
1 Post – 119 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Every woman I know is making scrapbooks, knitting her own hats and some more for others, taking care of some kids

Wow... there's a lot to unpack here... have you ever met a woman before?

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I cannot fathom why this is the title.

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Yeah cause a Warrior Poet is something that nobody has ever aspired to, or claimed is the peak of masculinity.

Oh cool she definitely represents the entire female population of the world. Maybe you should go try and meet a second or even third woman (not including your mother), it might give you a broader perspective.

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Sorry to be the one to break this to whoever still believes this:

The main myths surrounding the Great Library of Alexandria are that 1) it was just one enormous library 2) containing a half-million or more scrolls full of ancient knowledge that was 3) sensationally destroyed in a senseless act of vandalism.

Problem is, there's no hard evidence to substantiate any of that nonsense. There are so many fantasy accounts of the “Great Library,” its founding, its contents and its destruction that we today really do not know how much of it is true and how much is revisionist bullshit. But we're pretty sure most of it is revisionist bullshit.

It's more likely that the “Great Library of Alexandria" was actually comprised of two or three (or maybe more) small “libraries,” which were just limited collections of scrolls and reading rooms associated with various Greek temples. These were all part of the larger Mouseion (a scholarly Greek institution honoring the 9 goddesses of the Arts, aka the Muses), which had branches all over the Greek world at the time, all the way back to Athens.

The Greeks were also famous for making multiple, multiple handwritten copies of any literature they encountered, such that the scroll collections at Alexandria probably existed as duplicate copies elsewhere all across the Greek world. So, it would be virtually impossible to destroy the collected knowledge of the Ancient World by simply destroying one “library" in one city.

Furthermore, the alleged fiery destruction of the “Great Library” has undoubtedly been blown out of proportion for millennia, right up to the present, by opinionated pseudo-historians attempting to assign blame for one heinous act that may not have even happened. The fact is that nobody knows how the Great Library (or several small reading rooms) of Alexandria came to an end. Very likely, it met the common fate of most libraries throughout history…a gradual decline of interest and eventual extinction due to lack of funding.

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How dare you disparage Hank Scorpio by comparing him to Elon!

One is a cartoonish villain that's become completely unhinged in his mad quest for power, the other is voiced by Albert Brooks!

So anyone on a website other than instagram is an ugly man or a lesbian...

...man the hot takes just keep coming don't they?

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Yeah seems really weird that a service with 2/3rds or more of the users than Discord is completely unknown to me or any of my fellas on the group discord when I asked them.

Can't tell if I am falling out of touch, the service is aimed at a completely different demographic than me, or these numbers are bullshit.

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I guarantee some busybody middle manager would care, especially if they wanted to fire someone and were trying to find a reason.

@PeachMan wasn't saying this because they have some ethical problem with what OP is doing, they are saying this because this is technically what OP is doing, and could be held liable for if it was ever brought to the wrong persons attention.

You really are confused, I never asked for a list, and didn't take this personally in any way.

I just think you have some weird misogynistic views of what a woman is, and what their interests are.

literally no downside except for needing to tax the rich

So literally no downside at all then?

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While I mostly keep watching the show out of some kind of morbid fascination, I've always believed that Rick literally is Morty in some way, or at least that was the originally intended big reveal.

It's just too on brand for the shows sense of humor, and at least in the first season they were really into deconstructing or mocking a lot of classic Sci Fi tropes that while not that well known to the average viewer, any Sci Fi nerd would instantly recognize (in other words, Futurama but with dick jokes), and what fits better into that mold than the Grandfather Paradox?

When I have mentioned this, a few people have said that Rick "refuses to do time travel" or similar, but again what is more on brand for the show than for Rick to just go "Haha fuck you, I always knew how to time travel, but I don't do it because reasons!" or some similar reversal. I mean they spent the first season loudly saying they weren't a serialized story, while dropping breadcrumbs about a grand serialized story.

Apparently the recent anime crossover semi-confirms this theory, but I can't be arsed to watch it, and I don't think it is canon anyways (or if it is, it's from dimension D-414 or something).

Where were they condescending or patronizing? They just disagreed with you politely, relax dude.

Yes clearly there is nothing inbetween American Conservative (extreme far right) and Commie. You got it, there are two flavours of politics, commies and 'muricans.

Rattlesnake in the wild, thanks to an insane ex-military Scout leader I had that was trying to prove a point to us (his Scout troop).

It was actually a lot better than I expected, but I wouldn't recommend it for a number of (hopefully) obvious reasons.

I know it stretches the definition of Internet Argument, but this video never fails to make me laugh:


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Pretty weird joke.

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What website are you on lmao? Reddit is constantly mentioned, nearly every instance is majority Reddit refugees, there are Reddit repost bots on multiple instances.

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It needs more memes and less edgy teenagers screaming about politics (that they clearly don't understand and take way too seriously).

Seriously I come to websites like this to get a mix of news and humour, not get yelled at by children who advocate for totalitarian regimes to "own the libs", I am on the verge of changing instances because lemm.ee won't let me block all of the two offenders at once, and I have to constantly remove every bullshit new sub they create, not to mention them infesting the comments section of anything news related to scream about "libs".

