Lawsuit challenges new Louisiana law requiring classrooms to display the Ten Commandments to politics – 137 points –
Lawsuit challenges new Louisiana law requiring classrooms to display the Ten Commandments

Quite the dream-team of groups suing here:

  • American Civil Liberties Union
  • Americans United for Separation of Church and State
  • Freedom From Religion Foundation
  • parents of Louisiana public school children

Though the intention was always to get this before the "friendly" supreme court.

Though the intention was always to get this before the "friendly" supreme court.


Best case scenario: The schools' walls will be plastered with tenets from every religion instead of anything actually useful to learning or society.

Worst case: Christianity gets a free pass yet again, the goal posts are moved, and more of it is going to get shoved into everything.

My dumbass state requires every classrom display 'In God We Trust" and they got away with it because they're not saying which God. Even assuming that's a valid loophole (it's not), it tramples on the rights of those who don't believe in such fairy tales.

The best "malicious compliance" I saw with the "In god we trust" bullshit was to frame a $1 bill (which has the phrase on it) and post in classrooms.

Jokes on them... that's the actual God these politicians worship

β€œWe think this is already covered by clear Supreme Court precedent,” said Patrick Elliott, the legal director for the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

Unfortunately, the current surpreme court does not care about precedent.