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Thinking people in their late teenage years and young adults aren't mature enough to do some of those things is just a big tell of how bad we educate them rather than their brain not being "developed".

Consent is the most obvious example, teenagers are gonna have a sexual life no matter what you want them to do. Removing consent just remove yourself from the responsibility of educating them and entice them to stay hidden.

Driving is also just necessary to anyone working, again being safe just need to be taught, plenty of adults are just as immature and stupid.

The same can be said for drinking or smoking, prevention is so much more effective than restrictions.

However, for voting or joining the army that's when i agree. Because the system is built to prey on them, making sure they stay uneducated and vulnerable. So only then does having restrictions make sens to keep them safe.

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I agree, the sooner the better.

Sex ed is what makes children mature enough to have sex once they reach the age of doing it.

But what's the point of raising the age of consent?

My point is there isn't any if sex ed is done well, it only makes sex more taboo.

Conversely, if you want to raise it, maybe it's because sex ed wasn't done properly, making teens not able to be mature enough for an activity they are gonna do anyway.

For driving, I would agree in general we aren't good at driving, but changing our means of transport isn't easy, despite being the best solution. That wasn't really the topic though...

Not sure I share that viewpoint for the US, the history of the indigenous is the story of the people, not the nation.

And the US has many more populations that have great history, from EU and Africa.

But the beginning of its history is founded on the gathering and interaction of all those different cultures.

So for me saying the country is young doesn't quite have the same connotations of erasure from colonialist, it mostly makes me think of how current the melting pot of all those different cultures are.

I still agree we shouldn't diminish the importance of indigenous people in it.

Well recently the news in France had the same effect for me. The fascists won the European election, then our president dissolved the National Assembly. And the fascists just seems to be more and more popular recently...

The turn signal to turn left looks like an arrow pointing to the right.

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I love that linear extrapolation you know is only there to lie even more on a graph that's already a baseless correlation.

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Yes and the princess is resting on your keys so better not to disturb her.

Thanks that was a very clear explanation, i appreciate you ❤

Exactly what defines us is the sitting down and setting our wits to something.

Sometimes it's horror, sometimes it's greatness.

But everytime it's more prominent than anything other animals can do.

Because wits is the trait that succeed in evolution, it's the trait that gives you more agency.

Society start to become unwell only when the few "monsters" get power, especially in a unbalanced way.

And yes some have and always will try to get it, but i don't think it's very relevant here...

Capitalism is a very powerful way for them to use our economic system to get their power, hence why it's a problem in itself.

And that's also why we could have hope for a system where they can't get power. Democracy is one solution, although limited, for example.

A fellow hydrohomie

Let's be honest a research isn't at the expense of others but greedy politicians and CEO's are at the expense of every research and everything we researched.

In France we got a lot of nuclear fission, probably the best idea we could invest in right? Except investors took any money they could and we never spent enough on upkeep of the facilities nor the next generation of qualified workers. And now we got old power plant that are very hard to deal with.

Dyslexia is common, but people for whom english is not their first language, whose learning is still in progress. Those are even more common on the internet.

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It's gross sure but i never understood how that would make someone stop eating it. For me no matter how gross something is the taste is the only thing that matters.

Other examples, rabbit's brain, black pudding, or in general how we kill most animals to make steak... It's always creepy, gross or a bit disturbing, but it never changed my taste for it.

So do you think earth will land on heads or tails?

What a nice catpuccino latte

I'll gladly take aliens trying to cure me of an ADHD and depression i don't have if they can also cure us of religions and capitalism.

More importantly you going to therapy and improving yourself the way you described it, that in itself is sincerely the best exemple we can show an alien, ever.

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Land bugs mostly have pretty blend or bad taste, regardless of their looks anyway. In Asia they often add spices to make them taste something.

It's a bit like snails too, it's not that tasty itself, the only reason it's good is because it tastes like the butter and garlic we put in.

And for both it's mostly the texture that's off putting. Some people can grow used to the texture though.

In asia the bugs are often put with other condiments, lollipop, spices etc... to make them taste something.

And they are mostly like snacks. I don't know any culture that have them take the place of a meat in a dish.

Circuses isn't socialism, it's a pretty useful tool of capitalism, even though it ruins it in some cases.

Bread though, no capitalist will ever share their bread. Or anything for that matter.

