HBO Does not streams WestWorld anymore to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ – 69 points –

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You know I heard S2 was bad, so I didn't watch it when it came out but planned on eventually giving it a chance, but this thread and specifically this post just convinced me to never watch it and just keep the memory of Westworld being good in my head lol.

I mean, comparatively season 2 is worse than the first one but not a massive shitshow. Season 3 though, oh fucking boy. I'd say maybe watch the second season just for some sort of closure, but then definitely stop!

I'd say season 2 at least kept close to the original premise of being a mind fuck in the park (albeit many parks this time). It wasn't as good as the original but I don't think it's as bad as the other guy says. After that though the whole tone changed so much in S3 that I didn't even bother with S4.

Season 4 was better than 3 IMO. I really enjoyed it whereas S3 I struggled to sit through. It carried the story forward and pretty much finished the show. I felt closure after watching S4 and satisfied with the ending (if you ignore the last 2 minutes where they try to set up an unneeded 5th season.)