4 Post – 675 Comments
Joined 4 years ago

Anyone that claims to speak on behalf of the universe is either a liar or a fool

Idk I never really liked mint it seemed too ui polished without much back end polish.

For some reason its the goto for noobs maybe since it comes with a desktop already bundled with no extra config needed usually. But theres so many distros that have that now as well as up to date packages.

Yes let's do illegal shit on discord. Great idea

They dont care about piracy unless its a large organization.

Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Miles Davis and Billie Holiday.

all dead people

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Theres a huge network of private surveillance cameras, microphones, and other sensors constantly collecting everyone's information and selling it to whomever can pay, or just straight up giving the feds access to the data.

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Why is YouTube clickbait so cringe?

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Nothing to worry about especially if it boots fine and loads your graphical environment. It's just a grub warning message because grub doesnt play well with (presumably) nvidia. You could probably make some tweaks to remove the error but there's really no reason to bother.

No goatse or lemon party what the hell is the matter with kids these days dont even know how to deface a webpage

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And yet they let a bunch of reactionary fascists storm the capitol with minimal resistance.

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why cant it just say "dont fuck your daughter, asshole"

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They bought it after it was already the default. sucks donkey balls and this isn't the only example.

What happened is he's too fucking old to be making decisions for anyone not even himself.

Newpipe doesn't use YouTube's api to play videos, and it plays videos from pretty much any service that uses embedded video like YouTube does. I dont think its going anywhere anytime soon.

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NY really wants to pass that law to force background checks for 3d printer purchases.

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Do you have nothing better to post?

Seriously. Defederation should be a last resort against spammers and outright attacks on other instances, not because you dont agree with a single community.

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Just like those decapitated babies they can't find pics of or prove in any way they exist

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In September 2016, Luckey stated he is a libertarian who had supported Ron Paul and Gary Johnson in past elections.[55][56][57] Since then, he has become a prominent fundraiser for the Republican Party and Donald Trump.


Build the wall

Thats not being banned from Plex tho. Maybe just host your server elsewhere.

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Funny, people in the USA have been doing that for 20+ years

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Companies like this will sell their data to anyone willing to pay.

Or they could just stop going by sex/gender all together and separate leagues by bodymass or skill level

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The tree comes from the pagan solstice celebrations

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Lol OK what the fuck was he supposed to do stay home and get thrown in jail?

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Imagine blocking hexbear and allowing Facebook.

Fuck lemmy world

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Banned? Why

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The only time I buy groceries at target is when I go there for something else and find a bag of chips they dont sell at the grocery store.

Why would you use kaspersky?

That guys head has six sides

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It blows my mind that people actually pay for these services other than the release groups that rip them for me.

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Holy shit that website is cancer

If you have an antenna get an hdhomerun. If you're paying for cable you should stop and pay for IPTV instead. You can just add the m3u from your provider in the livetv config

Here's some free IPTV

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Not much unless you want to learn how Cisco works.

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i am a meat popsicle

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