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Joined 10 months ago

Legit had someone from my last job start going on a break room tirade about how "those damn unions just want your money" but strangely had no rebuttal when asked why giving them 2% of your paycheck is a bad thing when they negotiated your RAISE to be 15% and your health benefits add up to an additional savings of around 20%.

I'm SO SORRY you're getting extra money and healthcare rather than the NOTHING you had before.

Nowadays I like to print up cards with unionizing information on them, facts vs myths, links to read up more, anti-union tactics, links to join unions, links to find HELP setting up a union, and basically anything I could cram into a business card. Now I leave about 10 of them any time I go into a non union store.

Given how previous management has reacted to "someone" leaving these in the break room, I'm sure I've caused a few sleepless nights.

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"we're not doing illegal, and no you can't check."

-People doing illegal things

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Without passion. And create art. Doing what you love by being yourself. Other people define and say you will follow your heart. Happy and free, not love your art and by inspiring people letting others tell you you can change the world.

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You're literally partially making sure you still get PAID when shit happens.

Very good point, and I honestly wonder how common that knowledge even is.

Then again, almost all anti-union propaganda hinges on people not knowing enough about the subject to call it out. As with most propaganda.

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I'll take F1 over Nascar any day.

Disclaimer: I've never sat down to watch either, but if the choices are "turn left" or "winding, twisting course" I think I'm going with the one that has more variety.

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"a company arbitrarily decided a person isn't allowed to use the things they have bought and paid for, essentially stealing his money by not providing the good or service that was paid for, it's totally fine"


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I've had mechanics tell me my cabin filter is bad on a vehicle that didn't have one.

I've had mechanics show me how gross my spark plugs were in a diesel engine sedan.

I've had mechanics tell me I need new tires on a truck I had just replaced the tires on two weeks beforehand, and driven in mud.

I know more about my truck's issues than the guy who just did an oil change and casually glanced at a couple other things.

All that said, I still appreciate an actual mechanic (not the lube guy who started on Tuesday) telling me what they found wrong. You ever know when you might actually miss something.

But for real, fuck that spark plug guy.

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Unprompted denial.

"by the way, I didn't shit myself at a party while wearing white pants so if anyone tells you that it's a lie" -Someone who definitely shat themselves at a party in white pants

"so how have you been" as they walk into the room, and don't bother waiting for an answer before asking why you're bothering them here today.

There's your emotional assessment. That'll be $40.

Honestly if I saw this on my bill if be calling my doctor directly to ask what the actual fuck this bullshit is.

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Imagine if some proud boys from the US were attacking Canadian civilians, after Canada has been occasionally striking the US and being quite excessive in its use of force.

Then one day Mexico warns Canada that the proud boys might strike this location this week, so Canada pulls its security and guards, the proud boys attack, Canada loudly yells to everyone in the world "OH NO CANADA IS ATTACKING ME DO YOU GUYS SEE THIS SHIT?"

And then Canada proceeds to bomb the absolute fuck out of EVERY city within 10 miles of the border. And then the refugees that are leaving the cities. And then telling them "hey we promise we won't bomb you if you go this route" and then bomb that route. And sends troops into refugee camps in order to decide who is suddenly a proud boy...

The world, as usual when it comes to Israel though, completely loses its minds.

It's like everyone is so afraid of being seen as a nazi, they won't aim even the tiniest criticism toward a government/military. It strikes me as profoundly racist to conflate every Jewish person with the government of Israel, or that somehow Israel represents all jews. Imagine if I suggested Kenya speaks for all black people...

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Honestly this just makes everyone want to mock them more.

Deservedly so.

Weird way to say "I'm a selfish piece of shit who thinks others should suffer because I think I am superior"

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At least the city I lived in was close enough to "primary nuclear strike" targets to be demolished by shockwave.

Never mind the fact that that's nuclear strike targets, not "Terrorist-hijacked-jets" target. Clearly people tend not to think rationally about these things.

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"it's not our fault for making cars that could be stolen by literal children, it's THEIR fault for talking about it!"

"this player finds rare ending of the game"

describes ending

People who read about the ending of the game: BRO YOU GAVE SPOILERS FOR THE ENDING, WHAT THE FUCK! surprised pikachu

My mother WORKS IN HEALTHCARE as the intermediary for the hospital network and the insurance companies.

She literally sees the Financials of people every fucking day.

And still she thinks socialized Healthcare would tank the entire US. I've shown charts, studies, anecdotal evidence out the wazoo (which is where anecdotal evidence usually comes from) But no, I can't possibly be right about this, it would mean someone who got stabbed will have to wait on 600 people with the sniffles to be seen by a doctor in 6 months. Because I guess in socialized medicine, triage doesn't exist? You can't logic someone out of a position they didn't logic themselves into.

