29 Post – 969 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

My prostate dissagrees

This is not from before the internet

Besides the clothing, the apple watch and the actual heart gesture itself, you'd be called gay if you ever rode a bike with a helmet back then, and on top of that made fun of for wearing goggles

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No i know. The point is, they wouldn't back in the 80s unless they were pro's. You would definetelly not be wearing one if you were trying to impress a girl back then

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I see some of you have never used a typewriter, and it shows

'you have the morals of an alley cat'

Then they should be able to just sell fewer but in a large box/bag

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  • Biden faints
  • Trump walks over and slaps Biden
  • Trump just leaves
  • Biden justifies Israels attacks
  • Violent demonstratos occupy CNN
  • Terrorist attacks during the debate
  • CNN cuts the debate short
  • Trump gets caught with wireless bone conductor transmitter in his butt
  • Biden reveals palm full of keywords written with a pen
  • Trump talks about Stormy Daniels not being the best in bed and not worth the money
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This is how you make sure nobody gets exonerated ever

Although I share your sentiment about the US not being the world, this case I think is self explanatory. Myself I am in central Europe with no affiliation to the US but you'd have to live under a rock, if you've missed the buildup to this debate

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God took him because he misses him

Its frontpage material in all 3 scandinavian media (denmark sweden norway). I imagine most of the world really though. Although the rest of the world has no influence on the result, the result has a huge impact on the rest of the world

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This AI needs a reboot

'Sir, my apologises that I didn't realise in time that you were Cognitively Impaired. How about we replace your order with our exclusive package-free version that we have prepared for special guests like yourself?'

So basically a meme-war

Unless people buy the medium instead. Then its good buziness

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The journal notes that the case is an important one because it fills in gaps in the literature about dehisence, the bursting of wounds.

The wordplay is strong with this one...

I don't get it. Is it unfortunate placement, because it displays the contrast between people in need and people with much more than they need?

The way I see it, the people of Gaza are not poor. They are being actively starved and killed. Many if not most of them had jobs, and companies and education.

What is unfortunate is not the placement of the posts. What is unfortunate, to say the least, is that the world seems to not care!

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So they are allowed an earpiece?

They had it roll the other way

It makes the statement worse but not the article. I find the article pretty objective

'Begs' sounds like a strong word comparing to the actual content of the article

No one is as good at breaking them as Trump.

Lets break the 2nd commandmemd and worship him like a god...

I totally agree that there is no need or justification for people being billionaires.
My point is, that the people of Gaza and Palestinians as such would be more or less fine, if they weren't being oppressed by their neighbor, both now during the war, but even since 1948

Sorry I meant the world as in the the world leaders. With this issue, there seems to be some interest conflicts between what the public wants and what the country leaders want

Tell me you judged the article by its title without telling me....

If you had read it, you'd notice that the author does not feel it is a game changer.

But still, even by reading the title alone, you mussed the quotation signs. It is not the author who calls it game changer but the chief developer.

5sec vs 3x20sec.

Easy choice

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Christian taliban

Yeah sorry. The tree was originally 50ft tall so we call the pieces that. But you only get 3ft

Is like buying 1200lbs steaks because that's what the cow weighs before it gets parted

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That's what happens when you keep increasing the price without adding value.

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Its no wonder Amazon wanted to build there. Poor people make for cheap labour. It might even have been a good deal for Mississippi if they had forced Amazon to allow unions there for getting a free pass!

The police must have been very scared!

Shitstorm = Feedback


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He is the wisest Trump I've heard of

That title is a very long way of saying that he's been accused of inside trade

Greece is getting ready to expand too, and solving the Israel / Palestine issues at the same time

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When you play the victim role one (or rather 50) times too many.

According to Israel, everyone is against Israel

Sometimes, when everything is shit, check your shoes instead of telling others that they are shit

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To be fair, skillfully is not a Trump skill

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Got slapped for throwing a bottle of water at his face

Sounds like you may be part of the problem, especially if it happens to you as often as you describe Sometimes, when everything is shit, try checking under your shoes

You're kidding right? Pardons in themselves are crazy, but didn't know presidents can pardon themselves?

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