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Joined 1 years ago

Not from Germany but I do speak the language. As far as I can tell, someone used to have a kinda pizza day at work but it's been cancelled so this employee started memeing on the German me_irl.

Facts have never really been my friend

I would've won 130 euros if Bellingham would've just missed the ball

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Usually this is paired with WordArt saying 'what the hap is fuckening'

Yep this was Canal Digital in the Netherlands. I sent them an e-mail that they should really stop doing this or I would mention it to the AP (Dutch privacy guard dog).

I mentioned it to the AP regardless.

To me it's sending me e-mails I have not explicitly signed up for. I have had once or twice, when I had filled out a form to order something and without pressing submit, they had already registered my e-mail address and signed me up for all kinds of spam, starting with 'weren't you about to order something'.

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You can just buy an internal DVD-ROM drive and install it in your pc. If you lack an IDE port on your motherboard you can use PCIe expansion cards. Power can be supplied by Molex.

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Maybe watch the tv show 'the Good Place' and learn something from it

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It is that's the joke

I don't watch tv either, I have seen it by downloading it from the world wide web which should be available in any country.

Oh word?

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I've since been informed you can get them with SATA connectors.

You sound like someone who would enjoy that adblocker that clicks on every ad in the background.

Edit: called

I figured disk drives were kinda obsolete so they'd use obsolete connectors.

In any event, my example was to explicitly not suggest an external disk drive on USB.

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I said internal.

Depends, but usually someone between 2300 and midnight.

It kinda feels like the designers at Tesla were approached by Elon to show him how they worked and then he tried a design himself

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My two cents: bottom line she needs the cash, and fast. Don't worry about pride. Don't have her do your garden work if you're not hiring her because of her skills.

You can ask if there is anything you can do to help and don't be vague about wanting to give financial support. If she says she won't take your money, call it a loan. Make it very clear the the first priority is that this cat is healthy and the kid has a nice birthday. Money, pride, all that stuff comes not even second. Not even third.

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SoulSeekQT is a free p2p file sharing service specifically for music and you can specify file types or bitrate in filters.

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Looks like a Nest Thermostat

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This is probably because in school you need all these intricate, factually accurate details.

If you can pick and choose which things you actually find interesting it becomes way easier

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Well... Your logic seems on point but keep in mind this is a civilisation that does hyperspace travel and stuff

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Working from home, am I right

If 'pro' is the opposite of 'con', what's the opposite of progress?

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Death con 3

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Not specifically mine but definitely that of my wife: a company called Beurer in Germany makes this little tool with a small ceramic plate that you can heat. Press the hot thing against a mosquito bite and not only does the itch go away, the actual inflammation is diminished. For 20 euros one of the best impulse buys I ever did.

We've also put in an order for an electric bicycle which I think will lead to us leaving the car now often.

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It's just horrendous

I hear good things about the Intel Arc A380. You basically only need it to convert video and the Intel is not too bad at that for not too steep a price

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Upvote for title


But beware, those exist

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I think the issue with the price thing is that it's more the rule rather than the exception. Back then maybe you got a super deluxe for 70, now 70 just gets you the base game.

In any event: the Apple Vision Pro is one. Apple puts out a VR headset that essentially does what any 800 dollar headset does for much more money and everyone loses their shit saying how revolutionary it is. It's not.

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This is for when you try to flush, but the water rises and there's no way you won't be flooding the stall. They're offering you a way out.

Houd je smoel anders zet ik je je kop tussen twee oren

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I was looking up and down for any explanation as to why 4k is different from 2160p. Shows that this one has no clue what they're talking about.

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Money is not the issue to me. I'll happily pay for every episode I watch, maybe even per download. I just don't want my content scattered across different platforms in suboptimal quality and be forced to pay a fixed fee even if I just need the one show on that platform.

It's a service issue.

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I still hear a dial-up modem when I close my eyes

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Sometimes they have contests to vote which owl is more superb.

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Actually drugs are good for you because they broaden your mind.

Actually smoking is good for you because it relieves stress.

Actually murder is good because it decreases the population.

You can rationalise anything, especially when addiction is involved.

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Objection, your honour. Irsay.

Just the one account. But I don't really use it socially so the Internet strangers can look at all they want.