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Joined 1 years ago

Reddit refugee (user for 16 years). Part-time Netizen.

What? No one is comparing them. The question was asked, are they dangerous? OP mused that they have no natural weapons, or danger per se, but instead borrow the jellyfish’s defense. So they are painful in their defense. Likely not aggressive.

“Despite the unsavory or toxic taste they can present to their non-human predators, most nudibranchs are harmless to humans, except those like Glaucus atlanticus which consumes nematocytes and so may consider you a predator and sting”


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Of course.

This particular species does sting, so I would argue it is dangerous. But its mechanism is super interesting: it eats the stinging cells from jellyfish, absorbs them into its own body, and uses them to sting others the same way. Some even release acid. Incredible!

Contrary to your opinion, an ideal President’s job is not to start or participate in civil or cultural wars. It is to help all of us. Even the ones who “don’t deserve it”. Denying aid also only plays into “their” hand. People who vote against government often complain that it’s never done anything for them. If it misses an opportunity to serve citizens, that failure only further chips away at the institution and democracy.

Republicans want that to happen. They have shown clearly at least since Nixon and neoliberalism that they want only one thing: to overthrow the people’s government entirely and replace it entirely with corporate capitalist overlords.

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Poland is not perfect. Yes, they did support. However, they have always been a bit xenophobic and insular. It’s kind of like that wacky uncle or person in your community. Really nice as long as you avoid certain subjects. Like the Holocaust. It was only a matter of time. Idk why they think they need to make this move. Why not support the clear war front - keep it from advancing further to your doorstep.

Leaving this from the Reddit thread, since it was put so well:

I look forward to seeing how this is excused, justified, and quietly cheered on by some of our fine members. No doubt the babies were "guards" in the "open air prison" and were in fact apartheid babies.

And hey, you can't blame people for murdering dozens of babies, as long as those people have hard lives. And of course being known as the sort of people who would murder a bunch of babies has NOTHING to do with why they have hard lives.

Edit: Ok so far the top winners are, in no particular order:

"They had it coming"

"I'm not saying that they had it coming, but they had it coming."

"Give peace a chance."

And my favorite, the short lived "It didn't happen."

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It’s kind of reflective of the world right now - USA probably. Those in power are happily steamrolling the rights of disenfranchised people for money, while said people simply grumble but only change the channel. As long as there’s streaming, they stay in their lane.

Should be out in the streets!

I think it’s about money and control. Slavery is a far more lucrative framework to a shortsighted business model that doesn’t value human life or input in the least beyond what it can earn. Think about exploiting a machine for unlimited gains vs waiting for people to work through a creative process, or rewrites. No breaks for hundreds or thousands. No day limits.

Then think about the people in power being able to implement their own (stupid) visions without any pushback or challenge. Want to incorporate your advertisers, backers or political agendas? Want to change your mind after you release? Responding instantly to testing? Boom. No creative pushback. No talent pushback or wrangling.

And they own it all outright if it came from their platform. Near total “self sufficiency”. There are so many stories about great movies or films that almost didn’t happen because one or several out of touch producers, or bean counters from accounting, almost ruined everything. (Thinking about “The Offer”, or more recently The Algorithm on “Barry”)

Eventually, maybe it could mean fewer unions to negotiate with if studios own both likenesses and writing process, or less bargaining power for the existing unions. They already own your face, or can compose “original” amalgams.

Much can be accomplished on a set / lot with computers as it is. Factor in non union performance, or weaker unions, and I bet they think they’ll print money. I am thinking like late career-Bruce Willis where it’s quantity over quality (before he announced his illness, he squeezed a few more millions out of his name and face doing a scene or two in a series of very low budget films). This would matter to many who care about quality, and ethics, however, look at network drama or procedurals like L&O. People in general can be far less discerning as long as it’s not too bad. In fact, they often prefer formula and tropes are tropes for a reason. Sometimes formulae are overt and sometimes it’s more subtle.

Is that all possible under current law? Do antitrust or monopoly laws cover this? I don’t know. I think pressure could shape laws as usual.

Just a thought experiment from a former entertainment professional. I side with unions of course against the executives and shadowy funders that make the millions behind the scenes. But take all with a grain of salt.

Edit: now I’m thinking about how cost and investment there is over a life to train people to achieve the necessary competence and ability (like any job, or any soldier), and how they could bypass some, or eventually all of that, knee capping human arts and culture. And to some degree literacy. We don’t belong in museums yet… Dang it >:(

Every movement has its participants and its leaders - whether they meant to be, or simply were by virtue of their actions and position. Imo, there is nothing more human than the genuine and wholesome acknowledgment of those who paved the way for us. As well as raising awareness about the negative impacts of systemic oppression.

We rely on sharing lived experiences to raise awareness: about how society needs to change, mental health issues, learning differences, diversity, and so on.

Some might be overly sensitive about such things, due to many negative cults of personality in recent times. However, don’t let those negative experiences affect the present positive one: Aaron Swartz and the negative consequences of systemic oppression.

There’s an age limit btw: 30. 35 if you’re a veteran.

