Yes, you cannot, so to do it do like this to Mildly – 373 points –

A huge post about how to create a Facebook business account without a personal account. The whole thing was filler text and ambiguous sentences like this

The internet is dying, but it is being killed!


I hate how all the top google results these days are the self contradicting ramblings of LLMs.

a tip i saw elsewhere, put “before:2023” in your search query

Difficult with Facebook as the interface keeps getting changed - the instructions go out of date so damn fast.

Why are you trying to find information on Facebook? Why are you even interacting with Facebook at all in 2024?

I work at a community radio station and also am admin for our small town's local Facebook group. It might suck a bit but it still has a large audience.

I wish google was stricter with this SEO spam. I know it’s not easy to detect but if they do they should definitely blacklist sites just like servers can get blacklisted for sending email spam.

I think they like it for some reason.

This feels more like a poor non-native English speaker than an AI. LLMs do happily lie, but they don't usually have significant grammar mistakes like the missing articles here.

Probably both. The circular logic and redundant headings scream AI but presumably a human compiled it together and may have written what they thought were bridging sentences.

If you don’t have (at least kinda an inkling of) misinformation on your page, somebody else will get the result for:

How to [do impossible thing]


This is why AI is not actually a good solution. Perfect example.

It can save you a lot of time when it's right though:

Facebook does not allow you to create multiple accounts though, so it is practically wrong

I'm not familiar with Facebook, but if you can't create a business account without a personal account, how would you create one without having multiple accounts?

Business accounts are actually called pages. They are created inside their platform by personal accounts. A user can create multiple pages about anything really

The question was "without a personal account", not "without using my existing personal account". So it's correct, you first must create a personal account, but misleading in that it implies one person can have multiple personal accounts.

No, you can create multiple accounts, but using different emails.

Facebook is a community where people use their authentic identities. It's against the Facebook Community Standards to maintain more than one personal account.

So yes, you CAN, but it's against their community standards.

You risk them deleting your additional accounts, if they find out that you have made multiple accounts, even with different emails. Seem from a business perspective, it would be way too risky to create an account like that to run your business account, because you risk it being banned. and we all know how well Facebook support works, in order to resolve conflicts like these

You can make multiple accounts admin of a Facebook page, even if one account is banned, you can still manage your page.

I am talking from experience.

It doesn't change the fact that you are breaking their rules. You can also go 200 miles an hour on the interstate if you want and boast that you can do it based on personal experience. You won't come back to tell people of the consequences though

Everyone's gangsta with their extra accounts until the ban hits and an important revenue generating business page (and all other accounts related to it too) are gone for good.

In general nobody can do 200 miles an hour on the interstate, even if you wanted to. Even the cars that can do 200 are rev locked to keep them below 150. Maybe 2% of the cars that can do 200 can actually reach that speed.

hehe what did you do?

I just made a separate Facebook account for my business. That's all. I am not managing the business anymore. But the account still works.

Aside from the fact it’s essentially wrong in your screenshot, you can never trust it so it always requires a follow up web search or something.

Love it for philosophy and text revision where it just has to get you to think or rephrase in a way you can easily vet with your own brain.

"Yes you can't, here's how" is my new favorite sentence

This is one of their worst policies. I am disgusted I have to link my personal profile to do some of the work I have to do.

Zuck, cut this the fuck out!

I wonder if EU could force them to allow for un-tracked non personal accounts for work..

fEUck yeah, any EUtizens with time on their hands pls consider flagging this poor practice for us :)

Maybe here or maybe somebody knows a better contact option.

Is there a word for articles of this type? There's all kinds of shitty how-to websites like this. For a while I was finding a ton that were obviously AI generated, too.

I've heard people say "data is the new oil" and there's some flaws in that thinking, but what I find apt, and what was probably not taken into account when that idea was thought up, is that like oil, it's being drilled, refined, and combusted, polluting the environment. Whether this is AI-generated or just poorly-written slop by a human for the purpose of generating "content" to make money off some dumb algorithm, it's polluting the environment and making it harder to get a proper answer.

If you want to experience frustration try getting your business verified on Facebook if Facebook haven’t already decided that your business needs to be verified.

All we want is to integrate WhatsApp with our support desk software but you can’t do that without your business being verified. It’s a b2b company so we have no use for Facebook other than for this purpose which means that they won’t flag us as needing verification and there’s no way to contact them about it.

I left it back in November and deleted everything, but from what I see, it just keeps getting more and more complicated for no reason at all. The link between Facebook and Instagram could have been so much simpler, but it feels like a huge mess to set up and edit. Posting works well, when it works, but does not always work.

Deleting ones account was also pretty complicated.

I don't know if they do it on purpose or if they just have people make up stuff just to have people make up stuff.

If you want to experience frustration try getting your business verified on Facebook if Facebook haven’t already decided that your business needs to be verified.

Or indeed doing almost anything relating to FB Business. It's a nightmare to use in my experience, and the help articles are always out of date, mentioning features that no longer exist.

wtf even is Birdeye? Our work e-mails have all been being spammed by them claiming we have bad reviews and they can help. I've been ignoring them mostly, but noticed the text of the reviews reek of being AI written and none of them show up on any of the review sites (that we keep track of anyway). Is this some LLM spam company basically?

I wasn't on Facebook to begin with but I also had to create a personal profile in order to make a bussiness profile. Not a huge issue in my case as I never put anything up on the personal one.

It's like a recipe! I want the ingredients and the way to prepare the meal with not so much preamble. I wish that these posts were short and functional OR used a story-like structure that makes me want to actually read them rather than skim them. And if they're for instructions... don't spread those instructions across a long article, please!

Obviously, google's own friggen algorithm plays a role here as they have to do what the algorithm likes... but there has got to be a better way.

I would encourage anyone writing blogs like this to really think about why they're making them. Is it ONLY to drive "Empty" SEO or is it to drive people to read the dang things? I would think they'd care more about time on the page and converting from readers to leads.

Overall looking at their product, I don't think they would recommend their users make posts like they're making here.