2 Post – 416 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Polymath. Bad in math. Collecting mechanical calculators, likes subtractive manufacturing of wooden implements. Eat the rich. Don't forget the fiber, danger of constipation. Learn. Get people to learn. By all means. All!

Hieroglyphs are actually not that simple, my ex gf was an Egyptologist, I went to quite a few lectures with her, that was a highly complex language, more akin to Japanese Kanji, with deep layered subtexts. Those desert dudes were crazy. If you have ever have a chance to visit a lecture about hieroglyphs, do it, it'll blow your mind. Or how they calculated time, or even saw it, culturally and individually, wow. They were so unbelievably far ahead, I sometimes compare them to the octopus of human development, they should rule the world, but there was that one thing, that prevented it. (For the analogy: the octopus dies when their kids are hatching, would they have the ability to pass their knowledge along to them, today eight armed space suits would be en Vogue)

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I've seen the birth of it in my lifetime, I'll see the death of it in my lifetime. Way to go, evolution!

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One word: F-Droid! I'm literally only searching there for Apps first, often I find it. Send them some love, if you can afford it! Wouldn't know how to watch YouTube anymore without New Pipe and stuff, listening to music via ViMusic, all ad-free.

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I wish there's a similar reaction if one woman is raped or degraded, one gay person beaten or oppressed, one child molested, one dictator suppresses a population or one politician decides against environment, reason and humanity and for greed. But no, a fkn book was burnt. What would Mohammed say about that if he'd live today, hm?

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Gastrointestinal problems


If you still own a HP printer, it's your own fault. Sorry. Got an Canon with liquid refill, loved it, equipped my company with it & recommended it to everyone I know. It's not even expensive & the quality is impeccable. Plus: no problems whatsoever over Linux.

EDIT: CANON, not Epson. I'm distracted sometimes. Canon PIXMA G4511, sub 300 Eur.

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Linux is bloat, I'm training the ants in a giant maze, got Doom running on it last weekend.

Eat the rich.

No problems here whatsoever, I don't know what everybody is talking about. Remember to donate some bucks to your favorite open source adblock (or piping app), thank you.

There are reasons, and then there are REASONS

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I don't know what the whole fuzz was / is about, it's years now that I unwillingly watched ads, anywhere. So easy, piehole, newpipe, avoid any Microsoft shit, you just have to be ready to learn a bit, it's not rocket science. Ok, rocket science helped, but that's not the point...

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I actually was a real advocate for gears, then I drove my wife's new car for some time. Modern automatic isn't only comfortable, it's actually more (fuel) efficient, especially in the city. Now I'm an automatic guy. And - the circle of life - my daughter, looking for her first car this year: "No, I want gears!" Now she's got gears. In a car that weighs less than my phone, but hey, what do I old 🥔 potato know.

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You can remove Windows completely from your life with very little effort, no matter where you live and it's free! In the world of today there is no need whatsoever for that exploitive and in short bad OS anymore.

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Ffs put that crap heap of a sorry excuse for a human being in jail already. Preferably supermax, I recommend Terre Haute, Indiana. No, wait, a 250% booked medium security with hundreds of beds in a school gym. Yeah. That'll do.

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I watched a young supermarket employee as he clearly sees a young mother stealing food, he looks at me, shrugs his shoulders, a short thumbs up 👍 from me, and we ignored it together. There you go. Still humans out there.

Oh they apparently didn't experience the real diarrhea shitting, it's so Zen when your body wants to turn itself inside out for so long that you don't feel anything anymore. And the feeling after it as if you were raped with a continent. So Zen.

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At our golf course they actually embrace the animals. Everyone is just stop playing if there's a possibility of hitting a deer, the pig holes are just additional bunkers, they closed a hole because of many nesting birds. If you wanna play in nature, you're just a guest.

Do I have to download both torrents?

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Whoever buys apple shit will learn eventually. Or just go extinct.

Or do it like Germany: make vaping extremely expensive so people go back to smoking. Stupid.

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It's just code for "dark matter from Temu"

Mormon (!) private (!!) school. You visit the private educational institution of a cult and you wonder why they wanna make you cut your hair? Wait for the cool-aid.

I never got the appeal of twitter/x, and I never will. I get other social networks, some more, some less, but Twitter's just stupid IMO. I hope that shit'll die sooner than later.

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Here in Germany you deposit it in a bank and not one party alone can access it. It's called "social law", not "socialism". Many things broken here, that one thing isn't.

And don't forget to show your appreciation to the people who maintain that whole shebang - of course, only if you're able to. Sending here and there 10 bucks, for example to the Newpipe or libretube team - or to your resident open source adblocker - doesn't hurt, it's only a few clicks and it really makes a difference.

Just don't buy that crap. I'm perfectly satisfied with a rooted chinesium Android machine for a third of the money. It's actually better in many regards than my cousin's iphone14. Hardware wise. And oh, you can change parts rather easily. These are so easy to root, I don't know why not everybody does it. Or give it to someone you know / in the family to do it. Had a Huawei before this for 6 years, changed the battery and the screen. Still kinda love my old brick.

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Sadly all "drinks" are made primarily from water. Otherwise they were called "chews". You living in the US of A by any chance? Unrelated question.

What religion? Money? Abuse of power? Hate? I can't follow anymore...

Did you wax your slave today?

IMO people should've dialed down their meat consume for years, everybody knows what it's doing. I'm not a vegetarian by any means (I love many veggy recipes though & I adore good (!) tofu), we (my family) are getting meat from organic farms or from hunters for years, that's more expensive but 2 times a week is absolutely sufficient. Same price as before, roughly. Even my meat devouring daughter thinks like that, but she gets real cranky after 5 days of lentils, bulgur wheat and paprika ;)

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I don't have a solution for this catastrophic injustice all over the world, but we - as in we humans - have to chlose down these inhumane shadows like north Korea or other nations killing people for expressing their opinion. That has to stop. We have to go the way to overcome that concept of closed nations completely, we're all on an insignificant pebble in the dark & mankind has to grow up at last, from the ego-driven toddler at least to a plagued teenager iykwim.

If you're ejaculating mold I'd visit a doctor if I were you.

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The USB cable?

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Everybody dying in my family. I'm sick of going to funerals and pretending to be sad or something. I'm not. Death is part of life. Fucking masquerade.

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Right. And they actually do it. Another thing: there's a list here von "Verbraucherschutz" (consumer protection) that lists all products that have less than before in it to the same price, of course it's on the package, but most people don't pay attention to it. The "Mogelpackung Liste" (cheat packaging list):

That makes no sense whatsoever to me. And I'm not alone, that I know for sure. I mean the whole ordeal: religion, war, hate, the economic construct of "nations" - I don't get it anymore. Actually never had.

Come and see, people, have a look into the future of Elon Musk, admission free, see the incredible cringy Kanye W.

Elon, Jeff & co, we are coming for you and there is nothing you can do about it. Merry Christmas, you greedy soulless motherfuckers hohoho

Could be misunderstood, here's a comma for you: " , "

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