1 Post – 78 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Syd Mead was a concept artist. Blade Runner was based on a short story by Philip K Dick called "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?"

hackers only need a simple $169 hacking tool called Flipper Zero, a Raspberry Pi, or a laptop to pull it off.

At that point, why mention the Flipper Zero or RPi? Just say it can be done without specialized hardware. I feel like they're trying to piggyback off of the buzz from the Flipper Zero being banned in Canada recently.

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Phone systems that give you the prompt, "Press # for more options" etc are called Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems. If you encounter an IVR that asks for credit card info, social security number, etc, don't enter it in! If you stay silent, you will usually be routed to an agent, though that varies on whichever system you are calling into.

Even if the system is designed for completely non-nefarious purposes, the IT people who maintain the phone system can analyze call logs to pull electronic keypresses (DTMF) and reconstruct every digit entered to capture your data. Most IT people would never consider abusing this access, but some organizations contract or sub-contract their phone support out to the lowest bidding third parties and might not do a great job of vetting their techs.

Giving this information to a live agent has its own risks, but if you initiated a call to a documented telephone number for the organization you are trying to reach, it is generally a safer option than keying in sensitive digit strings to an IVR. It is much harder for anyone outside of the call center to scan recorded audio for information like this. (Though technology is closing that gap)

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I can't wait for someone to try to justify fleeing the police with this law. "Officer, you were executing your official duties. I was trying to obey the law by staying 25 feet from you but you kept pursuing me!"

Guess I'll cross New Orleans off my list of possible vacation destinations. Not a big fan of voluntarily entering police states.

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There's a junior Congressman from NC, Jeff Jackson (D) who offers really candid views of the House floor. He sent out a newsletter after the vote which provided some insight on what Dems were thinking about the vote.

The Speaker knew he was going to lose those folks, but he was hoping to peel off a few votes from the minority party.

Some folks in the minority were expecting him to reach out and say, “Hey, let’s make a deal. I’ll offer you this, and I want your vote.”

But instead, he went on TV the day before and basically said, “Here is my offer to the other party: Nothing.”

The minority party heard that from him and said, “Well, ok then, best of luck.”

That said, I’m not sure the Speaker could offer anything to the minority party. If he did, and his party found out, they’d be furious, and then he wouldn’t need six votes anymore - he would need 20 or 30 or 50.


My sense is that if he had felt it were at all possible for him to stay in power by working with the minority party, he absolutely would have done it - he just knew it wasn’t.

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Leader: "Alright, while he's working on breaking into their system, we'll--"

Hacker: "I'm in."

Leader: "That fast? Did you find some zero-day to exploit?"

Hacker who just tried username "admin", password "password": "Yyyyeeeeeees?"

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I have an ex with the same name as one of my sisters. You do that once, and it gets confusing and awkward. Twice? People start coming to really odd conclusions.

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Hey that's me! I coasted through high school and got to college having no work ethic or ability to really study material that I almost, but not quite, had down. Dropped out senior year to work in IT, got fired a year later, and had to move back in with my parents for almost a year before I went back and finished my degree and got a new job.

It was very humbling

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NPR not covering the wildness of this vote. Not only did three Republicans cross the aisle (one more than expected), Democratic Representative Al Green of Texas showed up to vote in hospital scrubs and without socks after just getting out of surgery. The Hill Source

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Bro, a real bro doesn't ask these questions.

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TSA? You googling this shit in the line at airport security?

Back in 2011, Rob Pardo of Blizzard said of Diablo III's always-online requirement, "I want to play Diablo 3 on my laptop in a plane, but, well, there are other games to play for times like that.”

I wasn't a fan of that sentiment and I haven't played a Blizzard game since.

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I got a former coworker an interview with my company. It was an IT job with an on-call rotation. During the interview, his phone chimes. Instead of apologizing and putting it on Silent, he pulls it out in the middle of the interview to type a reply. We ask what he's doing and he says it is work, he'll just tell them he's got a flat tire or something.