Millennials get shafted yet again.

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I admire that you’ve come with facts. Hopefully people will actually learn rather than parrot the narrative.

Like, Iran and Syria planned this. They literally gas their own people. They just brutally attacked hundreds of innocent people. How is Lemmy apologizing a clear atrocity? How can you be so frickin callous and blind to the hate?

It’s like going to New Yorkers on 9/11 saying, “yeah, it was inevitable” and then blaming Wall Street or some sort of thing.

Do you have suggestions on what might be more appropriate tools? What “punishment” may look like?

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16 years here. Hard but that’s life.

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Yes. Several articles have come out recently discussing US intel on the impact of Chinese and Russian propaganda influence on the American people. This is further proof that many people have been preyed on.

Forgive this noob, but couldn’t there be a trusted and maintained admin blocklist of instances which are bot havens?

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Charlie Chaplin did a similar thing - United Artists. Then it got sold to MGM. and so on

How can anyone be on the side of the right and walk amongst those who, on average, more actively preach and wish for the deaths of people. Alvarez is serving up a BS pie. He may not have said it, but he can’t pretend he doesn’t know it’s a current sentiment in their stream. He uses Truth Social actively. They are the deluded ones.

It’s 2023. Stop being murderous, racist, and generally bigoted people. Let people and women make their own decisions. And quit efing overreaching, especially into families.

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Anti-choice you mean. And I don’t know but they should charge that stupid cop with everything they can.

Peace in the Middle East.

Is that one really worth mentioning though?

Yes, if you want to use the stick, Pm me if you’d like to talk about a reliable IPTV service (every sports and PPV). I suppose your other option would be to cast/mirror to your stick from your phone.

Certain VPNs might be better for this than others. Does yours use wireguard?

The end is that babies were mass murdered. That is unequivocally BAD. And universally terrible. It’s something evil that, let’s say Nazis, terrorists do.

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Used Reddit for 16 years. Also a little confused. But stoked!

Is it really you?!

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Check my profile for a media share option, if you would rather not dive into the technical aspects yourself. Ditch the enshittified media services and improve your life for the better.

Stop misgendering melons!

16 year club here.

What a tragedy. These dumb cops are the fucking problem. Why the hell is he standing in front of the vehicle? Is it so boring that they have to get their adrenaline flowing for a shoplifter? Unbelievable that they can murder a young mother based on an assumption and get away with it. Innocent until proven guilty my ass. A family is devastated.

Hug your loved ones.

Look, I’m angry too. It’s a difficult time to be Jewish because there is a boat load of antisemitism and hate online. And in person.

Apparently it’s not cool to hate black or Asian people, but it’s totally cool to hate Jewish people, even when it’s a thread about how terrorists literally mass murder their babies. No one is saying they are sorry. They are saying poor Palestinians.

Pretty fucking callous.

But let’s not lose sight there are folks caught between radicalism. Blanket statements help no one.

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I joined a little after you for similar reasons. ~16 years here.

They want to neg their employees, sounds like.

Nothing if you’re already set up in Plex and your server isn’t in a data center.

Thanks for your comment. You helped solve this issue for me (iOS just have to delete app and reinstall it).

You can either spoof your location and payment to India for cheap rate, or go to account share Reddit and get on someone’s family plan. Some even do family India, so it’s cheap family, at that. If you don’t have friends that do this already.

Just make sure you double check the user against the thread of scammers.

Yes, thank you for not jumping at me for this, I was just trying to be more inclusive rather than exclusive that all people should be able to make their decisions, not just especially female bodied. Apologies at my awkwardness!! Glad it produced a healthy sense of humor. I more than agree that women are people too. 🤣

Thanks for engaging with my thoughts.

I don’t support or condone fascism in any form, my point was that in times of natural disaster, aid should be extended to all citizens, regardless of their political views. Denying aid based on political beliefs can perpetuate divisiveness and mistrust in institutions meant to serve everyone. In my view, denying aid due to this would be itself a form of fascism, totalitarianism, authoritarianism, and so on.

We may disagree on certain points, but let’s not lose sight of the larger goal: a fair and just society for all.

What an ignorant hot take.

She was clearly afraid when they surrounded her and drew their weapons. I mean, my god she’s black and pregnant, and surrounded by cops harassing her for a false accusation. She was terrified it was the end. It’s not her fault. It’s theirs. And she can’t take it back. Read the damn article. It went against policy for that cop to stand in front of the car in the first place.

Further, this is why cops shouldn’t even fucking have guns. They are too dumb and quick to agro to realize they shouldn’t draw it ever. Especially for such a low stakes, stupid crime. When you start with the gun, it can only get worse.

I feel like GoT should be taken down for the same reason then. But then I realize that maybe the last two seasons were still successful on some level.

So where do you download stuff to? Would a WD Cloud storage drive work for this purpose?

Unbelievable… I bet he’s trying to make a conglomeration like Jeff Bezos and Amazon. Space Karen is a good way to put it.

Any distinct advantages over Plex that you’ve noticed?