0 Post – 416 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I am live.

Is that the gas station from my house.wad?

This image makes me feel very uncomfortable.

It's got that liminal space vibe going for it

My mind cannot process this picture so I'm choosing to block it out.

If there is one area of American society outside immigration that needs immediate bumper to bumper reform it's the prison system... It's worse than the third world.

Or a gorilla, but I think a gorilla is too much credit.

Please! For the love of God! Get rid of tipping!

I hate tipping! As the consumer I should not be responsible for proving a living wage for someone else's employees!

23 more...

Lemmy is getting better and better at an exponential rate. I still use Reddit but eventually I expect to fully be on Lemmy.

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“Racial isolation” itself is not a harm; only state-enforced segregation is. After all, if separation itself is a harm, and if integration therefore is the only way that Blacks can receive a proper education, then there must be something inferior about Blacks. Under this theory, segregation injures Blacks because Blacks, when left on their own, cannot achieve. To my way of thinking, that conclusion is the result of a jurisprudence based on a theory of black inferiority,” he said in 2004.

Says a well educated black man sitting on the supreme Court of the United States only because of brown v. Board.

I don't know if calling this man an Uncle Tom is appropriate so I won't. But man it sure does feel like he is.

30 more...

It's almost like who need abortions are going to get them regardless of how legal they are.


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It's actually not that hard. If the assigned tasks are being fulfilled within set parameters there's really nothing to observe and keep track of. What they're worried about and what they can't monitor and observe is what the employees are doing outside of those tasks.

My friend works from home he does all his work and in the down time he'll run errands, work out, and play pool at his local bar. Whatever. His work is fully completed and submitted and his performance views are top notch.

And that's pretty much the only thing employers need to be worried about. How well the work is being completed.

Fuck the office.

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I'm going to put this out there as just an idea, don't buy apple products.

They're shit they've always been shit and they've never been financially worth buying.

73 more...

"It’s not OK to show people NSFW content when they don’t want to see it,”

You know what else isn't ok!!!!! Fucking over the entire population of reddit users to churn over some short term profits!

I hope spez buys a yacht or something!

I predict a complete overhaul of our trademark and copyright laws that will accommodate Disney's desires.

You know... Basically what they did last time.

3 more...

Windows 10 isn't popular. It's just that windows 11 is crap in comparison. Release an OS that isn't predicated on what's good for ad revenue and Microsoft's bottom line and everyone will upgrade.

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Right wing Reacher fan? Has he actually read the books?

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Everyone brace yourself! The Christians are looking for Bible quotes right now!

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I live in Georgia USA I've been to FL way too many times Europe doesn't deserve this.

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I was about to ask why she would do such a thing but then I remembered to my dismay that asking why mtg does shit is like asking a flat earther why they think the earth is flat.

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No. Trump just made it ok for them to come out of the woodwork. They were always there.

They sell cats at Walmart?

They're trying to compete with open AI which they shouldn't be... They're a marketing firm with a search engine.

They needed studies for that? Shoot they could have just asked me!

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My heart goes out to the parents of this horrible tragedy and they deserve compensation for their torment.

But this just feels like a sleazy law firm looking for a quick settlement by exploiting the emotional turmoil this horrible event has caused.

How are they so incredibly consistent!

I mean every time there's a prominent anti-lbgt figure they're almost always found diddling the same sex!

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Lol. Two years in a federal prison.

Wow. Amazing. Like what kind of an answer is "if you're inside a car you can see the car". This doesn't answer a damned thing!

We don't "know" what kind of galaxy we are in because we've never seen it from the outside. That would be impossible with our current technology.

Instead we have made very smart evidence-based assumptions as to how our galaxy looks.

What we know is that we are definitely in a galaxy because the general structure of the universe precludes such a conclusion. The extreme vast majority of matter is condensed in structures that are very uniform, we call them galaxies, therefore we must also be in one.

On a very clear night in certain parts of the world we are able to see in the sky a large elongated collection of stars which the ancients called the Milky Way because it resembles milk flowing down a smooth surface or something along those lines. What we currently believe is that that elongated formation of stars is an arm of one of the spirals that comprises our galaxy. We are also able to look at other structures using telescopes in our galaxy for example we have determined that we have a supermassive black hole in the center as many other spiral galaxies do as well.

So to answer your question we cannot see the Milky Way galaxy as a whole only certain parts of it and we've been able to draw conclusions by seeing other galaxies.

All the other comments here making neurotic epitaphs and idiotic analogies about how seeing something from the inside is the same as seeing something from the outside is just dumb and pompous if you don't know the answer don't say anything.

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Haven't used facebook in any meaningful way since 2012. Much less anxiety ever since.

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Well how the fuck are they supposed to drive when car payment at 500+, gas is 3+ a gallon and car insurance is 1500 per premium! Not to mention potential repairs.

I make 80k a year and I can barely afford my car!

What's more crazy is that the very ISPs that track all of our information and sell to the highest better are the same ones sending us letters and emails when we use torrents that they'll shut off our services if we continue to pirate movies and music.

Hypocrisy at its finest.

It's not all of the sudden Gamer Nexus dropped them as a sponsor and tore them a new one months ago.

They don't care about their customers. They just want your money.

Monkey. Torture. Enthusiast.

Never thought I'd see those words together in a row.

6 more...

Tell you what, I don't really care either way. I currently have three separate streaming services. Netflix, Disney and Amazon. Including a patreon monthly subscription and one only fans I really like for a total of five.

However I want to watch The Big Bang Theory. I'm just not willing to subscribe to yet another unaffiliated streaming service for one TV show!

Just for the sake of organization and convenience I travel the high seas for the show I want to watch!

It's not that I don't necessarily want to pay or I want to steal the intellectual property it's just that there's no significant incentive for me to watch the Big bang theory outside of the way that I'm currently going to acquire it.

5 more...

Guys. I just can't!

Rainbow flags and healthcare for trans people: no way fuck that shit! It's bad for children

Sex with family: no no. It's ok. It's my cousin.

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As a 38 year single male this is very important information. (I say as I hit the bong)

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I was banned from r/Ukrainian for advocating for the Russian people and how we shouldn't demonize an entire population.

I'm Ukrainian. I was born in Ukraine...

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Or: man she looks way hotter with her lips ready to explode from the collagen injected into them to make him look more full!

Ladies please stop doing this it is not more attractive!

8 more...

Proton VPN stopped the stupid copy right infringement letters from my ISP. Make sure you look up servers that don't report or respond to requests from companies that request such information from ISP's.

I use Luxembourg. No issues for years.

I don't see an issue here. 🤷

HEY!!!! Get your science and facts out of here!

~ ~Places fingers in ears and closes eyes~ ~ laalalalalalalal

It gets worse every family member you lose... You don't get used to it. It just gets worse and worse.