
1 Post – 294 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Moving from lemmy.world.

And if a company makes a negligent decision, which kills a million people over time, why is no one being put on death row? They can and do have it both ways, but I can still wish for a just world where if companies are people, they can be put to death for mass casualties caused by their decisions.

NCIX Tech Tips: Special Victims Unit

Right? It's like COVID laid bare all the injustices and bullshit of our society and social structures and all but destroyed any motivation to accomplish anything that I had. Things just seemed pointless cause the old myths are fucking lies and I'm tired of killing myself for others during the prime years of my life.

What do you do when your apathy is due, in part, to the world being a cesspool where a few have the most? It really sucks.

Dude, just fucking die already. I hope they double their efforts of subpoenas going forward. If a spotlight is cast on a Democrat, well call for their removal as well. Politics should not be a "get rich quick" scheme. You work for us, asshole, and it's high time we reminded you/them of that fact.

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I don't blame it for cutting off earth. This place is toxic and self destructive.

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Ya know, I've seen a lot of posts regarding Elon Musk spam in this community, and calls to "ban" them, yet every week we get gloom and doom posts like this when some new subset of the world starts seeing this shit. I'd really like to see a pinned message about the fix, which is...

  1. Install Firefox or a derivative, and add the uBlock Origin extension.

If you visit YouTube and see the pop-up, the page isn't loading the video content, or it just seems to be acting strange, do the following:

  1. Click on the uBlock Origin brown shield in your extensions.
  2. Click the three little gears icon to enter the settings.
  3. Make sure you're in the Filter lists section from the top and click the Purge all caches button below it.
  4. Click the Update now button.
  5. Wait until the filter update completes.
  6. Refresh the tab(s) that YouTube is in.
  7. Press play.

I literally have no other installed add-ons for ad blocking, anymore. Only uBlock Origin. Any time I see the message or YouTube starts acting up, I just repeat those 7 steps above for any YouTube tab that was already open, and viola, the video plays. It has simplified so many issues for me and reduced the number of adblock extensions I need to run.

I definitely plan on donating this holiday season to their team, probably the biggest share of the pie between the FOSS apps I enjoy and appreciate. Should uBlock Origin ever fail, I'll just stop going to YouTube.

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I'll give up on YouTube before I give up my ad blocks or 3rd party apps. Fuck off Google.

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When HOA authoritarianism doesn't hit as hard anymore.

No other game has had the impact on my way of thinking more than Outer Wilds.

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Begun, the AI Wars have.

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I saw a post a while back that said millennials use "no problem" instead of "you're welcome" because no problem signifies the act was of little effort and was no problem to do. However, "you're welcome" implies entitlement, as in you are welcomed to my time and effort, or some shit. I don't remember, but yeah, just a "generational thing."

So yeah it's a "can I speak to your manager" boomer thing, as usual. Only group I ever see getting their panties in a wad over a phrase. Just like "Merry Christmas" changing to "Happy Holidays" erases their religion or dares to put other similar holidays, in the same approximate time of the year on equal footing, making their religious holiday less significant.

As a father of a soon-to-be-4-year-old, that picture tears me up inside. I can't fathom losing my son, especially not in this way. That goes for both sides of this fucking terrible thing.

Children. Are. Not. Acceptable. Collateral. Damage.

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And we can call wind farms, "Jesus Farms!"

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This is so fucking disgusting. There is no way the IDF doesn't have precision munitions or know what they are targeting. Also, why the fuck even look to bomb a refugee camp? Why bomb a fucking playground inside a refugee camp? How can any civil person do that to children, regardless of their ethnicity? If the goal is to rid the area of Hamas, all they do is create more of them by doing this shit.

I'm sorry, I was willing to give the IDF the benefit of the doubt, but after other instances of a similar type, there is no doubt that this and other attacks on innocent children are deliberate. This was a playground. This was a refugee camp. These were children... Meanwhile, I'll watch as many of the world's governments shake their fists in the air at Israel, and do nothing more to stop any of this.

I'm gonna go hug my son while I mourn the world he is inheriting.

It even did the same thing with enterprise customers. All our machines suddenly started asking us to enable search. Like why do I need another thing when opening the Start Menu and typing is the same fucking thing?? And to fuck with my group policies and undo the customization I had is mega infuriating.

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Weird. One way or another, they're gonna get my money!! How dare they make a great tool for free, and accept nothing for their time and contributions!! The nerve of some devs, I tell ya! /s

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Hey this is what they wanted, right? Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps, ya chucklefucks! Stop buying all that diabetic medicine and eating out at Bob Evans every day!

Let's see how many of those same boomers still blame everyone else, including liberals, for how their life is ending up and continue voting for the same party that stripped them of the social safetynets and policies that may have helped them out in a situation like this.

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"Get over it," from the same guy who's still butt hurt over losing. Got it! People losing their child, while other kids experience the trauma of the event: "get over it!" Same dude losing an election: "we need to stop the steal."

Well, they keep killing them, but the reporters keep reporting! /s

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Stop, I can only get so erect!

Chastity belt? Handcuffs? Now we're taking about a good time!

They really shouldn't...

Interesting enough, the old Super Mario movie was the premise of the Some More News movie. It's a little out there and references past episodes of SMN, but when they start landing the references and comparisons, it blows your mind!

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Psh, the capitalists will save us all with their record profits and zeros at the end of their bank accounts! I'm sure that's not why these rich assholes aren't trying to race into space or anything.

If anyone is dumb enough to put anything from that dude into their head, that brain was already damaged!

Or a bunch of idiots kill a bunch of people.

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I'd imagine YouTube subtracts the ad length from posted timestamps when clicking a link containing one. But we are taking about Google, soooooo...

