7 Post – 482 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Not "job", these are "volunteering contributions", that are not only time consuming, mentally consuming, and unpaid as well.

35 more...

This is another case of a foreign word don't have a good translation in English (and vise versa). Both 摆烂 and 让它腐烂 don't have the same tone as "let it rot".

To me, "let it rot" means watching something collapse with a sense of enjoyment. I cannot recall a Chinese word with this exact sentiment of the top of my head. But I can try to explain both Chinese words.

"让它腐烂" is the literal translation of "let it rot", word for word. It don't have the cultural and sentimental meaning behind it, merely stating the fact. More like "let the leave rot in the compost pile".

"摆烂" is probably what the article is referring to. Its meaning is similar to civil disobedience, and 躺平 ("lay flat", another word that was popular couple years ago).

"摆" means put, "烂" means something poorly made, broken, etc. "摆烂", together as a word, means "displaying a broken (bad) attitude, no matter the outside influence". However, "烂" also means rot, which is probably where the translation "let it rot" came from.

The original usage is much more playful, like your cat would lay on the floor no matter what toy or treat you give it, then it is 摆烂. But with the recent increase in pressure for many young people in China. 摆烂 and 躺平 (lay flat) become more of a act of civil disobedience and refusal to participate in the broken system/economy.

So 摆烂 is not a exact translation for "let it rot", but they do share the meaning of "no action" and the sentiment of joy. And "let it rot" sounds much cooler and concise than my explanation.

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Just letting everyone know that GE appliance is also owned by Haire.

Besides that, they also own the following brands: Hotpoint (U.S.), Hoover (Europe), Candy, Fisher & Paykel.

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I think BSD is the BSD equivalent to arch.

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I will simply be turned on by girls with dicks.

improvise, adapt, overcome

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On the other hand, if you find a werid sex cult, let me know.

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I personally do not find expensive wine and liquor worth it. That obviously don't mean all cheap wines are good, but I find the percentage of bad wine I had at $50 - $70 range is pretty much the same as wine around or under $20.

I find the best way is to research online before you buy or go for couple known-good brands. Most of the results actually tend to be on the cheaper side (around $20 for wine, around $35 for liquor).

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I know this a a joke, but please use a password manager, it is such a game changer.

Bitwarden is free and E2E encrypted and if you want additonal feature, they only cost 10 bucks pre year. You can even use it with anonaddy to hide your email, which is also totally free and open source.

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I don't think anyone think of China as a communist/socialist country for a very long time. Maybe except older generations and tankies.

Ironically, I have met more tankies in six month on lemmy than my 18 years growing up in China. It is truly a wild culture shock that I didn't expect. LOL.

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It is not FOSS, so I don't pay for it. Checkmate :)

It is ironic that google touts RCS as a "open platform", when you have to use google's implementation of it.

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Every monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctors, it is literally the definition of monad. But what do you expect from clippy...

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Ruchard Stallman in front of a glass pane like jesus

Does your girlfriend pay you too?

or just take a train.

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My friend met Hugh Jackman on Eurostar, he seems pretty chill. Didn't get mobbed at all.

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LUKS is still vulnerable to this attack if you enable autodecrypt using TPM. This attack is based on the vulnerability that the CPU and TPM communicates uses plain text. And it is a pretty common attack against TPM:

SPI is a communication protocol for embedded systems and is extremely common amongst virtually all hardware. Due to its simplicity, there is no encryption option for SPI. Any encryption must be handled by the devices themselves. At the time of this writing BitLocker does not utilize any encrypted communication features of the TPM 2.0 standard, which means any data coming out of the TPM is coming out in plaintext, including the decryption key for Windows

And apparently Linux is not doing too hot on this regard either:

As we can see, parameter encryption simply isn't used in practice, and except for safeboot none of the solutions enforce PIN/MFA by default.

However, this attack is not viable for device with firmware based solution, like fTPM, Microsoft Pluton, secure enclave etc. in these case TPM is part of the cpu, hence have no exposed pins to sniff their connection.

So if you don't want people with physical access to your computer (a thief or a evil maiden) to access everything on your disk, don't setup TPM auto decrypt.

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And then yellow with bonus pikachu.

Good call, article link

I have also added it to the post.

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Oh no, this includes "aids" to Israel isn't it...

Why the hell do Israel needs more money?! They are not even close to poor...

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It is not as much of a risk as some westerners think. Unless you are actually activists planning change, it is unlikely for CCP to disappear everyone that speaks against it; especially on non-Chinese platforms. On Chinese social media, on the other hand, dissents will be de-platformed quite quickly; I think some might receive couple warnings and/or threats before they are in physical danger.

However, it is not uncommon to hear about larger platforms being threatened by CCP with their own safetys or their families.

