
1 Post – 170 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Bigelow or Stash double bergamot Early Grey, or Hime Genmaicha. I've tried brands that cost more or less and always come back to these three.

Not sure it counts as tea, but I've also got a taste for Yerba Mate.

Isn't this illegal? The Stolen Valor Act of 2013 prohibits false claims of earned military awards and medals if the intent involves tangible benefits. Obtaining public office is one such benefit, isn't it?

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That there is an all powerful supreme being that demands our worship or else we will suffer for all eternity after our death.

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Gas bubbles from rotting vegetation are the likely cause in this instance. See this article for an explanation:

Lake Ice - Gas Holes

Looking for an explanation, yes? It's a linguistic convention, totally. I mean, you know, we add a lot of unnecessary words, like, serious. It's superfluous verbage. Look, I know it seems to be a recent thing, but it's, like, been going on for a long time, right?

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A non-amicably seceded Texas is doomed as a country. No food, drugs, or medical supplies from the rest of the country. No parts to repair their oil wells or vehicles (made by businesses in other states). Companies like John Deere would be forced to brick all equipment in Texas. Then the US government imposes sanctions on any country doing business with Texas, and businesses outside Texas are restricted from doing business in Texas. Nobody comes to their rescue when the power grid fails in an ice storm or a hurricane blows through the state.

Face it. States are too interdependent to cut ties with the rest of the country.

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Keep doing what I have been doing - dragging MAGA fence sitters back from the brink one by one. The ones who have adopted Trumpism as their religion are too far gone. But there are a lot who just need to be taken by the hand and shown a better path.

When you see MAGA BS, challenge it with well-reasoned arguments. The object really isn't to change the mind of the poster. It's to prevent them from changing the minds of others.

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They are trying. AB 2200 aims at laying the groundwork for universal healthcare. Minimum wage just went up to $16 for everyone and $20 for fast food workers. There are experiments going on in several cities with guaranteed income. But everything comes with a cost, and the state is having budget problems. There have been job losses associated with the wage increases. Employers have begun to get very picky about who they hire for even minimum wage jobs. Hours have been cut.

Even Democrats realize one state can't offer free stuff without attracting every freeloader in the country. Someone has to pay for the benefits, and if they tax those folks too heavily, they'll find another place to live. There's a real limit to how many social programs can be offered before they break the piggy bank.

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I've been to a funeral where the guests wrote their farewells on slips of paper, which were then anonymously read by an officiant before being placed in a large ceramic pot with a small fire. It was much better than the traditional "Would anyone like to say something" followed by uncomfortable silence. People were much more willing to write down their thoughts for someone else to read.

Funny how the same people supporting this law oppose universal school breakfast/lunches, subsidized neonatal/child healthcare, and funding for extracurricular programs.

Lose? Nah. If he doesn't win the election, we'll get Insurrection 2.0. Then he's either imprisoned, dead, or we get to live in a dictatorship.

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Trump's conviction isn't going to be the big turning point of this election. What happens after his conviction will. If he continues to spew vitriol about the judge, prosecution, and jury, eventually one of his followers will commit an act of retribution. That puts Trump in a difficult spot, because his core likes this kind of stuff. He will want to show his support, but if he does, it will again show he encourages domestic terrorism. If he does anything other than condemn the attack, his support among moderates will fall away, just like it did after Jan. 6th. If he does condemn the attack, his core may protest, like they did when he changed his opinion on the COVID vaccines.

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The 14th Amendment, Section 3, was written to prohibit anyone who participated on the losing side of the Civil War from holding office. None of those prohibited were convicted of insurrection. This is very much like the age requirement for the President. It's a qualification - must not have committed insurrection or given comfort to those who did. You might argue that Trump himself did not directly participate, but he's certainly given plenty of comfort to those who did, with promises of a Presidential pardon.

As a qualification, it requires no judicial intervention unless challenged. Trump is free to challenge the grounds on which he is disqualified from the ballot, but being convicted for insurrection is not a requirement. These were things discussed during the ratification of the 14th, as was whether the amendment applied to the President (it does). I guess we'll see just how principled the "originalist" conservative judges are.

The most prevalent has got to be, "We prayed and -insert name- recovered - it's a miracle!

And if the person dies: "It's the will of God."

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Put up a sign that says, "Pursuant to ordinance 347-1236, a sexual predator resides here"

Why is it always a Republican?