He later admitted that he had just gotten back from vacation and was severely jet-lagged, but let's just say he didn't give them a great impression. My team elbowed me for years about that one guy that I got to interview for the team.

Yeah, unfortunately, it is hard for me to hurt their bottom line because I checked out of the series after Origins.

That said, I've never sought a refund on a digital copy of a game, but I wouldn't hesitate if I paid full price for a game only to find out there were in game ads

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Bro, we lost that fight. I was watching a Youtube video of a guy clearing games from his Steam backlog and introduced one with, "So, many of you watching probably weren't alive when this game came out. Everyone talks about what a classic this is, but I don't think I've met anyone who has actually played this game."

I died a little inside when it turned out he was talking about the first Half-Life.


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Here's what NC Dem Representative Jeff Jackson said about McCarthy's removal at the time. (emphasis added). I'm sure the same stands true for Johnson today.

Some folks in the minority were expecting him to reach out and say, “Hey, let’s make a deal. I’ll offer you this, and I want your vote.”

But instead, he went on TV the day before and basically said, “Here is my offer to the other party: Nothing.”

The minority party heard that from him and said, “Well, ok then, best of luck.”

That said, I’m not sure the Speaker could offer anything to the minority party. If he did, and his party found out, they’d be furious, and then he wouldn’t need six votes anymore - he would need 20 or 30 or 50.

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Unintentionally playing the housing market.

Using some first time home buyer incentives about a decade ago, I was able to buy a house on my own. I had to pay mortgage insurance, but it still wasn't too bad. Cheaper than renting a two bedroom apartment. Five or six years later, my city keeps popping up on Most Affordable Cities lists and the real estate turns into a feeding frenzy.

When the market was at its peak, I listed my house for sale for about 70% more than I paid for it. I had an offer for it at 10k over asking and they'd buy the house sight-unseen within three days of it hitting the market.

Now, this was clearly a buyer's market so you'd think selling was easy but buying would be a nightmare right? Well, you'd be right and it took 10 months of living with my parents and a shit ton of getting outbid on houses, but I was able to get into a slightly bigger house by putting half of the value down at closing for a house that was brand new, on a bigger lot of land and closer to my family, and I was able to pay off my car loan, resulting in lower monthly payments overall for a house much better suited to my lifestyle. Since moving in two years ago, it's already appreciated another 15%, not that I'm moving out any time soon!

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While I wish CDPR had pulled the band-aid and canceled (with refund or free upgrade to next gen) the PS4 and Xbox Series platforms, my controversial opinion is that this game has been GoTY on PC since day one. Plenty of my favorite games had rough launches (Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines, No Man's Sky, Witcher 3, Skyrim - hell, I even lost an hour to the cross-save bug in Baldurs Gate 3), but it became a meme to hate on CP2077, and I understand why the devs claim to this day that the game deserves more credit.

I understand that players are tired of broken launches, and I agree that devs should be more cautious about what features they show in alpha/beta stages to manage hype, but I think the oversized backlash this game received stopped or delayed a large swathe of gamers from experiencing a truly great game and gave the devs way more stress than they had earned.

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...Irish car bombs have Bailey's Irish Cream and possibly coffee liqueur in them. Many people would say that's a pretty sweet drink.

You sure you're not thinking of an Irish Boilermaker? That's just a beer with Irish whiskey.

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Depending on how you nuked it, reddit might have just restored the comment behind your back. My reddit account shows 0 posts/comments, but a month ago I got a reply to a comment in a post I made five years ago providing instructions on how to get a game working in Linux.

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My old pup Packie was never what you would call a smart dog. He did impress me though with one learned behavior. I had started him out in a crate as a puppy, and would entice him in for the evening with a milkbone. Once the crate went away, we continued the tradition with a regular dog bed where I'd have him lay down and wait for his treat.

