There's nothing ethically wrong with this until we consider eating meat unethical. As a society, we're nowhere near that.

If you personally don't want to use this, you can opt out.

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Alternate title: Michigan governor explains first past the post voting. People unhappy.

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It benefits the owners of commercial real estate. Which is primarily banks and investment firms.

Companies need to stay on the good side of banks and investment firms. Otherwise they don't get loans.

But also, some of these companies own those buildings. If they're not in use, their value in the market drops.

Also, there's external pressure from cities and townships who give tax incentives to companies to bring their employees in to spend money in the city. For example, a company might get a tax break if they create a thousand jobs. That's only a good deal for the city if those thousand people are in the city and spending their money and generating taxes.

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"we had a driver who didn't immediately stop yesterday... He's dead now... But also let's put up a cute meme!"

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I dated an ex-escort for a while and the relationship was just fine. I think you're talking without any real experience.

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Now now, let's not shame young mothers. Let's shame her hypocrisy.

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How DARE you disrespect Gary Oldman like that

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The dog has caught the car. Let's see what he does with it.

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A random employee of a financial institution is not a "finance bro"

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but until society starts acknowledging men’s issues it will keep getting worse.

Good news. We've moved on from 'man hating' on the left. Intersectional Feminism actually espouses the fact that men are also harmed by the patriarchy and all the ridiculous demands that it puts on us, like not feeling feelings. You should look into it.

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"Mullvad's encrypted DNS solution is available free of charge for everyone. The company advises customers of its DNS service, which is available for a flat-fee of 5 EUR per month, not to use the encrypted DNS service as the DNS resolver of the VPN server is handling this automatically. The performance of connections could be slower, if users make the switch."

This nonsense was written either by an AI or a drunk.

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You don't. Scissors and Polaroid and Playboy have been around for decades. If you wanted to see your classmates face on a nude and photocopy it, you could.

Now it's just easier and more believable. But it's not any more stoppable.

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He doesn't like divorce because he doesn't want to be single. His wife didn't even show up to his event.

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If you're going to say "69%" , you need to call it eating out, not out eating.

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They're only Nazis 50% of the time. That's right in the center!

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I don't know of one, but the Internet is toxic. I've had more luck meeting strangers into the same hobbies. Went to an open source conference. A business meetup. Professional settings are lower pressure because there's no expectation of making actual friends.

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I think being sued by John Green must feel a lot like being sued by Mr Rogers.

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"kill ai search for good"

Yeah, ok. It's a feature and Google will kill it eventually.

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When we stop celebrating narcissists and start punishing them for shitty behavior before they get this far.

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You know how they say that individual changes are really nothing compared to what the corporations are doing? In scale, it even applies to her. That's how ridiculous corporations are.

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It prevents loading the jury to get a specific outcome. That said, it should come with protection or a delay or something.

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Airbnb was great when it was simply a formalization of the short-term room rentals you find on craigslist.

When investors got involved and started having Airbnb specific properties, it all went to shit.

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Can we have AI generated porn now ?

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The only thing that bothers me about your statement is how much my tax dollars pay to subsidize your stupid meat addiction.

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50k is not mass market.

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I don't get the downvoting. This is solid commentary on the Flipper Zero idiocy.

This seems like a good time to get on my soap box.

Every bathroom should have a cheap white noise machine. I don't need the detailed auditory experience of someone else's bowels. This would also probably help with OPs problem.

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I non-sarcastically love your optimism. But part of me really believes that 50% of the country votes however their church tells them to. So I'm not sure it'd be better.

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stares angrily at dog breeders in the US


It's not less ethical than doing it for meat, is my point.

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Progress in government is made in steps. Scheduling to 3 allows research. Research that will show it's no worse than alcohol. Then we push for removal from the schedule.

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Nah, it'll be more like Proxy War 37