House fails to pass articles of impeachment for Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas to politics – 178 points –

if any of us pleebs wasted as much money/time as house conservatives do pretending to govern, we would have been fired long ago.

these incredibly useless human beings will be re-elected again and again and again

They intentionally break the government so they can campaign on how broken the government is. And their constituents eat it up, because it's mostly like rooting for sports teams.

NPR not covering the wildness of this vote. Not only did three Republicans cross the aisle (one more than expected), Democratic Representative Al Green of Texas showed up to vote in hospital scrubs and without socks after just getting out of surgery. The Hill Source

Holy shit that's a massive lede buried. Green going the distance for decency.

Wait, was he the one Marj Greene was whining about?

Greene told reporters, "We can basically look at this like a game, unfortunately, and there's strategy. And [the Democrats] hid one of their members, waiting till the last minute, watching to see our votes, um, trying to throw us off in the numbers we had versus the numbers they had. So yeah that was a strategy at play tonight."

Also, holy shit she's dumb. Like, she was dumb three years ago but she sounds like she takes the golf-scoring approach to intelligence. How can a person in Congress be getting dumber the longer they're there?

(Also the vote was 214-216, so even if Al Green hadn't been able to make it the GOP would still have lost. So not only does Margie not know that 216>214, she apparently also doesn't know that 216-1>214).

Dunno if you've noticed but npr has been dog shit this year. Poor to the point I've pulled my recurring donations.

They've been pushing their narratives like so many others lately and it's annoying. Dunno if I've just noticed it in the run up to the election but their quality has plummeted on the domestic and international fronts notably this past year imo.

It is crazy that the GOP is seriously trying to impeach a person for just doing their job because they know they won't get the support to impeach President Biden but they want to ruin someone's career over political bullshit because they have nothing to show of their governance for far too long.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

House Republicans failed to pass articles of impeachment for Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, scuttling an effort that was widely seen as an opportunity to deliver on a key promise to GOP base voters.

The two articles charged Mayorkas with "willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law" in enforcing border policy and "breach of public trust."

Republicans have focused on investigations and oversight to deliver on demands from their base in a divided Congress where a Democratic-controlled Senate can quash any partisan bills sent from the House.

Speaking to reporters Tuesday morning, House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., said the chamber did not take the move "lightly."

He accused Mayorkas of failing to enforce federal law "blatantly, openly, willfully and without remorse."

"They didn't want political disputes to become impeachments because that would shatter their separation of powers that vests the enforcement of the laws with the president — no matter how bad a job he does," said McClintock, R-Calif.

The original article contains 364 words, the summary contains 161 words. Saved 56%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Tonight was theatrics and unfortunately, Scalise will be back next week and they will actually impeach Mayorkas.