Killings in the U.S. are dropping at a historic rate. Will anyone notice? to – 240 points –
Killings in the U.S. are dropping at a historic rate. Will anyone notice?

Homicides went up in 2020 and 2021 and are now rapidly coming back down. Violent crime nationwide hasn't increased. But the perception of a crime wave still colors U.S. politics.


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NY really wants to pass that law to force background checks for 3d printer purchases.

Unless they do the same for lathes, mills, drills, and pressure piping, seems almost like it's a pointless fucking law designed to have a certain look with no factual basis...

Fuck, I could teach someone how to build their own 3d printer from a mix of cheap ebay parts and off the shelf hardware store shit.

Next they'll make it illegal to have technical documentation on the schematics and models for things arbitrarily deemed "dangerous".

Oh wait....

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