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Has to be my back. It's hard to reach even with a back brush because of degenerative issues in my shoulder joints. I tried one of those scrubbers with the two ropes, but it's hard to control. Need a bigger shower so my wife can wash it for me...and get my back while she's at it!

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He's doing to Tesla what he did to Twitter.

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Covering my cough or sneeze with my shirt collar.

So glad this guy got kicked out. The fact that it took so long makes me want to kick out the corrupt politicians who supported him as well.

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Balut - partially developed chicken or duck embryos. It's served a number of ways, but the one that turned my stomach was boiled in the shell and served like a soft-boiled egg. Watched my Filipino friend eat it. He scooped the whole thing into his mouth and when he bit down, the body cavity of the embryo ruptured, causing the entrails to pop out of his mouth. Then he slurped them back in like spaghetti. That's about when I refilled the beer pitcher with my puke.

Surströmming - fermented herring. Looks like rotten fish. Smells like rotten fish. Tastes like...well I don't know. All I can tell you is it was salty, but beyond that all I tasted was vomit. Watching a neophyte eating it will usually treat you to the sound of gagging, followed by vomiting. Maybe your own, since the smell is truly pervasive.

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Probably because in a real racing seat there's a harness to keep you from slouching. I used to have terrible lower back issues with a Recaro bucket seat I converted for a desk chair. Never had a problem with it driving for hours when it was in my car (may it rest in pieces). Then it dawned on me that the seatbelt was maintaining my posture. Added a lap belt and the back problems abated.

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The real question is - how is Putin going to funnel the money to him?

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I love my bidet. Since the bidet came into my life I feel unclean after using a non-bidet toilet, even after using wet wipes. Imagine never having monkey-butt (an itchy asshole}. No more skid marks either.

Others have described the normal use of a bidet. I'm here to tell you about advanced bidet techniques. The first is learning the mini enema. You need a bidet with a water jet nozzle. Position yourself so the jet hits the bullseye. Slowly raise the water pressure until it starts filling your rectum with water. This is the hard part - relax. Your initial response will be to clinch shut the ol' brown eye. When full, turn off the water and let loose in the bowl. Repeat as needed. This cleanses the rectum and prevents those times when you feel like there's still some poop up inside that won't come out (because there is). It also prevents anal leakage that produces butt butter.

Once you've mastered the mini enema, you can use the technique to battle constipation. Squirt some water in that stuffed up bunghole, fill up, hold it in, stand up, then sit down and enjoy the relief.

It also provides immediate relief from a burning irritated bowel caused by eating Atomic Hot Wings from Wingstop.

Finally, the feminine wash setting is not just for women! After a sweaty workout where you don't have time for a proper shower, use it to wash your balls. That prevents itchy balls and the embarrassment of being caught scratching them.

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For those who are confused by what we mean by "free training", read this article:


Use bug bomb(s) first to kill the existing spiders. Then apply permethrin diluted with water to a 0.5% solution, spraying at all entry paths to the garage, edges, and dark areas.

The idea is to not just prevent spiders from returning. It's also to deprive them of a reason to return by removing their food supply. Permethrin is a wide-spectrum insecticide and repellant. It has very low toxicity to humans, most mammals, and birds. Not good around cats or fish. It has good persistence (6-8 weeks).

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Most of us still have the pandemic quarantine fresh in our mind. What if the next pandemic is something deadly, like airborne ebola? You may need several months of food. 200 lbs of beans, 300 lbs of rice, 160 lbs of sugar, 300 lbs of corn flour, etc.. All vacuum sealed in 5 lb mylar bags with oxygen and moisture scavenging packs, stored inside sealed steel garbage cans to keep out the rodents. The bags are numbered. Certain bags contain poisonous substances, and should not be eaten. So if they're taken by force, karma will be a bitch.

Don't wait. I got everything for under $500 by purchasing wholesale from overstock warehouses. Had to dip into it once a few years back when we were snowed in for two weeks, so it's not just for the zombie apocalypse. Stay away from canned goods unless you're very good at rotating inventory. Most only have a two year shelf life before the flavor will go "off". If they do spoil and you eat them, there might not be any medical services.

Speaking of medical, hit up your local feed store for some antibiotics. They're much cheaper than the human variety and don't require a prescription. Print out what each is good for and required dosage. They'll last for several years past the expiration date if you keep them in a cool place. A triage kit is another essential, and learn how to use it.

Finally, learn what edible plants grow in your area. You may be surprised at how many "weeds" can be eaten. They can help round out your diet.

