2 Post – 185 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

Recently set up my Win 11 gaming pc and despite being tech savvy, I couldn’t get around the requirement without googling. I needed to run a fucking command in order for the Windows installer to let me create an offline account. That’s just so scammy. Imagine paying money for Windows.

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The thing with mostodon and lemmy is that the feed is not algorithmicly tailored to you with the goal to get you to spend as much time as possible. That’s why these experiences are usually more relaxed and fulfilling than what the big players offer.

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My DuckDuckGo experience has surprisingly been more useful.

Yeah, right!? I remember that one or two years ago DDG was consistently worse than Google but recently Google's quality has dropped off a cliff. Now when I don't get the desired result in DDG and switch to Google, the results are usually just as bad or worse.

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Funding is drying up due to high interest rates. That’s why these kinda of layoffs happen more frequently right now.

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Someone contacted me on Steam and asked if I wanted to play TF2 with him. It was one of my most played games at the time and I had a TF2 avatar, so no surprises here.

That person later asked me to rate their TF2 team on some website. Didn’t care first but did it eventually. The website needed Steam auth but just faked the Steam auth and relayed every bit of information you entered to steal your account.

Quickly realized my mistake and reset my password before anything happened. Im still surprised how much effort went into this fake rating site just to steal some Steam accounts.

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To support your theory: Wild cats don't meow when they're grown up. They usually only do this as kittens. When they grow up around humans they keep this trait to communicate with humans. So yeah, we're like moms or something to them.

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Nobody mentioned Adobe yet. They’re absolutely the worst. They offer creative products behind a 70$ / month paywall and they hold a monopoly in their field. Only need their software sporadically? Sorry, no plan for you.

They haven’t significantly updated some of their software in like 20 years. I currently have the displeasure of using After Effects again and apart from not even supporting system dark mode on macOS or even fullscreen mode, there are all kinds of weird small bugs that you just get used to when using the software for a while.

Fuck Adobe.

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Holy shit. I read the headline and thought it was bad but reading this... wow

That’s pretty much a completely different feature though? It creates local backups. It respects passwords and encryption. It doesn’t take periodical screenshots of what you’re doing and reads their content to feed an LLM.

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I read in another thread that a lot of people agreed Elon lost it when he called that diver of the rescue team for kids trapped in a cave in Thailand a pedo. I mean wtf. If I remember correctly he never apologized and defended his insult. That’s completely unacceptable.

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This happened to me years ago. Suddenly got a random community guidelines violation on YouTube for a 3 second VFX shot that was not pornographic or violent and that I owned all the rights to. After that my whole Google account was locked down. I never found out what triggered this response and I could never resolve the issue with them since I only ever got automated responses. Fuck Google.

Nah he’s here. It’s the guy downvoting all the anti reddit posts

Hmm I wonder why threads is not GDPR compliant...

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I think better UI by default would be much more important. Right now the biggest issue is probably that people look at lemmy and find it intimidating due to its messy UI.

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It will inflate numbers for the investors though and might get this shit funded in the future. So, better not give them even the traffic if you can avoid it.

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Click the uBlock icon > click the gear in the bottom right > click the second tab called "filter lists" > extend "annoyances" category > pick "adguard - cookie notices"

5 more... is amazing. PWA and hence cross-platform.

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I didn’t look back after moving here. The only thing where Reddit still excels is its old content that you bump into when searching stuff on Google and the presence of official corporate accounts/ subreddits.

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And they should be forced to document / open their file formats. They’re way too big already and one of the shittiest anti-consumer companies out there.

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Bitwarden also has better features for now like more solid URL matching (handy if you have a bunch of services on subdomains of the same domain name).

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Reminds me of how stories are everywhere now or how everyone copied clubhouse for a while. Instead of strengthening what a product is good at, these companies want their products to he everything at once and often lose focus about what their product was originally good at.

Telegram for example becomes a fully blown social network now but message sync and notifications between different clients are spotty now - that’s what made them great for me in the beginning.

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200$ / month is insane, wow. From what I can tell, lots of people seem to start pirating way more. It looks like it’s common to be subbed to your favorite streaming service and put the rest on Plex.

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Can someone give me an example where webp gets in the way? I've been using it for a while and both macOS and Windows seem to support the format without any third party extensions for a while now and so do the Affinity apps.

I can use webp like any other image format at this point.

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No no, the title says b-tier superpower

I would have loved this option like 10 years ago – when it wasn't clear what a toxic company facebook is.

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There's no way they aren't aware of this. But also: what did they expect?

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JetBrains comes to mind as one of the fairest subscription services I know. It also get cheaper the longer you’re subscribed, incentivizing you to to stay subscribed. It’s both smart and user friendly.

The worst one is probably Adobe.

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That’s super nice of you but in the end it just adds value to a company that doesn’t give a shit about its creators.

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Why are they forcing users to YouTube Music anyway? They could improve the product before killing all of their other services.

YouTube Music doesn’t even remember where you left off. Switch to your phone? Music queue is gone. Close the tab? Music queue is gone. Anything other than an algorithm curated playlist will make you have a shit experience on YouTube Music.

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This is incorrect but I like it more

And the best of reddit gets reposted elsewhere. It's like a hierarchy of content getting worse until you're on facebook. That's where it ends and the worst crap accumulates.

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Time Machine doesn’t use screenshots, it shows a folder at different states throughout time. The folders and files are fully interactive too. It’s much more akin to how git works.

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Yeah exactly. Remember when they wanted to kill PWAs in Europe blaming the DMA? They had to revert course eventually due to backlash.

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And it's great for boilerplate heavy stuff or writing tests.

It’s a terrible tale of oppression if you read between the blocks.

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I know more people who are just fine with using the official app than I know people who hate it. It’s kinda sad.

Seems like the backlash was loud but ultimately nowhere strong enough.

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Man that scuba diver incident was also the turning point for me. Before that I actually thought he was involved in a lot of cool stuff and probably a positive influence but I also didn’t pay all that much attention to him.

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They only sorta provide IMAP. You need to run Proton Bridge on your computer and that program will connect to their service and provide a local IMAP connection to your mail app of choice. It’s all a bit hacky but works well enough.

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Two main reasons I think:

  • it’s easier to make a big phone as there’s more space for all the components
  • the average consumer doesn’t use computers as much anymore, so people start using their phone for all kinds of things where they benefit from the bigger screen
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Found the Dutch