3 Post – 931 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I use Sync, I couldn't find a report button. Maybe I just couldn't find it cause I'm dumb, but absolutely report then block.

ETA: if you're using Sync, highlight the comment, then tap the three dots. There's a Report button like second down from the top.

I've heard that this Sakurajima update (wild name, btw) is pretty huge, bringing an entire building system overhaul, new pieces, as well as new pals and an entire new map.

That's how most games are lol. Of course you have your fanatics who have to play the new game and nothing but the new game (looking at the Abiotic Factor discord server), but once I finish the current content I'll move on to something else until a new update.

I'm cycling through Abiotic Factor, Selaco, and Going Medieval right now.

And the person has other comments putting on full display who they really are.

So yes, this is definitely a "block and move on" kind of thing.

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It seems that it's about 50/50 whether you stopped watching someone based on some allegations that came out, or you just outgrew their style.

One that I outgrew is probably Game Grumps. I watched them regularly for years, then one day just kinda stopped.

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I can almost hear Bill going "ohhh, shut the fuck up, ya fat ahrange piece a' shit!"

That's basically what they still are.

Ask any San Franciscan and they'll tell you that's just San Francisco.

Ya, but that cringy-ass asking you out/kiss move on the water tower after dinner with his family was just awful.

My phone can do this too! It's a fun flex, but super niche

I have a couple hundred hours on Valheim from the past couple years, and I love it. I haven't played since Ashlands came out, but I'm excited to jump into it at some point.

As far as I know, BLR is fine they're just not super active.

I still wish their GoT "Medieval Land Funtime World" BLR was a real thing.

This just reminded me that Cardi B did an Instagram live from her bathroom when she was fucking destroying that thing.

I don't think I'll ever laugh as hard about any celebrity situation than that one

That's literally the only explanation. No one just says that shit.

One character I actually really like because he makes fun of the trope (at least in one episode), is Barry from American Dad!

If you want awesome early access games, I can definitely recommend Abiotic Factor, Going Medieval, and of course Project Zomboid.

AF is basically a mix of Half-Life and SCP, and it's a 1-6 player survival game where you use office supplies and such to make fortifications and weapons. It's about to get its first big content update in the next couple weeks, and has had a few smaller content updates since it went into EA.

Going Medieval is kinda like Rimworld, where you start a colony after a plague has wiped out a huge chunk of the general population. It went into EA a couple years ago, but it's still actively getting updates with new mechanics, objects, weapons and such.

And I'm sure you know Zomboid.

"Did you do a little turn on the catwalk? Yeah, on the catwalk? Did you do a little turn on the catwalk, Lois?"

Same. Every episode I watched was trying too hard to make the guys relatable because "look at what dorks they are when it's just the guys! Haha! Isn't this funny?!"

Also it felt like a much worse version of Friends.

Splitgate is still around, isn't it?

I mean shouldn't it be a hate crime regardless of current events?

But yes.

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I like it a lot. I thought the anti-vax episode was fuckin hilarious.

Also, "you got cocaine legalized?!" "I told you, it's 2019, dawg."

So it should still be considered a hate crime regardless of current events, no?

Calm down Guttenberg.

Yeah even in the US GameStop sucks now. Like at least 10 years ago they were decent, but now it's just trash.

Before or after IPO?

I think the Battle for Middle-Earth games deserve remakes.

It's been too long since we've had a good LOTR game, let alone one that was an RTS.

Right? Like they're not exactly the "family friendly" company just because they have simple games with cartoonish art styles.

Wasn't Leisure Suit Larry on GameCube? And there were a few zombie games for the Wii and Wii U.

I have a Santa Cruz. It's my little half-truck and it's badass.

This man is not a true American, as there is no such thing as a "too cheesey" grilled cheese.

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But like, why does it fucking matter? If I were a player, I'd still rock the pride jersey and tape in the face of the ban. "oH yOu NeEd To RePrEsEnT tHe CoMpAnY!"

Fuck you and your hateful bullshit. I'll show my support even though you won't.

I was watching Mo1st play Helldivers the other night and he mentioned someone's comment about it having the kernel anti-cheat, and one of his buddies immediately said "that guy's a redditor."

I had never felt more attacked yet agreed with something so much.

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I remember in "The Closer" he said "now Key & Peele are on Comedy Central, doing my show."

Like dude, you did not invent the sketch comedy show. SNL had been going on for decades before he even thought of doing his own spin on it. I used to like his comedy, but not so much after that special, and definitely not after this.

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He already did. Then he paid a bunch of money to get the hair back.

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Wow, that really is the title of the article.

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You can beat Tetris?

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I mean literally everything could be cheaper. Welcome to a capitalist society.

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I always love the interview with Ben Affleck about Armageddon: "I asked Micheal why it would be easier to train drillers to be astronauts rather than vice versa, and he just responded with 'fuck you.'"

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If it means quicker ports of exclusives like Spider-Man 2 and Ragnarok, I'm all for this.

Any "cozy" game. Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, others like those.

One that I personally really like, that sort of blends different aspects of AC and SV, is Paleo Pines. You have a ranch that you little by little clear out, fix up, and decorate; all with the help of adorable dinosaur friends. There's actually a surprising number of species and map space in the game, and the vibe and aesthetic are ridiculously cute. I will say it's slightly more laid back than SV as there are no real timers for the different quests and such, and there are fewer characters to keep track of/befriend.

That's a nice sword.