
3 Post – 666 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Best/most honest answer here.

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I used to consume drugs, and I'm cool and have mental health problems, so, both!

I'm so tired of this dumb trope. No, your self-diagnosis is not helpful. And yes, you can get diagnosed if you're poor. There are many ways to do so, you dont have to go through a fancy psychiatrist, and the US public Healthcare system will actually pay for it.

It just depends.

I moved back in with my mom for about 4 years while I went back to school. I moved out 2 months after I graduated, once I secured a job in my new field.

Lol. No new wars broke out under Trump, at least. As soon ad Biden got in, we were sending tanks back into Syriah. We've got two major wars were now proxies for. Didn't happen under trump.

Huh... yeah, actually, that's a good point I just made. Maybe I will vote for him. I wonder how fast the current wars we're involved in will stop.

Jesus, the absolute entitlement in this thread. Can everyone just chill until the app is out of the beta version? Some of us are fine with seeing ads until the lifetime fee is available, and some of us are fine paying a subscription until the lifetime fee is available. If you'd rather not use the app until then don't, but trashing the dev for getting paid while he works endlessly to create the sync experience for us is so ignorant and childish.

Sync is by far the best user experience app for lemmy that's available for Android, just as it was for reddit, and it's worth the wait and the price until the pro version is available.

I hope the dev ignores the whiners and focuses on those of us that get it. How demotivating to see people run their mouths when they dint know what they're talking about.

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Staying in hostels when traveling overseas. The amount of people who tell me I'm crazy and going to get murdered if I stay in a hostel is ridiculous.

Hostels are great, and not any more dangerous than hotels are, you just have to look at reviews and go for the type you want. You can also rent private rooms at a lot of them. I always stay at one's with a kitchen so I can save a bunch on food, too.

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Yeah, as a woman, I'd be real hesitant about taking a job out there, or any place thats more wild-west in nature (very few people and very lax regulation of any laws) and I'd sure as hell take gun tactical training before going, and always have a firearm on me.

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Okay, a narc is someone who tattles on you, it usually means someone who gives info to police, but it's been used for people who "tells on" someone to someone else. It's pronounced with a hard c, like a k sound "nark."

Just so you don't abbreviate narcissism as narc in the future.

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Hey thanks. Yeah, the one thing I'm happy about is that I saved about $500 this weekend, if my car starts, that is. Here's hoping! Thanks for the perk up!

The problem is, the word "involuntary" in incel puts the blame on those who won't fuck them. It's not their fault they haven't had sex yet, it's those who keep denying them. This gives them a reason not to have to change their behaviors or thoughts, which keeps them undesirable. That's why they're frowned upon.

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Art school isn't worth it, period. I got a far better art education through my local community college by far, from instructors who weren't incrediblely stuck up and full of themselves.

That was an 80k expense that I'm still paying off almost 20 years later, and I didn't even finish my degree.

I went back to get my AS at a CC and took some art classes there. 10/10, far better instruction for a fraction of the price.

This is just the cutest question ever, you made my day.

All the alternatives make me cringe.

If someone is insulted that you use the term "guys" for a group, they're not worth being friends with. That's a lot of exhausting mental energy to deal with. Ignore 'em and move on.

Wow, the end of a true era now that one of them is gone. :(

The moral panic about age gaps for any relationship where both people are over eighteen is so ridiculous.

You're fine. Just date her in you want to.

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I got lost and almost stuck out on a hiking trail in the desert after dark. It was raining, I was soaked through, and so was my dog. It wasn't supposed to rain, and I'd taken this hike before. Granted, never by myself, but still.

Luckily I found my way back to the trail head just as it was getting pitch black, but I was seriously scared there for a bit. I kept apologizing to my dog for being so fucking stupid to go on a two hour hike in the late afternoon with no emergency gear and no "just in case" rain protection.

...this happened 5 hour ago, btw, I can't sleep, I think I'm still in shock a bit at how close I came to possibly dying. And for bringing my dog down with me.

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Sugaring over waxing. No infections, way less pain, same smooth results.

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Beautiful reference, bonus comic made me snort my soda.

It's not easy being the only man in the world fighting for right-to-repair laws. Every company he exposes, more life is drained from behind his eyes.