19 more...

Them not getting easily hacked =/= your data is safe in their hands.

As former enlisted navy, I am offended by how little that bribe is. That's politician level bribes, we should be better than that.

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Even if you are 100% in the right the billion dollar companies can bury you in legal fees until you run out of money.

It's fucking baffling to me that the same people who would be first in line to blame ALL JEWS (and do so in a derogatory manner) for all sorts of things (space lasers, anyone?), but the MOMENT you bring up halting monetary and military aid to Israel, they get extremely defensive about it, like the mere thought of not supporting Israel is so un-American you might as well be a terrorist.

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"ExCUSE ME? You cannot rape these men, I believe they are angels, and they're my guests! The AUDACITY of your request! How DARE you! But please, rape my daughters on your way out. I insist." -Lot

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I do local theater, and people don't understand how correct you are.

Holy shit, Nevin, nobody gives a flying fuck that you have a degree, your line reading is flat as fuck. No I don't care you starred in Hamlet during your community college days.

Hamas represents all Palestinians the way Israel and the IDF represent all jews.


Two years is nothing. It's literally a pittance in order to silence to plebs.

My data got stolen from the DOD in 2015, and I still have identity theft protection from it, and STILL have issues pop up every year. Without the last 8 years of protection, I'd be completely fucked.

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Unless they do the same for lathes, mills, drills, and pressure piping, seems almost like it's a pointless fucking law designed to have a certain look with no factual basis...

Fuck, I could teach someone how to build their own 3d printer from a mix of cheap ebay parts and off the shelf hardware store shit.

Next they'll make it illegal to have technical documentation on the schematics and models for things arbitrarily deemed "dangerous".

Oh wait....

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I'm not saying I would burn these down at every opportunity, but I am saying I would certainly understand exactly why someone might, and probably wouldn't remember much about who did do it.

Of course, I would plant 27 trees all over the property, and keep planting until the world runs out of trees, or someone gets fed up with pulling them out.

I'm patient and petty.

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I've read the Bible, multiple times. And only once when I still considered myself a Christian.


Ooh, and do lifetime emissions, and compare it with actual energy output of the source!

The last time my in-laws said that to me I asked them what their gods plan was when he gave their daughter leukemia.

"to test us"

"Well I'm glad you're comfortable devoting your lives to someone who gives a 2 year old cancer, that's beyond my capabilities."

Juuuuust enough to sound like it could be a compliment but with a clear backhand because honestly.... Wtf is that logic.

If you squint and slightly misinterpret it, Darwin says stupid will fix itself eventually.

You just have to not save it at the last second.

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The petco groomer decided to shave my dogs' entire ass because he "didn't want to brush out butt tangles today", his exact words when we went to collect our dog.

He's a great Pyrenees Collie mix.

His hair went from long and silky with an undercoat, to frizzy, thick, unmanageable mess that has to be brushed twice a day to prevent mats.

Congrats bitch, now my dog will never have his hair be normal again because you didn't want to do your job right.

Dippin dots almost went away for good! lucky for them, the plant-based meat substitute industry needed a way to get little drops of fatty stuff cooled down so it could be easily mixed, like fat is distributed through hamburger.

And wouldn't you know it, Dippin Dots had a crazy idea...

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That's because people don't pay attention. There have been several times over the last few years where I see a story of IDF leveling an apartment block or executing a group of people, it's always hand-waved as "they were terrorists, trust me Bro I'm looking at the evidence that I can't show you for security reasons"

And the world turns.

Days later one of the victims sorry TERRORISTS stabs an IDF soldier on the street? PROOF THAT ALL PALESTINIANS ARE TERRORISTS is the gist of every news outlet.

When you move into your neighbors pool house, don't be surprised when they chase you around with a baseball bat.

Yes, it IS unfortunate that civilians get caught in the crossfire. But when one side started by targeting civilians, it's not as simple as "these guys are terrorists and the people who fight them are inherently good" like a shitload of people are trying to make it out to be.

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I reeeeeeeally want them to put up "tarantula crossing" signs now.

Idk, the ones who decided they didn't like the borders they agreed to so they took it and started bombing schools, apartments, parks, and the like as "defending our land" when the locals pushed back seem pretty equal here.

From what I've read of this story, I have no sympathy for either of them.

I have even less for someone who buys a property with the intent to rent it out.

Imagine trying to justify thousands of murdered children because some people decided to attack a festival.

An attack, I might add, the government had been informed of and bafflingly did the opposite of adding protection to heavy traffic areas...

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Alan tudyk?

Andy serkis?

That one guy who does a shitload of videogames and anime dubs whose name always escapes me?

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Claims in court proved to be false? I'm sure the responsible party will face the same repercussion for purgery as the rest of us...