2 Post – 285 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

No auto-mods here. "This is a fertile land, we will thrive here and we will call it....this land"

Too much emotion in their writing. Personal attacks. Doubling down in the reply. Support for the Chinese Communist Party.

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Yass, this was a daily driver for six months straight. The missions are actually fun and help you get access to free tables. Nice surprise, graphics are gorgeous.

Bro, kind and generous.


You animal. have you no mercy? XD

Any little casual simulators by Kairosoft, the pay to play "full versions" are pretty cheap. Manage a lil apartment building, manage a tiny sushi restaurant, manage a little Japanese village. 8 bit style, very soothing. The free versions are quite limited in scope and cut you off from further progression after a few levels, but no microtransaction reminders, either. The mention of "Dungeon Village" reminded me, is that Kairosoft?

Ok, thank you for the wikipedia links. What's your beef with them, anyways? There are lots of people in the world who share in one or more of Falun Gong's beliefs. What makes "this terrible cult" special? Why, in your opinion, have many members been imprisoned, physically beaten and politically silenced by the Chinese Communist Party?

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Reigns is so stressful, do not want! What are you trying to do, I'm spiraling just being reminded!

Happy Cake Day!

Plus some bay or gulf, relatively quiet, very close by the site helps. It's too bad the Chinese don't have any of those.

You're just as sus as anybody else, throw up some citations about your claims.

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Because Trek fans were the first to organize conventions. They started out small in the late 60s. Now every single weekend, somewhere on this planet, there's a Trek convention being held. The conventions also raise massive money for charity. They are the nerds other nerds want to be, in terms of organization. I'm here for the memes.

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It depends on what you want out of it. Consider being more specific with your questions. If you love hosting dinner parties or playing ping pong, then no. Source: about 5 years full time RVer ๐Ÿคจ

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I got some chickens.

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Dang, that Mountain's grandfather is one dapper scoundrel. He should be in the Riviera, convincing oil heiresses that he is a prince or something.

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Baking bread. At first, your results will be uneven. (brick like, over baked, underbaked, too much yeast, not enough kneading, etc.) Just don't give up, the first time you get it close to "right", you'll be addicted to home made bread. It's about training your hands and other senses until you don't need a recipe any more.

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Thanks for the reminder.

At a garage sale, I mentioned to the homeowner that I found an empty camera bag for sale, but was looking for photography stuff and she asked me about how far I'd gotten into 35mm film, etc. Then she gave me her old Canon Rebel X for free. Changed my life.

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Cages placed over the top part of all skeeball games to prevent cheating in order to get tickets to trade in for prizes. Game room, Mike's Grill, Lawton, Oklahoma, USA, 1993-present.

I just got done learning how to turn off Copilot in group security policy, yay! Get away from me, even if you worked according to the spec in the marketing hype. I am the admin. I drive you out! :::holds up holy water and a crucifix:::

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Themed wedding ceremony. One was lightly medieval themed and one was heavily Civil War, complete with historically accurate costumes. It was important to the bride. The groom didn't care for it and had a temper, which he couldn't control, even during the reception. She finally had enough of him about a year later. Last I heard, she upgraded to someone better and got full custody of the kid. Could have saved her a massive investment in handcrafted hoopskirts......

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....and sunflower seeds.

Contact your bank or credit card company and explain, they will take care of it. Source: I was in a similar situation a few years ago, just not VPN related.

A bottle opener.

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"He don't know shit from shinola." [I've never asked what "shinola" is.] EDIT: Another one my Dad uses (Oklahoma born and bred): calling someone a "mudcat".

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Fake chocolate flavors.

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There are antibiotic creams for scabulousness these days, how advanced is your case? ๐ŸงŸโ€โ™€๏ธ

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By popular DEMAND, here are some of the chickens mentioned yesterday. They don't have names, so we don't get attached, as they are for improving our soil and, eventually, for homemade stock.

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This is quality ranting, which the world needs.

I love it when the passengers are spilling the tea, before Boeing's lawyers can get to them and attempt to smother their words with money. By the time the NHTSA gets to interview passengers, they've "calmed down", it seems. I don't know if that's good for screw ups of this magnitude. Hurrah for a plane of pissed off, uninjured survivors! God bless them.

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I tried to order "freedom fries" at a burger restaurant once. My mom looked at me like she didn't know me. It was a tough afternoon for 13-year-old me. My face is heating up just remembering.

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Yes and yes.

I started therapy again and it's really helped me put the work in and learn to forgive the weird shit in my childhood. Feels good, mayn!

A Hyundai Elantra, it let me down in so many ways. Financially, spiritually, etc.

Surgery complications. I had just had an eye socket taken apart and put back together, with plastic clips and metal to hold it together so it could heal properly. I was in the recovery room waking up from the anesthesia when my new internal stitches started to hemorrhage. I had blood pouring down my face, but it was under a heavy layer of surgical dressings. I could feel it, though, so I said that my face hurt. My mom believed me and so did one of the recovery nurses, who had the guts to ignore another nurse, who was wrong, then go straight to the surgeon and say something's not right. Do you know how you get a surgeon to clean a surgery suite that he just rolled out of successfully? He will even pick up a mop and re sanitize it! Thanks, Tina!

Yeah....I want to like him and he's got more character development than any other, but yeah. So your high school crush didn't "get" your personality disorder and then slipped away. That's what happens in high school. But then he goes back to teach AND LIVE at his old high school and never moves on? Snape my man...marry Denise from your gym and get over it. Get a job somewhere else, join a pickleball league or somethin.

Emptying the dishwasher. Good golly.

Control Minor Static Charges Woman. It would make housecleaning easier and my keyboards would always be clean. I wouldn't have to get near dust bunnies, I would be able to slowly guide them to the trash can.

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Online bartending school. I cancelled after 5 minutes of reflection.

Finally, hackers with a cool name, like Bellingcat or Oryx. It's all I'm asking for, but the Russian and North Korean hackers are so disappointing in so many ways.