
1 Post – 45 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

This one is from a coworker. He noticed there was a file named ~ inside his home. Decided to delete it. So rm -rf ~.

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Socialism is the name for the economy system where the working class rule the means of production.

Installed to use bingGpt. Never use it. But somethis it get some updates.

It's missing GNU 🐂 project and free 🕊️ software.

It would be nice if you say in the post which apps are those that hold you. People would be able to suggest solutions.

Here it goes. The cube one was posted above. https://github.com/Schneegans/Burn-My-Windows

Fpr tldr I do prefer tealdeer (rust) instead of the node implementation in the post

For tmux there are screen that is simpler, I mostly use in server. In my local I like to use zellij, that is a tmux like implemented in rust.

Don't miss ripgrep. Really awesome/fast replacement for grep.

Yeah. Maybe even better with a distro with a more updated kernel btw.

Sorry. English is not my first language. Can some one tell me what's wrong?

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I would go with clonezilla or dd. Always making a backup first. Do you have a tirth drive for it?

Java, JavaScript, Python and SQL and you'll be pretty safe for some of the years to come.

Many years ago I would reinstall everything if I break something. Today I don't see how to break things to a point that just resin stalling would be a solution. Probably by booting a live you can fix whatever you broke.

Arch user. Just had a really good experience with Debian on old 32bits hardware. The survey suggested Debian. I'm thinking if I shouldn't use Debian everywhere instead of Arch everywhere.


Omg looks like people think omz is a shell.

I feel like everybody got it so serious. I got it as a which one would you choose.

Last time I had to edit something I used olive. Didn't got in my way to get work done. So, I liked it. Olive uses QT instead if GTK. But I use gnome as my DE for some years. I try something else time to time but always get back to gnome.

So between these two, that there are many years I don't try. Just by the picture. I would choose piviti. Qt things use to have way more preferences visibe at once, qt apps looks more advanced tools. Some times this may add noise to get to the few important things/ui elements buttons to get the work done. But my experience with Olive and Mixx that are both QT were really good. Maybe I should try KDE again.

I would find the media stream requests in inspector and build a yt-dlp command adding same headers you find there. I was able to download some coursers like this.

No. Zsh. It's pretty easy to have a nice auto compl. No need for omz. After knowing poweline10k I just use it and syntax highlight plugin, manually installed. There is no need to add entire omz.

I would find it funny a couple of years ago. Nowadays, it feels kind of sad.

Just get to know Rio that may be an alternative to Alacrity.

There was also a Tetris with soft pieces.

Just funded there is Not Tetris 2

Yeah * and +

Thought more vim folks would notice this.

Will help if you post you lsblk

I have the same mice. Really nice isn't it?


Inertia. I installed it a few years ago, and I kind of want to move to openSUSE or Fedora, but I'm too comfortable here.

Everytime I see something about nixos

You need to configure everything. That includes the security stuff like AppArmor and SELinux you don't understand.

Are those really important thing I should have configured? The only safety thing I have is LUKS encription.

If you're using gnome there's a really nice extension.

Is this gnome?

What do you have on your cat /sys/power/mem_sleep ?

That's it. Do a backup before. I would go for converting from ext4 into btrfs, already did it before. Arch Wiki about converting ext4 into btrfs.

As I had really good experiences with some rust replacements I got into zellij, that's probably worst the tmux.

Oh. So I didn't need LVM and LUKS at my install?

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You wouldn't need too much config for arch and gnome.

Does it have some css that changes the top bar? Shouldn't a groove box theme just set colors?

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Had no idea this is achaviable with gnome. How did you changed toolbar like that?

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~ is a "aliás" to your user home directory. If you are anywhere and want to copy something into your documents folder you can do cp file.txt ~/Documents instead of cp file.txt /home/username/Documents

So by typing rm ~ it actually deleted the /home/username directory instead of the ~ file in it.

I think rm '~' does delete the file.