House Passes Johnson’s Plan to Avert Shutdown in Bipartisan Vote to politics – 193 points –
House Passes Johnson’s Plan to Avert Shutdown in Bipartisan Vote

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So, he basically did the same thing that McCarthy did? I don't remember if it got brought up before, but does Johnson still have to worry about getting deposed on a whim, or did they not include that this time?

He did exactly what they threw McCarthy out for and Democrats got everything they wanted, Republicans got nothing of what they wanted.

I think this could be looking at it from the wrong perspective. To me, Johnson's rise to speaker looks like a calculated effort by Christian Nationalists (aka MAGA) to position a future coup leader and presidential candidate. McCarthy is an unpopular career politician, where Johnson is a younger unkown on the national stage. The Conservative propaganda machine tried to position DeSantis as Trump's successor, but he's proved a total failure.

Calling it now. Johnson will run for president in 2028 and, depending on polling, could be Trumps VP pick. He wouldn't think twice about doing what Pence failed to do on Jan 6.

Trump will be 82 and in jail or dead by 2028.

Stop it, I can only get so erect!

Some scandal will tank him before he gets that far. I heard rumors a male escort is going to come forward about a relationship with Mike Johnson. Not saying that's true, but it's just a matter of time before something comes out.

and Democrats got everything they wanted

Except funding for Ukraine and a better timeframe.

Well, it still has to go through the Senate

Oh. So there's still a chance to make it worse.

Last I saw, McConnell was pressing for funding Ukraine. Whether he'll have to compromise or ever intended to fight for it is anyone's guess.

This deadline is longer than the previous funding bill's deadline and the added attention on the Israel-Hamas conflict has given factions on both sides something to compromise on: No funding for Ukraine in exchange for no funding for Israel. It's a bit weird, but it worked out for Johnson.

I was countering the assertion that Democrats got everything they wanted. They did not.

It seems that that may have mostly been a guise for how much the Freedom Caucus personally hated Kevin McCarthy more than anything.

You have to remember, these people don't actually have principles or goals.

Principles no, goals yes. Their goal is autocratic power for autocratic power's sake.

Basically, they are acting like school kids. Class might not calm down for the substitute teacher, but when the principal shows up they suddenly behave.