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Joined 3 years ago

screenshot showing original comment picked up by google

It wasn't even near the top of the post. (4 people fell for it in the replies)

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If stability was their aim, they wouldn't be breaking stuff all the time...

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Here are some overly detailed instructions :)

Step 1:

  • Make sure you are using the web interface of your instance
  • Click on your username in the top right of the screen
  • Click on settings


Step 2:

  • On the left, click on the tab titled "Blocks"


Step 3:

  • Scroll to the bottom of the page. You should find a "Block instance" section
  • Select the drop-down
  • Start typing the instance's domain name in the search box
  • Select the instance you wish to block from the search results


Step 4:

  • Profit
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I'm on Void, and I had the malicious version installed. Updating the system downgraded xz to 5.4.6, so it seems they are on it. I'll be watching discussions to decide if my system might still be compromised.

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From the second link:

Leap Micro is an ultra-reliable, lightweight operating system built for containerized and virtualized workloads.

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This doesn't make sense. The earth moves at very different speeds depending on what you compare it to. The only thing that makes sense is for the teleportation to be relative to the teleporter. Maybe it would still require taking into account rotation, instead of linear momentum. idk, still seems complicated.

I think healthcare can be more of a "do as I say, not as I do" situation. They can be perfectly knowledgable, even if they don't follow their own advice. Life isn't as easy as "just do it", and it's likely helpful for many people to work with someone who understands that.

Has IRC been getting many new features recently? It kind of feels like the sort of thing where software can become "finished".

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Most TV operating systems are already non-android linux based. They mostly just run webapps.

and all future commits

Not entirely true. As long as you hold the copyright to all of the code (there are no contributions from other people), you can change the license however you like. The important thing is that this only affects commits after the licence is changed. All earlier versions are permanently available under the license they were released with.

The comment is not a response to the prompt though, but a reply to another comment.

Are the forum and documentation links the wrong way round?

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Started for me at 21. Also terrible with names, but I've never thought of that being related.

I don't think this is specific to giraffes? I've seen sheep do the exact same thing.

I learned programming at about 12, by following tutorials for the Pygame python library. It doesn't do anything especially fancy, but it taught me many concepts, while I had a lot of fun. My first project was making the traditional snake game, which I think is a good level of complexity.

My school had a shared drive where anyone could create files and folders. There was one folder where people would put random things (bash scripts downloaded from the internet, pirated minecraft, etc.). I wrote a python program that would display a picture of a pineapple on your screen (no ability to minimise, or move other windows in front of it). I had python installed to one of those folders that only appears if you select "show protected operating system files". I later wrote a remote-control script that communicated by creating files on the network. I was able to control the mouse and keyboards, open applications, take screenshots, and monitor keypresses (I never got anyone to click on it without me telling them to though). Never got discovered for any of it...

The emoji letters are just a display name. The actual username, which you log in with, uses normal characters.

Step 3 is where the issue occurs. The last party to submit their value has control over the output. Any complex calculations can easily be passed off as network lag. One solution I can think of is to pass the values round in a circle, one by one. This would require each party to share their value before they have seen all other values. At the end each party would share their calculated values to verify they match. Probably other solutions as well.

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Step 1:

  • Make sure you are using the web interface of your instance
  • Click on your username in the top right of the screen
  • Click on settings


Step 2:

  • On the left, click on the tab titled "Blocks"


Step 3:

  • ???

Step 4:

  • Profit

As a Lemmy.ml user, I believe the censoring happens for every comment I view through that instance.

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I went with local shipwrecks for my cats (Mim and Ida).

Oh my goodness. And when it comes out the nose is completely clear and blood free. Sometimes I miss having nosebleeds.

I think it just needs a little polishing. They look a bid odd in those places for now.

https://rabbit-rabbit.quest/ selects a random location for you to visit every day within walking/cycling distance.

(I found it at 19:15, though I'm not sure why I went looking)

It's the green parts that look white / grey. I believe it's more of an illusions - if you have something to contrast it with, such as the moon, you can start to see a slight green tint. The pink I saw last night was very noticeable though.

The red parts are rarer and harder to see. Especially with the naked eye.

The red parts were very visible last night, and I found their colour much easier to see with the naked eye than the green parts ever are.

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This is a microsoft teams message. It's the teams colour scheme and design. Firefox messages are grey and left-alligned:

I just chop the cheese into small bits. One less thing to wash, and pretty much just as fast.

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I've convinced them all to use matrix with me. For some reason they still use Skype with each other.

Also it sounds like you still use facebook? In which case doesn't that make you the boomer of this comment section? I don't see why you would use a public social platform to communicate with your family - that's what messaging services are for. Also what's wrong with SMS? It's literally just another messaging service, built into phones by default.

also also if SMS is for boomers.

and people's parents are likely to be boomers.

does it not make sense that people will use SMS to communicate with their parents?

something something something I win.

[...] drones will carry items to Graemsay and Hoy where postal staff will complete their delivery routes.

Graemsay gets 2-5 ferries a day (assuming the passenger ferry can take mail), Hoy gets the same ferry, plus 3-6 a day at the other end of the island.

This feels similar to this experiment on North Ronaldsay, which already has 3 flights a day, which can deliver the mail. I think Carla (in the video) puts it well - there is the odd occasion where the mail has to be left till the next flight, due to the plane being overweight.

(Also, I don't see how this new trial is more of a "service" than the North Ronaldsay one, so the headline is kind of incorrect. Also, "Orkney has become the first location in the UK to have mail delivered by drone." is a complete lie, even thought they link the other article right below it.)

I'd be more interested seeing the delivery vans replaced with smaller electric vehicles. Usually when I get my mail delivered, it seems that the passenger seat is large enough to store most people's deliveries.

I think the important part is that the syntax will become standardised, rather than being defined by microsoft/typescript, potentially allowing for alternative implementations. It could also make the build step optional in some cases, which is something people dislike about typescript currently.

I think the second part of the comment is what's important:

If you are in a more comfortable environment you will be better at working

Maybe that is windows for you. I have barely ever used windows, so the concept of searching for installers online and running them just seems clunky and time consuming to me. It's just not what I'm used to.

However if you are willing to learn multiple systems, you might find that one is better than the others.

(£1 gbp = $1.27 usd = €1.17 eur)

Cheapest land - £15,000 (0.56 acres)

Cheapest "house" - £50,000 - The dwellinghouse may be suitable for renovation or as a building site for a new property

Cheapest livable house - £85,000 - looks like it was lived in at least.

Cheapest flat - £85,000 (1 bed)

Church - £100,000 - The adjacent cemetery is not included in the sale.

If you compare the sizes of the panel in the video, it is remembering the size correctly. The issue you're having is that the position isn't remembered.

The behaviour is the same for me on plasma 5.27.11.

I see everything in every comment in this thread. I don't think anyone has actually said anything censorable yet. I do see "removed" now and again though.

I usually get 5-10 Mbps download during peak times, which is enough for 720p YT and decent video calls. I really don't understand why people always need faster and faster internet. Although I just checked, and I'm getting 60 down just now, which is way more than I have ever seen.