42 Post – 200 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Duke Caboom nods approvingly

It may be useful to defend the 2nd amendment now, to galvanize a portion of the population. But when it's no longer useful, they'll clamp down hard on that too (just like Reagan did when the Black Panthers started arming themselves in the 80s)

Alcoholics often smell bad, and going through withdrawals will make him extra cranky too.

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They might also teach about this man:

Wow, that was an interesting read there! It seems like he may have been an influence on the character "Brother Justin" in the Carnivàle show on HBO.

It is now illegal to sleep while homeless

The EPA has been claiming high ozone levels in Colorado are due to Utah coal plants (who don't have scrubbers on them).

Utah’s legislature agreed something needed to be done and set aside $2 million — for legal fees to sue the EPA and avoid the extra cleanup.

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Popcorn futures are through the roof!

Utah has some of my favorite places earth. It's almost painful how beautiful it can be. It really is a shame what the government there does.

Quite the dream-team of groups suing here:

  • American Civil Liberties Union
  • Americans United for Separation of Church and State
  • Freedom From Religion Foundation
  • parents of Louisiana public school children

Though the intention was always to get this before the "friendly" supreme court.

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The best "malicious compliance" I saw with the "In god we trust" bullshit was to frame a $1 bill (which has the phrase on it) and post in classrooms.

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Reminds me of a joke:

In a cult, there's a guy at the top that knows it's a scam. In a religion, that guy is dead.

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It's how religion propagates as well.

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The sentence:

If you think a dementia screening test is very difficult, you may have early dementia.

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The slow walk towards injustice, and the complete failure of the judiciary, continues.

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Obligatory: Vote like your life depends on it, no matter what

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He's calling the court's bluff. I'm afraid it'll work. They should hold him in contempt and put in in jail, pending trial. I don't believe they will.

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Prager is to "University" as North Korean is to "Democratic People's Republic"

Relevance wasn't the point. The distraction/delay was the point.

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Two conservative legal scholars, members of the Federalist Society in good standing, have just published an audacious argument: that Donald Trump is constitutionally prohibited from running for president, and that state election officials have not only the authority but the legal obligation to prevent his name from appearing on the ballot.


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The supreme court is picking the next president, just like they did with Bush v. Gore. They are just doing it before the election, instead of after.

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Since RICO is likely part of the George indictment, we may get to see Trump/Giuliani/Powell/etc on the stand. That'll be amazing.

I just hope Nebraska is growing enough corn for the future popcorn needs.

He's following Kyrsten Sinema into irrelevance.

You have to hit Ctrl+S 3 or 4 times in a row, just in case too.

Freedom Caucus member as well

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It may be a long shot, but with Abortion AND Cannabis both on the ballot, it's a very distinct possibility

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Republicans are really trying hard to lose the next election.

Terraform fork:

As Blanche insists Trump is trying to follow with the rules, Merchan interrupts him. “You’re losing all credibility with the court,” he says.

Don't forget the failed attempt at impeaching Biden, via his son.

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These guys figured out a more efficient method:

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So far this morning, it's all about the prosecution pushing for Contempt charges.

Justice Merchan has repeatedly pushed Todd Blanche to clarify his arguments, only to have Blanche deny that he is saying what he seems to be saying. Trump is very lucky that the jurors are not here for this. Merchan is really dressing down Blanche right now.

Blanche is Trump's lawyer (for those who didn't know)

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Ur-Fascism #8:

  • Fascist societies rhetorically cast their enemies as "at the same time too strong and too weak". On the one hand, fascists play up the power of certain disfavored elites to encourage in their followers a sense of grievance and humiliation. On the other hand, fascist leaders point to the decadence of those elites as proof of their ultimate feebleness in the face of an overwhelming popular will.

well, pick yourselves up by your bootstraps and become a Supreme Court Justice then! Simple!