If it were just about execution being painless, we'd execute people by detonating a block of C4 taped to their skull. 100% guaranteed instant and painless. But it's not about that. It's about those who oppose execution coming up with every reason to abolish the practice. I don't think there's a single proponent of capital punishment opposing nitrogen gas.

My personal opinion is that capital punishment should be reserved for a new standard of proof - beyond any doubt. If there's the slightest doubt, the sentence drops to incarceration.

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You know that we've gestated various animals in weightless conditions on the ISS, yes? They look normal.

It is for sale commercially. Hella expensive! $107 for 50 ml.


Now you can get it from private individuals for less - a buck or two per ounce, plus overnight shipping. But there are no food safety guarantees. You have no idea who the donor is, what kind of diet they have (may be an issue if you have food or drug allergies), or their health. That's why it's not recommended by the FDA.

You would have been covered in ketchup.

Jesus. Nobody should ever go hungry. Have you tried asking the manager/owner of the local grocery if you can have food destined for the dumpster? Talk to some of the employees too. While I'm not hard up for food, i got friendly with the folks running the deli section. If I show up when they close the deli, they'll give me everything left in the hot deli case for the price of one serving, because otherwise they're going to throw it away.

The problem is not that Trump is under felony indictment. It's not that he's a liar, a cheater, a misogynist, narcissist, and elitist. It's that, knowing this, a lot of people STILL support him for our nation's top office. That's how screwed up our populace has become. That's the problem.

My house is built on an old vertical mineshaft. I'd take the secret elevator to the bunker 300 feet below ground where my command center is. Then I'd take control of the gun emplacements hidden in the trees and the fleet of AI enhanced drones. When the agents are eliminated, the robotic dogs will drag the bodies to the incinerator shaft.

Or maybe not. You didn't think I'd really tell you what awaits you Agent CraigOhMyEggo, did you?

I haven't reached the point yet where I'm personally dumpster diving, but I have a friend who has an inside connection at a major grocery store. They call when it's time to take out the garbage, set it outside the compactor, and my friend swings by to snag it. It's incredible how much gets thrown out. He preserves what can't be used immediately and gives it away to those who don't have a problem with the source. I've benefited from a 5 lb bag of jerky and a box full of dried fruits, veggies, and other items.

Otherwise, I'm always on the lookout for sales and deals. When I find one I stock up, like the one going on now at Amazon for Sweet Sue canned chicken that worked out to 78 cents for a 5oz can.

I'm fortunate enough to have a few acres and access to water at agricultural rates, so I grow enough produce to supply myself and a few other families that subscribe to my farm-to-home service. It's enough to pay the costs and buy the grandkids some nice presents, but I ain't getting rich off it.

Thank you all for the suggestions! One that I mentioned to her is to ask her doctor if her recent health issues could be related to the fact she gets stressed dealing with corporate customers, who can be very demanding. It's an increasing proportion of her job that is not part of her original job description (actually the reason she wants to quit). Let it slip in the employee chat system that she's seeing a doctor about workplace stress induced illness. Management will see it as a prelude to a workplace disability claim and want her out.

You can subscribe to Easynews. It's Usenet turned into a website. There's a built in search engine (supports regular expressions), retention going back to 2008, spam and malware filtering, and multiple servers located in the US and Europe. You choose whether to use the web or a Usenet client. Probably the easiest way to use this neglected corner of the Internet.

Even Usenet gets censored, but there a window of a couple days between posting and takedown where the file is available. We see this a lot with major studios who pay investigators to identify infringing material. To get around this, some uploaders are encrypting their content, and you'll need the description key.

We've always had bigots. We always will. In the past, bigoted business behavior has resulted in opportunity for those who are willing to serve the clients the bigots won't. Minorities understand this, and minority-friendly businesses prospered.

I can understand being upset that a business won't accept you as a customer. What I don't understand is why anyone would still insist on supporting that offensive business with their patronage. I'd be spreading the word about their practices, asking folks to boycott them.

I once tried sardine ice cream. I love sardines and I love ice cream. The only place I want them to mix is AFTER they are in my stomach.

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Visio penalizes you for not giving it Internet access by taking extra long to turn on while it vainly tries to phone home. There's no way to turn off the "feature".

Why is it not illegal for manufacturers to cripple hardware if you don't let them invade your privacy?

Are there any alternate firmware sources for TVs that remove the smart features?