8 Post – 500 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I am no longer here, and have moved to

Good, now do the same to the turds threatening violence to the jurors

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Still waiting for the good guy with a gun they keep repeating

EDIT: OK everyone, yes he was the good guy with a gun. Thanks to everyone for pointing this out

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For bots to get the whole stock for corporate needs

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Why are we waiting on a resignation? Kick him the fuck out.

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"And won't natively run switch games. Players will have the opportunity to purchase their favorite titles in our new eshop available exclusively on our new console" - Nintendo probably

Source: my ass

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What is it with all this "sharing with friends and family"? FFS if I want to share something, I will fucking call them and tell them about it, I don't need some stupid app doing that for me

I mean, you just basically answered your own question. People get paid hourly, weekly, every 2 weeks, monthly, and some even per sale (ie. Realtors) so the only way to have a constant measurement is yearly.

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Users like visiting websites that are expensive to create and maintain, but they often want or need to do it without paying directly. These websites fund themselves with ads, but the advertisers can only afford to pay for humans to see the ads, rather than robots.

Won't you think of the poor poor ad companies?

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Hamas existing is the Israeli government's fault

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Linus is always dropping shit, and this is no different.

Also, don't fuck with tech Jesus

1000 of the richest people? Sure, go for it

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Oh that? No no, that a errrr... a yoga suit

As a developer who loves to tinker with web stuff, I feel most of the tech scene and Silicon Valley are full of people who went into development just for the money. I almost see it every day.

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Another pandemic, let's goooo!

Isn't there a federal law that explicitly says the opposite regarding these and other types of records?

They want to become kkkings of their state and rule for life.

When I look a the logs, I'm mostly looking for as least knots as possible, but also to make sure they are cedar, pine, or oak depending on the project.

Oh shit, this isn't the carpentry community. NVM then

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Yep, if I put a word in quotes with a minus in front of it, it used to mean that search results with that word would not show, but now it does not matter because "AI haz learn"

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Because just referring to it as sexual assault, might portray that these cops where gay, and we can't have none of that.


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Looks like is time to move to Europe then, I mean the whole call and write to your senators and representatives only works if they care about their people instead of corporate contributions, the whole vote for someone who cares only works if you have an alternative.

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I loved LMG and watched their videos for years, but if you are going to put out false or exaggerated data knowingly, or auction off a one of a kind prototype, would pass me off but I might tune in from time to time for the entertainment.

But if you are called out on this and instead of trying to do the right thing you double down and even straight up lie to try to make a case where you aren't the bad guy, then I am done with LMG channels as I can not support a company with this clown.

No metal? Get some Megadeath albums to fix that.

Here in the us there are certain fabric sprays that help with static buildup, so there might be some alternative over there in Australia.

A humidifier will also work but is pricier in comparison.

Lastly you can wrap a cover cable to your anke and burry the other side in the ground 😆

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And fucking zionist assholes are given the time of day to say that Palestinians are not animals because comparing them to animals would be an insult to animals. Fucking disgraceful. I know Hamas did some unspeakably terrible and should be punished for them, but fucking oppressing the people of Palestine and treat them to sub human conditions over decades only to get mad and offended that they got fed up with your shit only to treat them even less tells so much about your upbringing and your mental state.

Sorry, had to rant.

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Sadly, yes. Israel is probably getting ready for an ethnic cleansing of the Gaza strip. As per the hostages, it seems like Israel has deemed them as dead already.

I agree, it would be a complete waste of time for they to vote

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Honestly, it's missing the following gems...

"We are looking for an industry leading ninja..."

"We're a work hard, play hard team/company"

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And a basic mental aptitude test please, we don't need psychos or idiots either

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To be honest, if I could go back in time for a day or two. I would go back to 1994 and find a nice cozy internet Cafe to log into AOL and chat with my friends. The interface is super dated for today's standards but I miss it so much. I still use their sound notifications on my phone

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At least they aren't doing what the big 3 do with their trucks. A mid range XLT F-150 will cost about the same as a fully decked out Tundra, and a fully decked out F-150 will set you back over $100K, but these were sold for $50-$75K just before the pandemic, so what changed? They just decided to charge more due to greed.

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Command + Shift + T on mac os, and Ctrl + Shift + T for Windows

You're welcome

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Hope his golden parachute doesn't open

True, however letting them make the same mistakes just because America or Europe did isn't the right answer either. All 3 regions should be reforested and all push towards deforestation should be stopped.

With very few exceptions, when a company goes public it goes to shit because they get stuck in the race to the bottom in order to appease the investors and completely fuck their loyal customers

So recently Bobo said she was done with MAGA, and now the BF owns a pro-LGTBQ bar... Could it be that he is bringing some (and I mean a little bit) of sanity to trailer park barbie? Maybe this is a good thing and we get a less radical -- but still idiotic Bobo

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Don't use vscode, use vsCodium, all the goodness of vscpde with none of the sleezy ms tracking

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Soon they will try to outlaw atheism

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Pavement princesses

Im starting to think that is their game, doing whatever is illegal until caught by a court of law, and then find ways to do it without getting caught.

Environmentalists support it because they support workers rights. Also, if you really care for the environment you know that EVs are not the solution and will never be the solution for the environment, just the car companies.

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Israel: "I take all the palestinian territory and kick out Palestinian residents"

Palestine: "We are going to war against you and shoot rockets at you"

Israel: "I must defend myself from these unjust and unprovoked attacks"

Authors note: I don't condone the attacks from Hamas, but Israel kinda pushed them to that point. Fuck both sides.

Wouldn't be the first time.

  • refusing usb-c for so long in order to push proprietary dongles until EU forced them
  • Killing headphone jack to push Bluetooth add-ons and other dongles.
  • Preventing people from taking pictures if their icloud is full even though their device isn't to try to push upgrades to icloud storage.

EDIT: To clarify, when I said preventing, I meant more of a temporary prevention. The issue is that if you open your camera app and your icloud storage is full, an iPhone will display an alert message stating icloud is full and present you with a button to add more storage, non-technical users would see this and hit this button taking them to the icloud upgrade page in settings. Now, if I'm taking a picture, it's often a "now moment" kind of thing, and even getting a popup would be sufficient to lose that moment.

And those still calling BS after my edit, I've personally seen this popup multiple times when I had my free 5gb plan on my iPhone 12, which was one of the reasons I switched to Android.

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