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I have already begun to move from Google services.

Look for other large corporations to continue this trend: offer a product to the masses for free, wait until you have little to no competitors and dominate in market share, then put it behind a pay wall or strongarm changes that most of the population doesn't understand. Oracle did it with Java, knowing most companies were too invested to look for alternatives, and now Google is doing it with their Chrome baked-in privacy changes and ad crackdown.

I expect to see more of this trend from "free" services as the people continue to wake up and take their personal data seriously. We know the government(s) won't do a thing to change the status quo, and I have no idea what else to do other than cry into my ramen and binge watch the death of a planet in 4K!

Unfortunately, the rich keep scarcity high to ensure they not only make the most money, but they can use less money to buy favors from those with less. Man greed sucks...

I'll pass, thanks. Too many streaming platforms already.

Yeah, but a noticable increase in inappropriate jean applications!

TL;DR I worked for a department store as someone who fetched large/heavy objects for customers. Coworkers smoked together outside multiple times on shift. I did not smoke. I took "smoke breaks" in the back break room whenever this happened and a newer middle manager tried to make me work while they smoked. This same manager would later get flustered when I offered to buy an old unsellable item for 10 cents USD and he agreed. I was serious, he was not!

In 2004, I worked for the moderately sized department store, K's Merchandise, before they went under. A few months before I quit, we got a new mid-level manager. He was a young guy with clear aspirations to move higher in the near future.

I worked as what they called a 600. I don't remember why it was called that, but my job, along with a couple other 600s per shift, were to bring up large couches, non-assembled furniture, and anything that was too heavy or bulky to exist on the floor. These items were stored in the back warehouse. I got a lot of daily steps in with this job for all the walking we did. When a customer bought one of the large warehouse items, we would grab an appropriate cart and bring it to the front to load for the customer. We would carry walkie-talkies and floor salespeople would call for us to come get a ticket with the item(s) to be pulled.

All of my coworkers at the time smoked and were permitted to take smoke breaks periodically. I didn't smoke, so any time they took smoke breaks, and they'd do it as a group with some others in the store, I'd be the only 600 available.

One day, my coworkers went to smoke with others, leaving me alone again. So, with my walkie still with me, I sat in the back and drank a small drink item from a vending machine in the staff break room. As I sat there drinking my...chocolate milk, I think, the newer middle management comes in from the back warehouse and asks me why I'm sitting down when I should be in the back sweeping the warehouse and other such stuff while business is slow.

I told him I was on a smoke break while the others were also on a smoke break. When he brought up how I was not smoking and needed to get back to work, I refused on principal as I felt I was being punished for not smoking. He wasn't pleased but just told me to keep the walkie close. I got to take little breaks like this whenever I was working with those other guys that smoked.

This was also the same manager that casually complained about some large mirror, with corkboard, set in a wooden frame that wasn't selling. I offered to buy it for $0.10. He laughed it off like I was joking and said sure. So I brought the item up front a little while later to ring it up. Told the cashier that the manager said I could get it for 10 cents. She congratulated me on my purchase.

As I was coming back inside after loading it into my FORD AEROSTAR van, the manager asked me if I had really purchased that thing for 10 cents and when I confirmed he said he never said that I could. I corrected him and brought up how others were there when he said I could. He had no choice but to let me keep it.

That mirror still has a place in my house, 20-years later!

Replacing the Windows key. Calling it right now. You'll be forced into using AI in future Windows versions by turning your, "Windows key + typing app you want to open," to a hyper-active Cortana you help, "train" with your data.

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I hope you're right. I grew up learning about the Cold War. Didn't think I'd have to experience it, but these fuckers refuse to leave power unless they die, and even then the survivors just Weekend at Bernie's the corpse like Feinstein.

Did you mean to say Windows 10?

Ads have been served in Home edition since 10 was dropped with 1507. And they strip group policy from it to make it harder to change that. Windows Vista to Windows 8.1 were offered free upgrades to Windows 10, based on the version those keys belonged to.

I'm right now testing Windows 11 deployment for work and I hate it. I'll move to Linux before I move to Windows 11 on my personal devices.

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Edit: see comment from @Zipitydew@sh.itjust.works below this.

Throughout history, America has chosen to ignore warnings of impending attacks. Australia notified the US about the Japanese fleet movement and, if I remember, even predicted the target was Hawaii. They did nothing to stop that attack in order up get the US into the war to help Europe when isolationism in the population was making the idea of getting into the war unpalatable.

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But it would make us feel better!

Nice try fuck face. You're literally on TV talking to, about, and with her. Fuck, this guy is insufferable. I'd go to church everyday and pray to whatever God would end his existence* so we don't have to listen to this shit anyone.

*not condoning any violence against another human being by a human being; only divine intervention which seems to be a thing people believe in and how it can happen by magic sky daddies

First, any veteran worth their weight in salt know they aren't some sort of Messiah for the people. Those of us that served, myself included, joined and did our jobs to protect others; family, friends, communities, and country. Only those veterans with selfish intentions would hold a private business in less regard for refusing service to anyone they are legally able to refuse service to.

Second, this is about uniformed police, not veterans. Those two things are not synonymous. Veterans, the ones I mentioned in the first paragraph, don't feel the need to walk around with their dicks guns out to buy a bagel. I'm not sure if you are conflating them out of ignorance or a misunderstanding.

Ahh the early 2000s. What a time to be a teenager with new tech, a dialup network, and bootleg videos that occasionally contained someone's browser or a floating mouse or a separate video that briefly starts playing over the screen-capped video!

Back when the Internet was new and not a dying corpse, drained of all it's essence by monied interests!

Now I have a 4 yo and experience this once every few months. One session was on my leg and computer chair, another was all over his bed, etc.

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