Texas eliminates 'tampon tax' on menstrual products, sales tax on baby items

MicroWave@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 470 points –
Texas eliminates 'tampon tax' on menstrual products, sales tax on baby items

Shoppers in Texas no longer have to pay a sales tax on menstrual products, making the state one of the few in the nation to eliminate the so-called "tampon tax."

A new law that went into effect Friday eliminates the sales tax on feminine hygiene products including items like tampons, menstrual pads and menstrual cups.

In addition to menstrual products, the law, S.B. 379, also eliminates the sales tax on family care items including diapers, baby bottles, baby wipes, maternity clothing and breast milk pump products.


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Wait, this will disproportionately help women, what is Texas doing?

I think I figured it out.

Since every other law is attempting to force women to be stay at home moms, men are having to foot the bill for menstrual products, and we can't be burdening men with such women problems.

OR Republican Texas men don't know what tampons are for because sex ed in Texas, so the women who sponsored it lied and said it's for babies.

Wasn't it a Texas politician who thought that menstruation is voluntary?

Looking at the bill, a brief glance would make it seem that all it does is eliminate taxes for some stuff. You'd have to actually read it to find out what stuff it eliminates taxes on, which most Republicans won't do. They see fewer taxes and they vote yes.

A far too large group of people think tampons can be safely used for gunshot wounds, and this is Texas we're talking about so...

Weren't modern pads invented by military nurses using bandages? I see how that factoid could give people the wrong idea

Still doesn’t make sense. Any man with a kid and half a clue knows that they don’t bleed when they’re pregnant. Thus, tampons are only necessary when women aren’t fulfilling their wifely duties, barefoot and pregnant.

I mean, it really was seeming like the GOP wants every woman to be carrying their spawn (against their will) from menarche to menopause.

Texas does something nice

Half the thread: Let's find some reason to bash on Texas!

In fairness, you don't have to look that hard.

When you’re really fucking shitty, people have a hard time saying nice things about you. Or even thinking that you actually did that “nice” thing for nefarious reasons.

Hitler did some good things too!!!

Maybe they figure they should try to help out since they're trying to force women into pregnancies against their will.

Well aren't we optimistic this morning.

Edit: in the sense they are trying to help.

Oh don’t worry it got bundled with a bunch of other bull shit look up Death Star law if your not already aware

I really want to have a positive outlook about this type of thing because I do want to help people. That being said there is nothing stopping retail from marking the price back up to what it would've been with the sales tax and just pocketing the extra.

Something.. Something.. competition. Something.. Something.. capitalism.

Yeah, no, you're correct that's what they'll do.