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Joined 1 years ago

Offsides, bud!

What about indirect reports?

It's hybrid because you get to work from home when we want you to work evenings and weekends!

Hashtag work/life balance

It specifically requested DD/MM/YYYY format though.

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In short, very isolated. At least 8km for the nearest town, which are normally tiny.

Here's a subset of launch sites as an example :

The is purposely done, both for security of the sites themselves, and security of people who would happen to live near sites.

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Why not just automate traffic violations and remove 83% of police?

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0.0£ at your local library.

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Just because no-one has mentioned it yet.

Your local library. You probably don't even have to go in, once you're account is set up you can check out books online.

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It's a one way teleporter to a single dimension, because you're entire mass will be a single imperceptible point.

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Just set your profile to @ not US system and your birthday will be 20/4 instead!

The picture shows ISBN 9781784708276

I search this to get the title: "Entangled Life - How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds and Shape Our Futures"

I see £, so I'm going to assume it's the UK. I picked Manchester as a city to search.

I search the book.

Seven 2021 versions, three 2020 versions, and audio book are available.

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The Pink Eye Express.

Why the CDs? If I've got the cash to go physical with my music, I'd go vinyl.

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I think it should be streaming.

Netflix etc. should be creaking, like streaming but slower, less content, less pressure, etc.

My 5G mobile coverage improves about 7 days after my annual shot.

I figure by 2027 I can ditch my home router.

Jellyfin on the firestick. Remove internet access from the stick (LAN only).

Alternatively, DNS block amazon communications (Pihole, adguardhome, etc).

Edit: you can also install adguard, or other ad blockers directly onto your firestick.

Edit 2: there are also a number of ad preferences burried deep in the settings. My fireTV has no adblocker, but only displays static banner ads on the homepage.

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Even as a grammar expert, it's easier to find other's typos than your own.

I'm a ruthless editor that can drill in and find minute details and the smallest errors in two languages.

I've also misspelled my own name in formal documents.

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Me: hey, I own that exact Anker USB power supply. I'm basically as pro as this guy!

Narrator: his old laptop and external hard drive set-up was not as impressive, even with the Anker USB power supply.

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Just paint a yellow line and call it a day.

I think StumbleUpon was between Slashdot and Digg. But my timeline may be off.

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To peer, or not to peer. That is the question.

Because tidal clocks at based of of lunar days which are 24 hours 50 minutes and 28 seconds. Aka a tidal cycle every 12 hours 25 minutes and 14 seconds.

I'm not familiar with this exact clock, but the clockwork is probably designed to extend the period of time the needle is on tide until it's ready to start aligning with the countdown hours. So 4 hours 12 minutes and 37 seconds on tide.

Since this is a tidal clock for a specific town, the times are likely important to the Digby harbour.

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I am capable of drinking enough free coffee to equate a 5% discount.

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41 olives.

People should be properly informed about what they put in their bodies.

Edit: Just realised I posted in an American politics instance. Ignore the foreigner.

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I think it's humerus.

As a person who can't stand table tea spoons and other not precise units of measurements

American recipes: add 12 oz of whatever.

Me: Weight or volume!!!

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You don't need a full penetration of psychology degrees, just a sufficient amount.

The specific field is marketing psychology, it's a subset of industrial-organizational (I-O) psychology.

What are the odds they've evaded taxes with the governmint?

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93 years to build! I should calm down about the local projects.

Facebook is a community where people use their authentic identities. It's against the Facebook Community Standards to maintain more than one personal account.

So yes, you CAN, but it's against their community standards.

If you've got a light amount of content, it may be easier to just delete it, then redownload at the other end?

If you've got a visa on the line, it's probably not worth it.

I know David Bowie and Scarlett Johansson, but who's the one on the left?

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It took one of those meat market experiences to make me self-reflect about how I treated women as a straight man.

Thankfully I was relatively young when it happened, but I'll always regret how I treated women before then.

This is a fair part assesment, however you also have to consider how people take care of their tools. A 40 year old tool that looks as beat up as a 5 year old tool has been taken care of better by the owner/user.

That said, I feel like we all have that massive sacrificial flat head that's no longer flat, super warped, got electrical bites, and still keeps chugging.

Bacon thrice.

Coffee thrice.

Someone has to seed. I am willing to risk it for the biscuit.

The shell producting is correct:

Negotiation was already tried with Crimea.

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