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They really have just given up on being a good search engine at this point huh?

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The outrage these assholes are feeling is what the rest of us feel every time we see them trying to force their dogma into every facet of society.

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Fucking delusional on this writer’s part. It was far more than dozens and a lot of those people were power users with an outsized influence on the community.

I personally moderated two 150-250k user subs. Stepped down from both and wiped all my posts and comments and have not contributed a single thing since.

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Geez the reporting around this has been ridiculously sensationalist

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Really has felt like the thrediverse has been quite active lately. During the exodus we had a lot of posting about... the exodus. But now we have a lot of posting about actual topics and what feels like a pretty healthy community building save for a few instances that will probably get defederated before too long.

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He added: “Using imprecise language as an excuse to create plausible ambiguity about whether defendant violated this Court’s unequivocal gag order is not a defense; the subject of Donald Trump’s public statement to the press was unmistakably clear.”

Damn I really wanna see a lot more of this kinda scrutiny on the weasel word bullshit.

Not a single mention of the word terrorism. When the fuck is the media gonna start calling a spade a spade?

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you should just close the window and never open it again

So annoyed at how all these services keep degrading for users. I was happy to pay for premium light. I don't need download/music/etc I just wanted no ads. Simple as that. The price was fairly reasonable and I would have kept paying it. Now they got rid of the premium light and I have to pay at least 50% more for additional things I don't and will not use.

Alright then, well you lost a customer and I'll just use AdBlock. And if you somehow figure out how to disable that, I'm just going to find content somewhere else. I'm fucking sick of ads. I'll pay a reasonable amount to remove them. But I will not be continually wrung out for more and more money. Just leave me alone.

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Sure feels like they timed this IPO pretty badly. I think the ideal time to strike on this would have been a few years ago... Based on market conditions anyway. Reddit itself may just not have had their ducks lined up enough, but that's their problem, not the stock market's.

  • Tech stocks trading sideways for the last year or two
  • The interest rate money printer got shut off and cash is not cheap anymore
  • Seemingly all the major new tech stock investment interest is circling around stuff like AI
  • Federated alternatives are slowly building steam and people seem to have gotten pretty salty about corporate social media
  • The pandemic is more or less over and people have pulled back from being chronically online somewhat (this is my guess, I don't have data to back it up)

Also what exactly is the monetization strategy? Ads I guess? More catering towards creating corporate "synergy" with the Reddit community? Selling user data/content? So basically making the place suck considerably worse for users is what it looks like to me.

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I really hate grid based displays of lists like this. Such an awful design pattern.

I wish they would pull out. It's fucking ridiculous that so much of Europe is apparently just ok with using a Meta product for the defacto texting platform (WhatsApp).

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Imagine having to read 36 books that people stupid enough to participate in this would have chosen for you. Congrats! Here's 18 copies of The Secret and 18 copies of the bible.

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Where all the tankies at? Lets hear why this is totally cool and ok.

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yeah we're running our own plex server now and it's been amazing. too many price hikes and reductions in quality of service. over it

Some people call VR dystopian, but it's got great potential too.

During COVID while I was living alone and we were under lockdown...

I used a Quest to watch movies in a virtual theater with a bunch of people from around the world. I remember being in a theater watching an absolutely ridiculous Nicolas Cage movie laughing my ass off with a bunch of dudes from Australia. Another time I watched a cricket game with some people who explained the rules to me and kinda gave me some play by play on what was happening.

I've also attended a few support group meetings in VR for coping with loss that had quite a lot of attendants. The meeting was run by a licensed group therapist and we took turns sharing and then reflecting on each others stories. It was frankly amazing.

I also played mini golf with friends of mine as well as had a couple meetings over a round of mini golf with the other guy on my design team during lockdown. Honestly the best virtual meetings I ever had.

All of the above were very social and very positive experience. I didn't feel far away from people, I felt connected to them.

Same way a smartphone can be a useful tool that enhances your life or a screen you stare at for hours consuming bullshit TikTok videos. You're in control of what you make of it. You can also stick to a dumb phone and not participate at all.

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Important point here is that $450 million what he claimed to have on hand. So we know it has to be significantly lower than that.

I look forward to the forced sales of his properties.

Also helps ensure the drugs are clean. The US marijuana legalization process has absolutely not been perfect but the regime of testing for pesticides and mold is very effective.

If cocaine were legal and regulated you wouldn't be hearing all these stories of people dying of fentanyl overdoses from doing shitty cut coke.

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God it would be great for a huge back catalog of tiktok videos to just be lame tweens dancing in silence.

Definitely think these leaks are coming from the Trump team to try to get a mistrial.

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I use sheets in Firefox literally every day.

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Well someone keeps voting in the fucking tories. If they didn't, he wouldn't be PM right now.

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It should not be possible for the owner of a company to be impossible to suss out by the fucking government. Like how is that a thing?

Man all the recent news on Microsoft products is just god awful. Ads in the OS, forced updates, pestering people when they close apps to explain why, this. Fuck sake idk how people put up with it.

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Calling this dipshit an activist is being really generous

The actual fuck did they think was gonna happen? Literally everyone saw this coming except the FTC somehow I guess.

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Whole saga has been stupid

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More republican virtue signaling bullshit

Also this was pretty lulzy:

Arizona State Rep. David Marshall, R-Snowflake, and four co-sponsors have introduced House Bill 2121, prohibiting cell-cultured animal products.

I thought the article was dunking on him at first, but it turns out Snowflake isn't just a conservative state of mind, it's also a small town in Arizona.

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Some of us suddenly stopped paying anything for streaming this year.

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This smells of Russian bullshit to me but that’s just my off the cuff hunch.

Edit: lol look at the timing on this

Ram trucks drive like fucking assholes so I believe this. Damn near any time you see one of those lifted Dodge trucks on the highway you can assume they’ll behave like a jerk if given the opportunity.

And as far as Teslas go, I really do not think people should have cars that accelerate that fast. People are dumb as shit and Tesla’s slowest model has a 0-60 of under 6 seconds and a lot of their cars are sub 4 seconds. That’s super car territory.

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This is just gonna be a Streisand Effect situation. Now I know about this app and it sounds pretty great.

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It hurts republican downballot candidates tho. There's gonna be a number of Trump voters who won't show up if he's not on the ballot and they would have been straight ticket republican votes.

Also this sets a big precedent.

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There's a book called The Media Monopoly that details how media companies have consolidated to just a handful of mega corps and the book had to be republished 5 times since the 80s because every few years the number keeps shrinking dramatically. The author later released a brand new book called The New Media Monopoly which is essentially the 7th edition of the original book and at this point we're in a fucked up late stage version of the problem he originally detailed.

From the Wiki on the author:

In 2000 Bagdikian stated, "Every edition has been considered by some to be alarmist and every edition ends up being too conservative." In this latest version, Bagdikian wrote that the number of corporations controlling most of the media decreased to five: Disney, News Corporation, Time Warner, Viacom, and Bertelsmann. He argued, "This gives each of the five corporations and their leaders more communications power than was exercised by any despot or dictatorship in history."

The Onion is a bit too accurate sometimes.

Yeah I refuse to ever take a flight route through any of those countries. I don’t care if it’s a 15 min layover.

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Password crackdown aside, I don't really get the appeal of the service unless you have kids or an abnormally large boner for Star Wars and MCU

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Ok but will this run on my TI-83? It's a + model.

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Honestly my biggest thing is for affordable 10 or even 20 TB SSDs to hit the market.

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Guillotine has entered the chat

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