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The real debate, how many kisses? I do two.

True, the mountaintop could have been a bit more Inspired for a zone locked behind a lot of progress. Even more underwhelming if you compare to Farum Azula.

True Godfrey was one of my favorite boss both times just because i love the character and ambiance. I remember making a build of a viking with two axes and listening to brothers of metal.

I like the way this is inclusive to everyone too, perfect!

A response both wholesome and a great plot for an antagonist or anti-hero.

Be sure to post either your revenge or your the next game you enjoy my man.

Well i haven't seen a study but i don't feel like that's wrong. A lot of people fart without it being smelly, little innocent ones.

Of course we remember the smelly, more numerous, ones that we got when having digestive problem or big number 2.

But i feel like the nice one are way more often, and happen to lots of people. There's even some people that let huge ones without smell, that's always funny.

Let's also be clear that people should be respected, unless...

Opinions however are another matter. You don't have to respect someone's opinions to respect him.

Unless his opinions are his whole self, but then it goes into the category of the 'unless' i can't respect.

I know the cables fit, 'cause i watched them pull away.

Ironically that's exactly how humans would react to discovering some less advanced aliens if you ask me.

I'm exactly like that too. I think my nature isn't nice, but i can choose to be.

And i'm also admiring anyone that as that nice nature, i find it beautiful and extremely attractive. So to a degree i have that goal of trying to choose it whenever i can.

One drawback, wich also coincide with my very rational personality is that i hate having too strong of an emotion, had anger issues as a kid, but also the start of love is somewhat unpleasant for example.

But hey, to me as long as your trying to be better, your are good person.

Elitist entail their is a technical reason behind it, otherwise it's only gatekeeping.

In music it can be some music theory, prodigious playing, complex sound design etc...

I did fall a bit into this idea of elitism too at first. It's easy when you are just starting to educate yourself and only see the technique.

But then at some point you gotta start having opinions and preferences that goes beyond rationality, or your not really enjoying an art form.

You can still be a bit elitist, but then it's only personal and you stop gatekeeping.

That said the technical aspects can be very interesting.

Moreover I also love the way anyone passionate about music describe what they like.

I'm not familiar with Facebook, but if you can't create a business account without a personal account, how would you create one without having multiple accounts?

I do agree those people you speak about are uninteresting and mostly stupid.

But we should respect stupid people, their ideas aren't always worth respecting, but as people they themselves deserve considering.

And I praise anyone that has the patience to teach morons to be better people despite their own lack of judgment.

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So pull the lever and throw yourself on the wheels before they stop?

I got a question thought.

I'm using heaphones made for the best audio quality, i use a quarter jack to my audio card or, for my phone, just add an adapter to 3.5.

But my phone is getting old, is it possible to keep a good audio quality, and the heaphones wich sound i like, but through bluetooth?

Because i've never experienced any good bluetooth converter, and neither did i found any good bluetooth headphones, and let's be honest i kinda don't want to buy a new expensive one after getting mine wich was already pretty expensive...

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Classical mechanics, right from the first time i learned Newton's laws, it was always so satisfying to me. Just pure and well rounded logic to explain everything, it's so neat.

Best example for me was the 2 body problem. Going from the 6 degrees of freedom to a simple uniform rectilinear motion of the center of mass and then leaving us with only 2 degrees of freedom. Such a elegant solution, so satisfying.

You know beauty isn't just the word we use for aesthetic beauty, we also use it for concepts, such as this one.

I all use a lot of rational thinking daily, so i do like a game that take all of your focus but i'd rather have something brain dead. So in short, rocket league. (Also MHW can be like that sometimes)

So if I understood you, you meant in reality we should more or less respect the opinion without arguments based on whether it is more or less subjective?

Question, is anyone really a night owl or morning person, or is it just that we builded habits that our body fully integrated?

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That's a pretty valid point of view. You're right on the fact most are corruptible by power, so i personally wouldn't blame individuals, i only blame the system.

And it's true the better systems didn't last... Doesn't mean we can't try to improve ever so slightly.

Now i'm not sure how much we can learn from history though.

The problem is that our paradigm is changing much too fast alongside our technology.

So i think we can't really predict what the gamble of technology will give us next.

Might be bad, might be good, or something just different, but i bet we will be extremely surprised by how fast change will come.

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