2 Post – 69 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Why they didn't use Saline which is safe and hardly controlled instead of... tap water?

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I (programmer and team leader) get requests from the king (management and project manager) and pass them to the peasants (code monkeys), clean after their shit (QA and code review). I get peanuts in return while the king keep most of the loot.

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Keeping the chicken in the oven could lead to nasty bugs

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The issue can be resolved by allocating an additional 250 MB of storage space to the recovery partition. Details on how to do that can be found here.

However, at least on Windows 10, Microsoft has acknowledged that an automatic resolution for this issue will not be released and as such, the only way to fix this is manually.

So there is a solution and the headline should be "Microsoft admits it can't automatically fix..."

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It all depends on the task you are currently doing and how good your managers are. A good one can understand the need to have a quiet time to concentrate on the task, and another will insists of micromanage you to death. Worked with both types.

The shower owner:

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If you carry and deposit pollen - use the Bees, if you are laying eggs - use the Birds, else use the floor.

Bees - Male, Birds - Female

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Joy and Happiness

There goes the neighborhood


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"Politician interact with voters after election"

Because of this the reaction will not work outside of carefully controlled laboratory conditions, ruling out apocalyptic scenarios where the process runs away and destroys all available DNA by building versions of itself with it.

This isn’t something that’s taking over the world just yet

So there’s always that kind of uncertainty; you think you can build safeguards in, but they’re not necessarily a guarantee that it will be safe

Very reassuring, nothing to worry about

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a shark and a camel

I would probably never invite them ever again

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A witch!

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In 2021... The law requires a technology safety standard by November 2024 if the technology is ready.

Still, NHTSA must be assured the technology works before it can require it, and then give automakers at least three years to implement it once it finalizes rules.

“If it’s [only] 99.9% accurate, you could have a million false positives,” Carlson said. “Those false positives could be somebody trying to get to the hospital for an emergency.”

The article title is too much optimistic, not going to happen in the next few years

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As a white you can do the Karen move and ask to see the manager, now!

Bad Kevin!

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Maybe a Wiesmann MF4

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It's a common knowledge, you need to apply more stickers to keep the little people happy

Aug 2020 Reddit post:

The person who made this is the guy on the couch, the caption is from his Twitter post and was sacarsm. They're all cis girls

"Tit for tate"

Still cruelty to feed wolves with spoiled meat

The idea is that you are not actually drunk but in some upset condition because of an emergency. And that condition might trigger the anti-drunk mechanism. A breathalyzer might work, but the drunk drive can always get someone else to breath into it. Also not sure how much calibration such device needs, can it last for a few months in a cold/hot car and still work correctly?

Once you want something to validate the breathalyzer (to avoid asking your child to start your car for you while you are drunk) it get complicated and more error prone.

What happen when the repository is getting forked? Goofing with the license is all haha fun till nasty lawyers get into the picture and you get all sort of liability claims

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One of the most tragic aspects of his predicament is the discrepancy between how much he is adored and how little has been accomplished to secure his long-term welfare. Hvaldimir ostensibly offers our species a chance at redemption: a formerly captive whale, already moving freely through the ocean, requiring only some redirection to reunite with his kind. But the enormity of what we have done to him and so many other sentient beings like him severely complicates — and in some cases prohibits — such a reversal.

It's the same sad story every time we encounter such mammal.

Would you like automatic update to mess with your disk partition allocations without requesting explicit permission to do so? As long as searching the error code would give me the explanation and solution I'm Ok with manual fix this time

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They could poop inside the box but digging it out by mistake when trying to cover it.

If you have more than one cat, one might be stressed by the other(s), especially if new.

Cat might be too old or too small to climb into the box, or not feeling well.

Some cats are assholes and doing it on purpose to show you they are not happy (is the box clean?).

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Oh they know... they just don't like sand

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So solid, liquid, gas, and missing plasma. You just need to have a really big bang and any of the other vehicles will do

If only there was a better way to roll a wheel

Hit these balls with your flippers

But I'm sure tomorrow all the right conditions will aligned and I could (by some miracle) finish all my long due tasks... Right?

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It is so fucked up that one can't believe it's not a total fiction. See and friends

Wreck of the Peter Iredale, Oregon coast

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You hear the Flight of the Valkyrie and then your trash can is gone

Not enough sauce!!

As an introvert a Bard loaded with charisma looks like a nice superpower to have, can't be more fictional than that.

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