5 Post – 945 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Conservative? Republican? Fuck yourselves. You’ll pay for your stupidity.

I am a software engineer. Coffee goes in, code comes out

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My soul has been sucked out. But you forgot to mention your soul is also replaced with coffee.

And your blood

I believe its a byproduct of originally being filmed in front of a studio

Could be liability? Someone sells a poorly made toy which breaks inside someone. Is etsy concerned they maybe held liable for that sort of thing being allowed to be sold? I don’t know - thinking out loud

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“Am I talking like the god damn riddler?” when my simple statement is somehow wildly misunderstood

Publish was 2021 so yeah a couple years old

why do you think learning about your brain cause it to become more complex?

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I would feel better about america, as a non american, if the country on the whole would accept they aren’t the only country in the world, and didn’t continuously consider themselves the greatest. Actually acknowledge their history and the atrocities committed to get it to where it is today.

Have some god damn humility

absolutely me this week … month

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What’s the timeline for when a fictional love story about 911 is acceptable?

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Handbrake was my goto, unsure if its still recommended

the very few who have the wealth and power to raise all of humanity, instead choose to hoard it.

their behaviour and actions will be the eventual end of humanity

Well, yes. Reforms only hope to come to power is there being enough hateful racist idiots to vote for them

I lucked out - was on the wait list just before covid, and seemingly covid stopped the tests and worked through the waitlist instead.

I was diagnosed and prescribed after waiting 1.5 years. Now it seems people are expected to wait over double that.

No wonder there has been a boom in private healthcare diagnosis

Pretty sure the kremlin is a legitimate military target

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Batboy flipping grunts in my community? Say it aint so!

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What part of the dungeon are you in? Have you reached the top, and jumped?

part as in, sections youve made it through

The game plan is to scrape, store and utilise as much data as possible regardless of conventions, best practice, license agreements etc until specifically regulated to stop.

At that point, a few early companies will have used vast swathes of data that any newly established company is banned from also using

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Brain Doctor to the Stars Labeled a ‘Snake-Oil’ Salesman

Updated Jan. 09, 2023 1:19PM EST 

Published Dec. 10, 2022 11:25PM EST


A warning about "Dr. Amen". Please dont go to his clinic..

1 year ago


Our technology is transformative; it is designed to generate completely new outputs, not to memorize and regurgitate pre-existing content

Oops! You appear to have consumed and believed your own shit you’re peddling

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Non-functioning wipers could increase the risk of a crash in wet weather

I would bet money musk tried to argue wipers were unrelated to safety

I think the US is more likely to invade the EU in defence of companies before enacting similar regulations

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That youtuber is posting garbage for rage baiting to get interactions.

Just ignore him entirely. Might as well ask a dog for technical advice. At least a dog can’t give you straight up wrong advice

Its not something ive come across but its almost like youre describing hotswapping Operating Systems?

Someone else mentioned this, but your likely best bet is to have virtual machines instead. If you need windows on occasion but use linux as your daily driver, use a VM on the linux host?

If its more for like gaming and such, youll be able to do VMs still but you will likely need an additional GPU - a bogstandard one just for video output for the host, and then the main GPU is “given” to the VM to use

americans dont seem to understand there is an entire world outside of their country

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So you do a bunch of wide ranging roles, likely specialising in none?

Grab 3-6 months contracts, charge through the nose, deliver 30% and then just dip?

The country claiming to have the most “freedom” of any country has the highest incarceration rate of any country.

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Tell me again how musk-ovi isn’t a putin stooge

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mEtA wOnT dEsTrOy ThE fEdIvErSe. wE sHoUlD lEt tHrEaDs In

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Yet another not a drag queen caught

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financial freedom is a myth peddled by billionaires

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Reddit began in a similar way - being very tech focused until it started to become much more mainstream.

Block instances which have nothing you want (foreign languages, for me)

Block communities spamming gaza / war / techbro

I like to browse new across all instances, and block rather than only view subscriptions

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sir this is a wendys

“brexit will bring in more trade! brexit will provide 350 million to the NHS!”

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“I don't care about you. I just want your vote.” - Trump 2024

The most honest he will ever be

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Can I claim pakistan after?

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a musk company over promising and under delivering. Surprise surprise

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Continues to die

Is forcibly killed off by companies who hate their employees

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If trump is immune from all criminal charges for the sole reason of being, or having been, president, then this would apply to all current and future presidents.

If trump is immune, so is clinton, bush, obama and biden.

Presidents could have any political opponents assassinated.

By the time of the night of the long knives, hitler was effectively immune from all prosecution.

By the time of the soviet purges, stalin was effectively immune.

If this case allows a president complete immunity, its a huge step towards a dictatorship.

If presidents are immune, why would they ever give up power? Trump winning this case could mean he is never president again because biden could just, stop the election and purge anyone who challenges him.

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