HBO Does not streams WestWorld anymore to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ – 69 points –

Do you have a source other tiktok?

It was taken off like a year ago, maybe longer. The last season bombed so they took the whole thing down to avoid paying residuals. Think it was even before the merger.

Which just highlights how stupid the system is. Pay residuals, but pay them based on amount of viewing hours. If no one watches a show, there's still no reason to remove it.

Currently an expensive show no one watches can just bleed money.

Man, everything after season 1 was pretty bad lmao

You know I heard S2 was bad, so I didn't watch it when it came out but planned on eventually giving it a chance, but this thread and specifically this post just convinced me to never watch it and just keep the memory of Westworld being good in my head lol.

I mean, comparatively season 2 is worse than the first one but not a massive shitshow. Season 3 though, oh fucking boy. I'd say maybe watch the second season just for some sort of closure, but then definitely stop!

I'd say season 2 at least kept close to the original premise of being a mind fuck in the park (albeit many parks this time). It wasn't as good as the original but I don't think it's as bad as the other guy says. After that though the whole tone changed so much in S3 that I didn't even bother with S4.

Season 4 was better than 3 IMO. I really enjoyed it whereas S3 I struggled to sit through. It carried the story forward and pretty much finished the show. I felt closure after watching S4 and satisfied with the ending (if you ignore the last 2 minutes where they try to set up an unneeded 5th season.)

WB Discovery is still getting their cut from Westworld, Raised by Wolves, and a dozen or so others by licensing it out to The Roku Channel streaming service of all things. So those actors went from getting scraps from HBO Max to probably next to nothing from Roku. I don't know if that's worse than having the content completely removed or not considering Roku is like Pluto TV and airs things more like cable.

I feel like GoT should be taken down for the same reason then. But then I realize that maybe the last two seasons were still successful on some level.

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Yeah, it's not on my fuckin TV anymore. Had to pirate the last couple of seasons.

My wife ask me same thing. At least here in my country I couldn't find it.

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I know where I can stream it from . . .

Anyhoo, I'm sad WW went the way it did. The first season was pretty fantastic. The second season wasn't horrible but seemed a little aimless. I heard the third and I guess the fourth seasons continued declining so I haven't bothered watching them.

I’ve seen them all and I wish I had stopped at the end of the first season. It was so good.

I stopped after season 2 and choose to only remember the first season, since ending to season 1 is a pretty satisfying wrap up the series. Season 1 is a fantastic standalone mini series.

I forced my way through S3. What a shit show that became. Completely lost its way.

Season 4 actually had a lot of good stuff going on with it. I was real salty they never got to properly end the show.

Well, I got through S3... might as well take your word for it and give it a go, lol.

I think it’s an improvement on season 3 for sure. Also when writing it they kinda had a hunch they might get cancelled before they could finish it how they really wanted, so they set it up where if it ended on s4 it would at least sorta feel wrapped up.

All I saw was S1, and I felt like the ending was pretty unsatisfying. Like it was leading up to a S2 that never happened.

Same. First season was so good and the second season….I don’t even know. I didn’t bother with the rest. I didn’t even know there are 4 seasons. What a shame.

That's where I stopped. It was a perfect miniseries. I saw there was going to be a second season and I just rolled my eyes and resolved not to watch it. The first season ended perfectly to me.

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Watched only the first. Was desperate to get second season, but couldn't find it on the high seas.

Then I read about the enshittyfication and never bothered to watch any of it besides s1.

Guess I got lucky

This is good to know. I started 2 but didn’t go more than a few episodes because it was just…boring? I did wonder what I was missing, but haven’t thought about it in awhile.

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I really enjoyed the last two seasons

Does it end on a cliffhanger or wrapped up nicely?

Wrapped up nicely but definitely that kind of esoteric weirdness present throughout the entire series

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I bought their subscription just to watch it... A month after they decided to remove it. It was the main reason for me to set up my home media server with torrent. They've got what they wanted, I pay pirates instead of then

Got mp4 on the NAS m, got hard case blue rays on the shelf

Never forget what they took from us

Title gore

Sorry. English is not my first language. Can some one tell me what's wrong?

Eh it's really not that bad. I knew exactly what you were trying to convey, and didn't even recognize any errors in the title until I saw that comment and reread it.

Regardless, you pluralized "streams," when in that case it should just be "stream". As a native English speaker, I don't think I could explain the actual "rule" or whatever, it's just automatic in my brain. In fact, I don't even think I'm right that you "pluralized" it. I think you just added an 's' so it changes the form or some shit... Man I don't know.

So it would be like:

Does not stream

Or maybe something like:

No longer streams

If you want to keep the 's'.