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Joined 11 months ago

Man, what a bummer. My equivalent to this was an RC car called the "Skydriver". But it absolutely lived up to my expectations. That thing was frickin awesome.

raid array

I don't even understand how HP still exists. Can anyone name a single product they've made in the last ~15 years that wasn't a complete piece of junk?

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They only give them a strong incentive to stop driving legally.

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Cringe af

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I didn't watch any trailers, didn't read any of the hype, had low expectations, and didn't have to buy it...and Starfield still managed to disappoint me.

Nowadays? Mobile games have always sucked. All the way back to snake on your old Nokia. That game sucked too. It's just now the games suck and they're packed full of microtransactions.

How is augmented reality different from mixed reality? Genuine question. They sound like the same thing.

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OJ Simpson was acquitted. What's he famous for? Because it definitely isn't football.

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There is enough non-copywrited Harry Potter fan fiction out there that it would not need to be trained on the actual books to know all the characters. While I agree they are full of shit, your anecdote proves nothing.

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Gravity isn't a space movie. It's just 2 hours of Sandra Bullock crying and hallucinating. It's probably the second worst movie I've ever seen after Open Water.

My mid-range smartphone from 2022 has 8gb of ram. I paid $250 for it brand new.

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lol I'm not reading 60 pages of ancient manga for a single joke

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Likely what happens is that while the existing options are fine for the masses, a power user has a specific use case that is not covered by said options, so they create their own program to fit their specific needs. Eventually this new program evolves into something that is also useful to the masses, and that's how we get to where we are now with several good FOSS options.

Fuck blizzard. Ruining Warcraft 3 was unforgivable.

It's weird how you draw the line at MacBooks for being overpriced, considering every other apple device you name dropped is equally overpriced.

Installing Linux is incredibly fast and easy, yeah. It's everything you try to do after that. Unless you are a regular user and have commands memorized you need to open a browser and go look them up every time you need to do some basic shit. I've been using Linux off and on since 2008 and you just cannot say with a straight face that it is easier than windows.

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6 months to see a dermatologist here in the great US of A.

Excuse me? EAC is Exact Audio Copy. There can be no other.

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"The US is thinking about..."

This means literally nothing. This is not news. This is a trash headline for a trash article.

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Just stop watching shit using twitch streams like a 10yo because it's trash software and always has been.


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Ultra dumb mode. Others only go up to 10, but googles goes all the way to 14.

Me neither, but I do mind paying a subscription for a shitty service that does not let me actually own anything and changes the rules every year.

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What if I liked FO3 and New Vegas and hated FO4?

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I thought you said news. This just looks like spam?

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It's because the use of the name parmigiano reggiano requires that the cheese come from a certain region of Italy (or somewhere in Europe). There's nothing else special about it. Counterfeit cheese in this case is just the same exact cheese but made elsewhere and likely sold for cheaper.

Source: I work in cheese and also Wikipedia several months back

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When I worked for the USDA in 2010 we had several web applications that depended on Internet Explorer 6.

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I just quit nicotine 4 months ago after smoking for 17 years. You're telling me I'm still gonna have these cravings 5 years from now?

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You literally fed it a quote and it still fucked the words up.

The person you replied to provided real-world and relatable examples. What do you have other than durr linux good windows bad?

Child labor

It's a real bummer that we'll never get the conclusion to RWBY after 9 volumes. Even if the quality has been on a steady decline since volume 3, and volume 9 itself was a fucking joke, I'd still prefer to see the story wrapped up. I was mostly just in it for Jen Taylor though, so hopefully she does something else awesome.

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This katamari feels bitchy. Not that we know what bitchy means

Hell yeah. In the glass bottles.

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Don't stop at printers; don't buy any HP product ever again. It's all been junk for ~15 years at this point.

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Not OP but I'm on Sync and this is what it looks like

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I also started at 16 and after 17 years was up to a little over a pack a day. I tried vaping and chewing but always ended up back at the same menthol cigarettes I started with. When I quit I chewed nicotine gum for 2 months and now I'm 2 months completely nicotine free. I still think about cigarettes every day and when people smoke around me it smells so fucking good. I still smoke a fair amount of pot though and that definitely helps. Driving is the hardest part as my work commute is 30 miles one way and I would chain smoke cigarettes both ways. I really hope I'm not still craving cigarettes 5 years from now.

I used RiF for 9 years. I miss it too. But I'm using Sync for lemmy and it shows me the full link and that it's from YouTube. Maybe check it out.

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How does a CP2077 dlc make the list for GotY? What a stupid article.

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