‘Unconscionable’: Baby boomers are becoming homeless at a rate ‘not seen since the Great Depression’ — here’s what’s driving this terrible trend

return2ozma@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 217 points –

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Hey this is what they wanted, right? Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps, ya chucklefucks! Stop buying all that diabetic medicine and eating out at Bob Evans every day!

Let's see how many of those same boomers still blame everyone else, including liberals, for how their life is ending up and continue voting for the same party that stripped them of the social safetynets and policies that may have helped them out in a situation like this.

Implying that Boomers only vote Republican is reductionist and unproductive. They vote proportionately similar to the rest of the country. There's just THAT many retards across all age groups, including Gen Z, in America that vote against their economic interests.

I'm not disagreeing that retards exist in all age groups but saying Boomers vote proportionally similar to the rest of the country isn't accurate either.

Ages 18-29 voted 60% for Biden and 36% for Trump. Ages 65 and older voted 45% for Biden and 52% for Trump.
