
8 Post – 1299 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Yeah I read some transcripts and commentary, good enough. Already know I would never vote for Trump.

Why don't one of them run? Oh they aren't viable candidates? Then you work with what you got.

Once a car jumped the curb and managed to fly over a chain link fence and land in my parents front yard. On flat ground. Had to take the fence apart to get the car out.

America big, America great. America have a lot of problems. A lot of good things and a lot of bad things.

We have so much wealth and resources, it just needs distributed much more fairly.

Yep lean and mean is best for gaming. Dodge all those utility apps Have nothing running in the background that isn't essential.

Forza Horizon 4 Ultimate for $20

Sunset Overdrive for $5

Stopping now lol.

Original 6-switch Atari 2600. Spent so many hours playing it. Hope it still works haven't tried it in decades.

It was already very famous because they called it unsinkable and then it sank on its maiden voyage.

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New Jersey Man attacks Florida man, I could see that.

Are we finally seeing a crack in the Trump ego?

And the band members were in their 20s when they wrote this song. Old souls.

If I was emperor of the world I'd decree that no more than 50% of land can be used by humans. That's PLENTY.

In the long term perhaps. But it will probably take too long.

Biden has lived much more like a regular person than Trump.

Some series were available on DVD but are no longer. Places like eBay, thrift stores, and used book stores sometimes have good selections of TV on DVD.

Are we allowed to tell him?

Yeah people tend to spend what they make. Larger incomes are spent on bigger houses and nicer cars. But larger incomes have more wiggle room to cut back and afford the basics if they have to.

The online requirements are unnerving to me. I feel like Microsoft wants my personal files. I don't think it's to outright steal or scam, but there is something in everyone's data they want. Maybe AI training. Anyway I'm not giving it up willingly.

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Yes, Democrats allow way too much Republican nonsense to happen without challenging it. Maybe they assume citizens will realize how asinine it is but that isn't working.

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Wait, this will disproportionately help women, what is Texas doing?

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TLDR, not an Onion headline, just a test to see what Amazon will allow. A person came up with a "Release" brand drink, filled bottles with urine, successfully listed them on Amazon, but only shipped them to friends that ordered them. Other people ordered them too though, but were not sent the product.

Another example of a multi-billion dollar company that doesn't curate their products/services. Costs too much money they would only profit 234 billion instead of 244 billion.

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We have two big problems here, one that this person would make the phone calls, but you will never 100% fix human nature.

The biggest problem is that police will send a SWAT team after nothing but an anonymous phone call.

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Yeah well let's quit making 7000 pound consumer vehicles. Small EVs would be more efficient and better for the environment because they need less materials to build and and less energy to recharge.

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That is hilarious that they expect iOS users to pay a fee to sideload apps. Like comically evil.

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I don't care that she did it, but if you have live sex for strangers on the Internet then you've got to realize that footage can be around forever.

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There is such a power disparity between large corporations and normal people or small businesses. A corporation can make a small decision that would devestate a person or small business and it doesn't affect them at all.

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Yet another example of multi billion dollar companies that don't curate their content because it's too hard and expensive. Well too bad maybe you only profit 46 billion instead of 55 billion. Boo hoo.

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This sucks. One of my favorite places to eat has both inflation and shrinkflation. Higher price for smaller portions.

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For now anyway. Enshittification strikes too many products eventually.

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Thin scrollbars. Why do I have to aim for a tiny area to click on a scroll bar? Other UI elements aren't that narrow.

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This smells like a way for Republicans to drive people to home schooling and then cut public school funding.

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If the radiation levels are truly negligible then the media shares blame for getting people upset over it.

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We pretty much know their position by now, they will live in wealth and luxury while the world burns.

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Not that I know of. Let smaller automakers make EVs and we might get something like that.

But with the federal government mandating that all cars must have automatic braking after a certain date in the future I guess we're never going to get away from tons of sensors and computers in cars.

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That is the best thing that could happen to Tesla right now.

Well that's not good, if Republicans are accusing others of interfering with the election then that means Republicans are thinking of doing that thenselves.

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Hair below eyebrows and ear lobes? What year is this, 1962?

Some people have too much free time and too few brain cells.

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Faulty software and people who don't operate it properly, this is going to cause a lot of problems in the coming years. I read another article about faulty Fujitsu auditing software in the UK that led to 400 postmasters being falsely accused of theft.

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