In the end, for many people, it is a large enough risk with barely any reward. Everyone knows CCP is oppressive: maybe not every western media report about China was fully truthful; but with these many reports, some have to be true. On the other hand, tankies aren't going to change their mind because one anonymous "Chinese" on the internet speaks up against CCP. Speaking up against CCP really will not bring that much change, especially given the potential of putting themselves and their family at risk.

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Also white; even though Europe and North America only have around 15% of the world population.

(I would try to find a better estimate of population of "white" people, which is not even a well-defined group, in the world; but I cannot find it.)

According to wikipedia:

Taylor Alison Swift was born on December 13, 1989,[1] in West Reading, Pennsylvania.[2] She is named after singer-songwriter James Taylor.[3] Her father, Scott Kingsley Swift, is a former stockbroker for Merrill Lynch[4] and her mother, Andrea Gardner Swift (née Finlay), is a former homemaker who previously worked as a mutual fund marketing executive.[5] Taylor has a younger brother, actor Austin Swift.[6]

Not an emerald mine, but at least upper middle class.

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Yeah, I am not using it until it comes to google free android. How is it "better messaging for all" when you are forced to use google's proprietary implementation on android?!

Just keep using signal.

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I learned the other day that macOS cannot turn mouse acceleration off without going into the terminal, but apparently macOS is user friendly and desktop linux is "only for developers".

And this is only the usability of a mac. On iPhone the usability is worse. One example, the quick action and notification shade are shown when you pull down from different side of the notch. My wife have used her iPhone 11 for many years, but still cannot remember which side is which.

My friend just has a virtual home button floating at all times, because this is easier than remembering which side gives you quick actions... LOL.

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Yeah, we cannot let these random doctors, with decades of training, waste our share holders' generational wealth on some random person; just because said person might die. LOL, that would be ridiculous.

This is not a charity, because our lobbyist and investors worked very hard to eliminate all the charitable alternative, WITH YOUR MONEY BTW, LOL.

Honestly, I don't even know if this is /s... Because this is exactly what is currently happening...

Plus there isn't many jurisdictions with stronger privacy law than the swiss. It is unlike they made a bad choice for choosing a headquarters.

I guess they can operate on the public sea or the arctic, but I imagine the commute will be terrible.

China is a authoritarian country, but it doesn't have the resource and political will to capture and kill every person that doesn't align with CCP.

Things can get pretty ugly (like death, torture, or removal of livelihood) for strong anti-governmental message, like bridgeman; significant public figure expressing dissent (even as a joke), like Bi Fujian, the host of the most popular variety show; or significant public event like wuyi (乌衣), Quanmei, and other activist in the chained woman incident.

But Chinese government is not going to kill someone for saying "I am so fucking overworked". Arrest for telling the story to foreign media (which obviously is neither humane nor legal, I am not trying to defend CCP), maybe, but not worth any more serious punishment.

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I am sure most super powers in the world can easily sink 2 years to maintain an obscure project in order to break system as important as openssh.

I doubt they will be pissed for one failure, and we can only hope there isn't more vulnerable projects out there (spoiler alert: probably many).

Or just never learn linux, use it.

I want to use my OS to do my job; I don't want my OS to be my job.

I think clear signage and message on the bill indicating "tipping is optional, service charges is included in the menu price" should suffice.

Making tipping illegal goes too far, but I am okay with implementing it for couple decades, in order to correct a bad habit.

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Otherwise it would be hard to refer to them, which is in general why people note their pronouns.

Sure, people can always use the gender-neutral they, but some people would prefer to use other pronouns. It is the polite thing to do to refer people as how they prefer if it is not causing much confusion.

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The new website is also pretty epic: (bit messed up on mobile)

Unfortunately the flathub version doesn't seem to be updated.

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Depends on your definition of "expensive", but in general, (semi-automatic) espresso machine under $450 is probably not worth getting. Most of the time, Areopress ($30) or moka pot will make better coffee than anything under this price rage.

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Safety Recommendations: Quit Twitter.

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PSA, do not copy any JS code on the web to your browser unless you understand it or it has been validated by many others.

in general, well-established browser extension are unlikely to be malicious, but random JS code on the internet can.

(in this specific case, the code seems fine to me.

K-9 seems promising, it is acquired by thunderbird and planning to become thunderbird bird mobile. It has office 365 support, but IIRC it is pretty convoluted to add a office 365 account.

Another alternative is fairmail: , developed by the developer of netguard.

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I think the lack of accessible grocery requires people to pile up grocery for weeks, which motivates people to get crappy and over-processed food that last a long time.

This also promotes "one-stop shop" which heavily favors coperate driven big-box store than local specialty store with better and fresher products.

The lack of "natural exercise" from commuting and walking to grocery also worsens the problem.

A lot of the time people thinks "anti-car" is only for some far-fetching environmental argument, yet the over-reliant on cars is really corroding every aspect of our life quality.

巧妇难为无米之炊 -- "even the cleverest house wife cannot cook without rice".

Welcome to the Rice Fields, Motherfucker meme