Literally they are indistinguishable from reddits T_D crowd, they act just as hateful and use the same language, they seem more concerned with "the libs" than any other political group, and they worship mass murdering dictators while being holocaust deniers / apologists. They can call themselves leftists as much as they want, all I see from them is hatred so they might as well be Trump Qanon Cultists.

It's because as conditions changed, they never lost that mentality.

My boomer parents make twice the food they need to eat for dinner every single time and then just throw out or freeze and forget the leftovers, they could literally cut their food budgets in half just by being more reasonable with their portion sizes.

They have coffee at home and a nice coffeemaker, they go out for coffee almost every day driving a round trip of ~50km for the exact same brand of coffee they have at home, and when I mentioned this to them the last time they were having financial problems they said something to the effect of "oh well it's only a few dollars each" not even understanding that the gas they use and the wear they put on their vehicles is part of it too, and maybe it only costs a few dollars (plus gas etc) that when you do it every day it adds up.

It's literally the same as talking to my preteen nieces and nephews, they just have no concept of the value of a dollar, and are completely unwilling to change a single aspect of their lives to save money, and then get confused as to how they keep running out of money before the end of the month. I know that sooner or later I am going to have to take them in, or put them in a home, because they can't even manage their own finances and get angry and defensive any time I try to make suggestions to help them.

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No, it's duct tape. If you bought gaffer tape that looks like the tape in the image, it was mislabeled or misadvertised, gaffer tape is made of different material and is not usually shiny, because light reflection would not be a good thing for what it is used for.

Judging from playing video games in EU lobbies, "Hamburger"?

Definitely Chaotic Evil, have you ever read his 3am rage tweets?

I thought all the bronies died off, seems we have more work to do.

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Yet somehow manages to be even more cringe than Squall, which is quite the achievement.

Just like he fought Zuckerberg, and how he followed through on the Twitter purchase without having to be forced!

I finally played Mass Effect 3, I'd played 1 and 2 but after all the stink about 3 and it being on Origin / EA Play for years I never bothered until a recent $1 sale on a month of that EA subscription, which has ME3 on it.

I spent 90%+ of the game going "Wow this isn't bad at all, I am really impressed! This really is a good game!"

...until I got to the ending sequence, when it felt like the game had taken crazy pills all of a sudden. I understood why everyone was mad about it, and totally agree that it ruined the game. It wasn't that Shepherd died, it wasn't the Red/Blue(/Green) choice they gave you, it was a combination of 3 factors though:

  1. Crippling your character and making you limp along, unable to use any of your powers, forced to slog through a bunch of token combat EDIT with only pistol, and all your cosmetic choices were erased as you drag around at half speed through corridors just to get further in the chain of conversations.

  2. Except for the pass/fail check on the conversation with the Illusive Man (which is very easy to miss the requirements for without expecting it), none of what you did before entering that final sequence matters, it really was just press a button to receive ending. On that same note, you can have all 3 endings regardless of what you did, spent the entire trilogy making nothing but Renegade choices? Don't worry you can still press the Blue button! Hail Mary deathbed confession!

  3. I found the child avatar kind of out of place and a bit weird, yes I know it was a reference to the kid that died, but it was not really immersive and it made this gigantic long conversation that makes up "the last boss" really awkward, especially since half the conversation is just explaining the story for people that weren't paying attention or missed all the side quests.

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.

-Robert A. Heinlein

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There's probably an XKCD about that.

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What's wrong with Boomer?

new games

It's a decade old lol.

Oh but do you also remember how they blew up SMNC (Super Monday Night Combat) on their way out, and their last two moves on SMNC were:


2 - Apologizing and promising to update the game soon, and abandoning it to work on PA, which had a day 1 price of $90 on Early Access (because it wouldn't be fair to the kickstart backers)!

I loved MNC, I loved SMNC until they wrecked it, but I will never give that company another cent. Also if you're curious why you never heard of Star Theory Games doing all that shady stuff, it's because they used to be Uber Entertainment Inc. and literally renamed themselves to try and shed the bad name they made for themselves. Oh and now they've changed their name AGAIN to Galactic Annihilation, but it's the same people. Do not trust them.

"Hey you! Join the Navy!!"

I really don't think you understood me there.

I am mocking your claim that "nobody mentions reddit", those repost bots are definitely not one of the main complaints maybe one of the top 5 or 10 tops, and nobody cares about mentioning reddit stop being a baby.

More clear?

Wtf is "atompunk" and why does every single sci fi genre have to be called somethingpunk now? Cyberpunk had a reason to be called that, I really don't see the reasoning behind every other somethingpunk moniker.

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You know I heard S2 was bad, so I didn't watch it when it came out but planned on eventually giving it a chance, but this thread and specifically this post just convinced me to never watch it and just keep the memory of Westworld being good in my head lol.

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Play map games, may I suggest HOI4?

That's just daycare with less steps.

Pretty big self report there lmao.

They were playing a game of Hedbanz / Headbands / Celebrity , and one of them had The Good Witch Glinda from Wizard of Oz as their character, and they are arguing about them not guessing it based on the clues.