
1 Post – 182 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Why would I shell out $50 to play on a tiny ass screen with shitty touchscreen controls? Fuck that noise.

And 160 years later his legacy has been coopted by the same sort of people who killed him to begin with.

The new LA law that I'm told actually lists 11 commandments.

Article says that he's also requested to speak at the Dem convention. So it's not that he's supporting El Presidente Convicto, but rather taking the opportunity to speak to a captive audience. Good luck to him, but I'm not gonna hold my breath that he's actually going to convince anyone there to stop sucking corporate cock.

Every accusation is a confession, after all.

Hey now, Orban cares.

Look, if Rafael Cruz was willing to listen to voters on anything other than oppressing minorities he wouldn't be GOP.

Last I heard, he decided to bow out of politics after his anti-semitism blew up in his face. Maybe someone finally forced him to take his meds?

If a full fifth of your workforce needs to be sacked, it's clearly a management issue, so let's start at the top.

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Not to celebrate her death, but fucking finally. The woman was literally older than the Golden Gate Bridge and had no business being in government at her age. She should've retired with some dignity decades ago.

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Once again, GOP proving that they never operate in good faith.

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Man is also a member of the party responsible for the dysfunction, don't forget that.

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but muh 20-d chess

What a fucking clown. Shareholders should be holding him personally liable for tanking the company.

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Giberson’s mother said that for her son, the 2020 election was like watching his favorite baseball team on a World Series run.

Both of them are fucking morons.

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So? If you let fear of fascist reprisal stop you from upholding the rule of law, then they've won.

Are you telling me that Elon Musk might be, perhaps, quiet quitting? The horror.

Seriously, fuck that guy.

This fuck is still alive? After I stopped hearing about him for awhile I assumed he'd done us all a favor and followed Rush to hell.

So, he's having a gay affair, right?

“Right now, Washington, D.C. is broken,” Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-Ariz.) said in a statement when announcing that she would not run for reelection. “[I]t is hard to get anything done.”

And whose fault is that?

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So, he basically did the same thing that McCarthy did? I don't remember if it got brought up before, but does Johnson still have to worry about getting deposed on a whim, or did they not include that this time?

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"We're living in a completely amoral society."

Christofascists being completely incapable of acting morally without the threat of external violence is an indictment on you, not the rest of us.

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I took it as mockery of the transparently flimsy pretexts given by the IDF, myself, rather than anything about the victims.

Look, the doctrine of papal infallibility means that by definition this is anything but heretical, and any who don't like it can go and form their own church with blackjack and hookers.

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Didn't Neuralink fail animal testing? Something about most of their monkeys dying from the trials? How did this get to human testing?

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Because clearly taking pain and suffering into account is just beside the point at this point for Texas.

No, the suffering is the point. The entire "pro-life" "stance" is nothing more than an excuse to indulge in oppression.

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Get your butts back in the office so that you can spend all day in Zoom meetings. Thanks but no thanks.

That requires that all parties act in good faith, which the GOP has not done for decades.

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Those sentences are obscene. This isn't like in the actual Trump trials, where people who presumably actually know shit get deals to turn on Trump. Why the hell are they getting such light sentences?

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Man, it's almost like apartheid governments engaging in ethnic cleansing can't be trusted to operate in good faith or something. Imagine that.

“Kevin McCarthy does not let these things get underneath his skin.”

Pfft, if that were the case we wouldn't be here to begin with.

Of course compromise is impossible when you're a hardliner who refuses to engage in good faith.

Do we really want a man who, by his own admission, is so clearly suffering from dementia as the House Speaker? I'm just asking questions here.

/s, obviously

"Law and order" has always been a dog whistle for "oppressing minorities". They've just dropped the pretense, is all.

Death cultists trying to usher in their prophesied end of the world by propping up a new kingdom of god.

Maybe he's racist against immigrants? Alternatively, maybe he's hoping that they'll care more about him being a fellow rich person (if he is in fact rich) than about his gay blackness (they don't).

Where exactly do they think the Gazans can go?

Judging from what's already happened multiple times in the past couple months, the Gazans can go gather in one place to get conveniently bombed.

new leadership that keeps their word, tells the truth, and adheres to regular order

So, no one from the GOP then. Got it.

Because he's a self-proclaimed Zionist and the end goal of Zionism has always been genocide. Now, why is he a Zionist? shrugs

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Thanks, I hate it. You're a monster, OP.

That's because pretty much everything does cause cancer eventually. That's just a consequence of how cellular division works. The trick is knowing how much exposure to any given thing is needed to cause cancer, and whether you're likely to reach that threshold before you die of anything else.

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