2 Post – 269 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

Gauge pressure not absolute

From what I understand often they do. And often the bond isn't anywhere close to the actual costs.

The age specifics might be important. AOC turns 35 in October, before she'd take office if elected. And therefore might actually be eligible.

5 more...

Sweet, that'll help with the ground priest they're about to get.

How did this age?

Normally I'd say that these people should be forced to endure the same shit they doled out. But there's really no way to dole out childhood trauma after the fact.

Fuck these "people". Nobody who is ok forcing another person to live and toil in these circumstances can be considered a person in my view. They are animals, humans at best.

How would you propose the intervention happen? Sit Kim down and say "bad boy, stop it"?

What can "the west" really do to prevent or stop troops from NK being sent to the Ukraine front?

Russia isn't going to stop them from crossing their border.

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Hmmm. While that would technically stop Russia from needing the troops in Ukraine, I don't think that just giving a dictator sections of land because he claimed them is a good path.

"Just give up when I take your shit" is a shit take.

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I thought the same thing in the moment. Dark Brandon answering "person woman man camera tv".

But holy shit.... we're fucked.

Yeah, make them out of metal, that rolls on metal roads. And those metal tires can carry a ton more weight, so put a lot of people in them who are going the same way.

Oh right, we already have those.

15 more...

Sounds like it's the opposite of unsafe for the companies continued profits.

Five years ago this was valid. Hell even two years ago.

Today..... You're most likely to get a bullshit sales pitch disguised as a blog that doesn't actually answer any question you asked but has one word in it from your question sentence.

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Definitely realistic, just not as profitable for rich billionaires.

Second note, the metal pipe has to be continuously metal from at minimum where it enters the house, don't trust that if you see a metal water pipe (or drain pipe) that it's grounded.

To be honest that's likely the most effective. Though not very effective compared to threats against family.

This is proof that those making the decisions fear protest to the same level as they fear long guns.

One they should fear much less, the other much more.

What a timeline.

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AvE. Was cool until pandemic happened, then got extra "conservative". Couldn't watch anymore.

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Dealers will install a tube to let gasoline flow away from hot surfaces to the ground below the vehicle.

Let's just throw it on the ground, definitely a better solution than making sure it won't leak

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It's not remarkable they keep flying. They're in space, just moving along their vector.

It is remarkable they keep operating though.

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To these fucks it's only fascism when it's against them. Tone fucking deaf

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This is what happens when you can DRM every piece of the car. Tesla is being taken as a model, and it's extremely anti consumer

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How is this not considered false advertising? You go to a shelf and see your favorite snack on sale, you grab it. Finish the rest of your selections and go to check out.

By the time you get there the price of your snack is no longer what was shown on the shelf.

If it isn't false advertising, it's bait and switch.

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You really think they offered a position without already doing that, if they were going to verify employment at all?

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Yup. Though many people call it "Utah"

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I bet they started before the supreme court was openly stacked.

This is just the result of the general populous allowing the legislators to pass whatever laws they wish, instead of laws to benefit constituents.

We need more outrage and change when these things happen. At least enough to make people remember what's happened when it's time to vote.

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To be a sink.

I'm convinced that trump considers nobody an ally, just people he can dupe or bully for what he sees as advantage.

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Old man in politics that doesn't say fuck the constitution performs better against old man that says fuck the constitution than younger woman who hates progress.

Everyone starts with the same stats and opportunity.

That looks to be a cello or bass.... Violins would have a chin rest.

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I think you mean

Working as intended

-the rich

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I learned logic and stopped accepting cognitive dissonance.

Self contradictory statement?

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But then you get shrinkflation in the product itself. Less emulsifiers in the soap, drinks with corn syrup replacing sugar, and powders like cinnamon cut with lead powder.

Not saying it couldn't be done, just that businesses are really incentivised to find the loopholes and exploit them.

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So what they are saying is, their design is so terrible that a drm module can cause their printer to become a vulnerability on the network.

Or they are just lying for profits........

Because trumps base doesn't have a long memory. They only remember the " is now a felon" from the sentence "this guy did what trump asked and because of this is now a felon"

"South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol on February 13 ordered his administration to develop tax incentives and subsidies for companies that encourage their employees to have children."

This seems fishy to me.

Why not develop tax incentives and subsidies for the parents directly, instead of giving companies another loophole?

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He hadn't slept for 40hrs. Sleep deprivation to that extent is much more likely than the mushroom to be the "cause".