What is this growth on fallen tree branches?

cosmicrookie@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 103 points –

I went for a walk in the woods and found multiple fallen branches with this fairly long growth on them.

I assume that it is a fungus of some sort but does anyone have more info on what kind it is?

I found so many that I eventually stopped taking pictures of it. But I haven't seen this before so I was surprised, as I spend quite a lot of time in the woods.


You didn't touch, did you?! Ooh god, I bet op did.

I'm so sorry.

Super cool find, op!

Thanks! But I am even more happy to learn about this type of fungus-generated ice! Nature is wild!

I spend quite a lot of time in the woods

Let me ask the real questions OP: what do you do in the woods?

It will be in the news soon enough...


Just kidding. I just walk our dogs there (quite often)

I just saw this for the first time today, 11 days after seeing this post. A person I was with suggested it grew mostly on beech wood.


Hair ice, also known as ice wool or frost beard, is a type of ice that forms on dead wood and takes the shape of fine, silky hair

That is really surprising because it didn't feel that cold. It's actually +1C at the moment so did not even consider ice!

It says in the article it can persist for days.

Yes! I am not doubting it at all. I am just surprised at it being ice (even after reading the Wikipedia link)