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> Sikhism rejects claims that any particular religious tradition has a monopoly on Absolute truth. Sikhism emphasizes simran (ਸਿਮਰਨ, meditation and remembrance of the teachings of Gurus), which can be expressed musically through kirtan, or internally through naam japna ('meditation on His name') as a means to feel God's presence. It teaches followers to transform the "Five Thieves" (i.e. lust, rage, greed, attachment, and ego).

All sounds pretty cool, but I have always liked that it's one if the few that outright rejects any religion's monopoly on Absolute Truth.


I'll never understand why people continue to wax when sugar is an option. Wax is heated up to an extreme degree, which is why people can get burned. It sticks to your skin and rips off the top layer, which is why infections are common amd why its so goddamn painful. Wax requires multiple single-use paper strips, which is waistful.

Sugar never gets that hot so you'll never get burned. It only sticks to your hair, not your skin, so infection risk is much lower and it's not nearly as painful. No paper strips required, and only one glob of sugar is used.

Overall, all around, sugaring is far superior to waxing.

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Sorry, what's the long pig? Other humans?

Meh. Its slow, and the politics are more extreme. I've spent a good portion filtering most politics that I can out of my feed.

It's alright here. There's enough to keep me off reddit and not enough to keep me on my phone constantly.

People are being banned off the internet for misinformation and being replaced by AI bots who spout... misinformation.

That guy is a monster, when tomatoes are that small you pop the whole thing in your mouth and hide the explosion.

So proud to be present and involved in history's first lemmy app war. I'll be telling my grandchildren about this some day.

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I'm almost 40 and I officially don't like Facebook. Why anyone still uses it is beyond me, it's just don't a good experience anymore.

Tbf though, I've backed off most social platforms.

I like my job. It's not a hobby, but it also ensures I don't burn out in my hobbies, which happened when I initially tried to make a hobby my job.

Oh, that makes me feel better that I'm not the only one that struggles with them. And yeah, I was so jealous of the people in the video for it. Thanks for the pick-me-up, I feel better about it.

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It depends on what they offered us. Like if their fur was soft, sure, people would hunt them. If we could eat their meat and it was delicious, yes, we'd hunt them. If it was a challenge to kill them, they'd be hunted for sport.

We hunt many animals much more harmless than a slapping bear. We hunt fish, for god's sake.

You probably find extreme falsies repulsive, but you probably wouldn't notice a natural filling in if them. And, you wouldn't find a lack of natural lashes very attractive either.

It blew my mind when I learned that we're in a relatively dark, empty part of space compared to what's out there. It really put into perspective for me how difficult space travel will be for us as we continue to advance.

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The one thing that really makes me sad about common cellphone usage is the lack of face-to-face connection. It's a trip because I went through middle and high-school without smart phones, everyone did. I miss those regular, everyday connections with people.

Those that haven't gown up a significant amount of time without smartphones don't think the difference is that severe, or that the connections we've replaced them with are the same or superior, but it just... isn't.

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Don't you dare consider the nuance of any topic, political or otherwise.

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Yes, there's been a mass exodus, but while that term sounds like it means most reddit users have left, it just means a large group of them did. Certainly not most or all.

It's happening in waves. Evey time a big change happens, a group of users see that as the last straw and leave. This killing of second-party apps was my the last straw for me, while most users probably don't care enough to do that.

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Zip merges really show who the dumb drivers are.

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I'm here still. It is much slower here than reddit, but there are some upsides to that. One is that I spend way less time on my phone, scrolling

That's what I did. Moved to AZ, which is a purple state, from CA. I joined a writing group here, and one member is an out gay conservative. No way could he have been that outspoken in a casual writing group in CA, he'd have been chased out.

As someone more on the liberal side of things in general, it's incredibly refreshing to be able to hold a good-natured conversation with him involved where he didn't feel worry or concern about discussing his ideas.

We have another lady in the group who writes hardcore far-left poetry, and those are always followed up by great conversations. She's nice and not condescending to the conservative guy.

I love being in a purple state, I wish more states were battleground states.

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It was seriously like hugging an old friend when I woke up to the download this morning! So happy and warm to be back!