Fast forward a few months after I got him and had lost my job. I had to move back in with my parents while I looked for a new one. My dad and I were both night owls, him even moreso than me, so most nights ended with me saying to my dad, "Alright, I'm going to bed. Love you." Packie heard that enough times that as soon as I said it, he would perk up from wherever he was in the house and rush down to his dog bed to wait patiently. I could brush my teeth, shower, whatever. He would wait 30+ minutes for me to appear with his milkbone. When we moved back out, I could reliably tell him, "go to bed" and he would move through multiple rooms to find his bed and wait for me.

Because many of us remember before that, when Valve revolutionized the single player first person genre again and again with the Portal and mainline Half-Life games.

Any other dev would have capitalized on the massive interest in a sequel or at least sold off the property so someone else could have continued those franchises.

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Your third source also includes a transcript of the conversation which led to the defendant rushing the judge. Very helpful for understanding the story here.

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Well shit. ESXi was the best way to build a home lab when studying for the professional certifications I need.

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There's also an extended Gameplay Reveal on WoD's Youtube Channel. I haven't had a chance to watch it yet, but the trailer hasn't blown my mind. That dialog interaction looked so flat. Still, VtMB 1 had its own share of jank.

I'll still reserve judgement until I can get my hands on it.

I highly recommend one with a heated seat if you've got a reasonably accessible power outlet nearby. Just be aware that it will totally spoil you and make pooping away from home even less fun than it already is.

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Death Stranding Director's Cut via PlayStation Plus membership. I had a healthy amount of skepticism about it at launch, but it got its hooks in me deep. I've got 80 hours so far and I'm planning to Platinum it before moving on.

It's one of those games that will either bore you to tears or suck you in. Half of my gaming sessions are just spent building infrastructure. The game progression is on point.

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I have Max included with my home internet plan. I use it so little that if I was paying $16/month for it, I could probably drop it and just buy Blu-Rays for any movies or shows that I would watch on there and still be ahead at the end of the year. Plus then I'd have media to keep for when they inevitably delist it on the streaming catalog to save syndication fees.

About 90 seconds of alt rock, then someone will get my attention to ask a question, I'll take my headphones off, then sit for three hours with them on my neck until I remember to put them on again.

I think it's a textbook Your Mileage May Vary game (pun mildly intended if you've played it). You have to have the tolerance for Kojima running wild and doing his thing, and it only works if you are engaged in the core gameplay loop, but if both are true, it's easily a 70+ hour game. The Director's Cut was the second game I ever took the time to Platinum.

I don't think this trailer will sell many new players on the experience if they weren't down for the first one, but I'm excited to play the sequel. Seems like it's going to land some real gut punches.

After trying a few grocery store deli sandwiches, I will avoid fast food sandwich shops unless there's simply nothing else available. The deli is there to get you in the store to spend money. They don't have as much of a financial incentive to skimp on the ingredients. It wasn't uncommon for me to get a sandwich so stuffed I couldn't close it

Well, half-elf. But yeah, pointy ears are a bit more appealing than green skin and short noses or red skin and horns, I guess. People are boring.

Been following the NYT live coverage for most of the day. The defense claimed that they did not object more because there was intense discussion before the jury was brought in for the day about what the prosecution could cover in Daniels' testimony. The defense believed that the questions asked were following what the prosecution and judge had agreed upon and that their objections would not be received well.

It's a flimsy justification, but that was their response during the mistrial discussion.

Half? Bet that number is higher. Linux can run on a potato if you find the right distro.

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Keep in mind that the game has been in Early Access for almost three years. Anybody who played the game in that span but hasn't launched it since yesterday is going to push that percentage down.

My work laptop is a brick until it establishes a VPN tunnel back to the home network. There are ways to ensure the device only works how the company wants it to.

Can someone please tell the freedom fighters in Palestine to flip their phones and film horizontal

— Mia K. (@miakhalifa) October 7, 2023

Tweet deleted, but referenced in this news source

I believe the use of the term "freedom fighters" is the point of contention.

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Damn, beat me to it. Well, at least here it is in visual format