Russian Court Jails Woman for Wearing 'Extremist' Rainbow Earrings to World – 396 points –
Russian Court Jails Woman for Wearing 'Extremist' Rainbow Earrings - The Moscow Times

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Where all the tankies at? Lets hear why this is totally cool and ok.

Clearly rainbows are part of the aggressive expansionism of NATO, and Russia is just responding to it

Do you know what NATO nicknamed the defense plan during the cold war? The Rainbow Plan.

Hey listen, ever heard of ROYGBIV? Roy! That's an Anglo name! It's pure NATO infiltration!

lol if you ask for it the brigade of angry people will appear to explain how you’re a racist and a terrible person for not thinking like them

But first they will deflect by asking you to define what a tankie is.

I think defederated from hexbear, lemmygrad, and .ml

They did. I still see their users here and there though.They did. I still see their users here and there though. Well definitely hexbear and lemmygrad. I dunno if they defederated from ml.

I'm just waiting on all the Hexbear users who see no irony praising both LGBTQ+ and russia.

If they ever moved to russia, they would instantly be killed.

They would be sent to push up sunflowers in Avdiivka it takes a week for basic training and an hour or so to walk within Ukrainian artillery range. Not exactly instant, but close.

As if tankies aren't constantly simping for both Russia and China on here.

A little history refresher on the origin of the term

The term "tankie" was originally used by dissident Marxist–Leninists to describe members of the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) who followed the party line of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU). Specifically, it was used to distinguish party members who spoke out in defense of the Soviet use of tanks to crush the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 and the 1968 Prague Spring uprising, or who more broadly adhered to pro-Soviet positions.

So specifically being a tankie and supporting fascist bullshit go hand in hand and always have.

The Russian and English aristocracies were related, is that maybe part of the reason there was some support in the UK?

The Russian monarchy ended about 39 years prior to the Hungarian Revolution in '56. The whole Russian Revolution thing and the murdering of the Romanovs and all that.

I must admit that I haven't met any who do so can't argue for or against this. I can understand that they might have done 20-30 years ago but I don't see them "simpling for" any of them really. But neither Russia or China are kommunist regimes any longer. Maybe back when the term was coined, as you described in your quote but not any longer. Before it dead the community now it is the leader

Well I sure have. Especially before multiple servers defederated with Lemmygrad and Hexbear.

I like to imagine these accounts learned about tankies only 6 months ago when they joined Lemmy and were encountered by lots of leftists with wildly different international worldviews than them.

As a byproduct, it's just their way of making sense of those differences they don't otherwise understand.

Nobody that they're describing would actually defend shit like this, but thats about as well as they understand those people.

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