1 Post – 344 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

What I need right now supercedes anything I've ever said or anything on paper

Makes sense and sounds so nice

We locally choose our very best to go represent our interests. And it would be in our interest to have an experienced, educated, honest judge. So one would think that our politician is spending time researching, discussing, and vetting along with the other best minds from around the country.

But we never get to choose our best. Or at least our best is outnumbered and voiceless.

Or keeping half your attention on the clock to leave at the right time

Then you stimulate the clitoris

I read this somewhere else on Lemmy recently (sorry for comment steal):

American companies that are trying to dismantle unions need to understand that unions were a compromise to protect the companies. Because this is the alternative.

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I, for one, have never even heard this

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I think I figured it out.

Since every other law is attempting to force women to be stay at home moms, men are having to foot the bill for menstrual products, and we can't be burdening men with such women problems.

OR Republican Texas men don't know what tampons are for because sex ed in Texas, so the women who sponsored it lied and said it's for babies.

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I came to say this.

Hitler went to jail for a failed coup attempt less than a decade before coming to power.

Everything about this guy is Hitler.

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So to clear this up,

Republicans got rid of Roe v Wade by finally getting their way in the courts system, and a dozen Republican controlled states banned abortion.

Democrats introduced and all voted for a bill to codify right to abortion. It did not pass the Senate because all Republicans voted against it.

Biden and the FDA, which is under executive (presidential) control, tried to expand access to an abortion drug that has been used safely for over twenty years, and the Republicans sued to stop it because they found a technicality from 24 years ago (Got 'em!).

We can talk all day about who is taking away rights and who is trying to preserve rights.

If you're "on the fence" between Trump and Biden, you're a liar or need to find better sources for whatever information you're getting

More accurate TLDR of the article: He did explicitly deny it to an ally. Ukraine asked for it to be activated in Crimea and he said no.

Whether he should have or not is up to interpretation. He claimed that US sanctions didn't allow it, but another time said he was preventing war. Why he gets to decide at all is ???.

Let's find out together!

Sir, for a dollar can you name a crime?

Name a crime?

Yes name a crime.

Any crime?

Name a crime

Why is this so hard?

Fucking yoga bag, name a crime

I'm sorry!

Name a crime

Name a crime?


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It's a scam to make it more work than it needs to be because Florida lawmakers don't want people to have power

Also, yet unmentioned, Putin's government BANNED use of that Putin in drag image because it hurt his sensitive ego.

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Women will stop going to the doctor at all to make sure there's no record of their pregnancy, just in case

Also that they had a Confederate flag folding ceremony until October of this year. In Glasgow. And that the ban only BARELY passed on a 48-50 vote. AND the president of the committee resigned over the ban.

There desperately needs to be a Netflix documentary about this whole thing

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Can't we just fling him into the sun and let someone else take over these companies?

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Some process information:

Postal Service is run by a board of members who are recommended by the president and voted into place by Congress.

Board members serve 7 years terms

The board chooses a Postmaster General and Deputy, who have unlimited terms and are also voting members on the board. This would be the guy who we are all angry at

The board must be comprised of a split of Democrats and Republicans (can have one more Democrat than Republican for example) The board cannot have more than 5 members from the same political party

Some more political stuff: Laws by Congress can set directives for the board. Since our Congress has been split for all of Biden's presidency, desire stuff hasn't gotten done.

A lame duck Congress pre-Obama attached stamp prices to inflation, forced USPS to pre fund worker wages and benefits, shortened delivery to six days. Obama made no attempt to fix this in the short time he had a same party Congress.

Biden did sign a law that removed the "pre financing" of postal worker retirement funds, barred the board from lowering delivery service days below 6, and introduced mandatory service quality reporting to President and Congress, which is why we're getting this information. However, this had to be a bipartisan bill in order to pass, so it also did things to help Republicans.

Biden has replaced outgoing board members with people who outwardly seemed interested in improving the service and were strong vote by mail advocates.

Biden DID nominate a Republican, but remember it has to remain balanced. *edit -- There are 3 Democrats on the board already. All three nominated by Biden. That means the two remaining spots can be Democrats. He could have chosen an independent instead of a Republican. However, the Republican he chose also worked with Amtrak under Obama.

There are two open seats Biden is dragging his feet on, maybe to extend their limits well into the next presidencies?

The current chairman of the board ends his term this December.

Big opinion: Stop blaming presidents for stuff. Vote for Congress is way more important.

edit: less bias (I had blamed Republicans for stuff that Democrats had also voted yes) & spelling correction edit again: corrections by @SeaJ

I'm so skewed this direction that I'll scroll past the sponsored version of the link in a Google search to click on the exact, unsponsored version. I don't know why.

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"You guys should riot about this. I'm busy retweeting how there should be a riot, but you should go riot. I'll tweet about it if you do"

The package also includes a puzzling ban on any district investigations of his tenure

They boosted his salary some months in advance so they could make his severance bigger. These people are 100% trying to get themselves payouts.

I read to figure out why an image of Bill Gates is attached to the story

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I wonder if Tesla had this section of road mapped as freeway. Especially since it rolled through a red.

"Suburb" in LA is a very loose term

I would think that the guy is just lying, but Tesla would call that out REAL quick.

"Rudy Giuliani listed a claim against the one-term president"


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No matter how where when he dies, there will 100% be a conspiracy behind it

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And all those damned social programs.

I know I'm on one, but that's because I actually need it, not like everyone else who are just abusing it. Mostly those foreigners who are both lazy and murderous, but also stealing my job


I'm seeing a trendy way of doing the headline:

"Trump claims he never said lock her up. He did. Several times."

Or some variation.

"All the times Trump said "Lock her up"

"Trump said "Lock her up", now claims he never did"

When it is abused for years by your guy, then explicitly changed ONLY because the opposing party takes over, yes it's absolutely undemocratic

Just so you're clear, the person you replied to directly quoted the article word for word

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Hey buddy, they're people just like you and me.

Unless you're a bot. And unless I'm a bot. Then those two companies are the only real people. Like embryos. Companies and freezer embryos. Those are the true Americans we need to protect

Still waiting for Twitter to die first. Been waiting for a decade to see Facebook die. I'm not hopeful

I'm remembering some FBI employees who were fired due to having "partisan" opinions about Trump

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The Biden administration previously pledged to freeze audit rates for filers with $400,000 or less.

I hadn't heard this, but I'm very disillusioned, discouraged and angry right now.

I'm 40, a teacher, single income (widowed) with two children. I don't make six figures. But guess who got the IRS on their ass for the first time ever this year?

Apparently I guessed a line wrong on my 1040 last year in Tax Game. Or Turbo Tax did, because I just feed it all the digital documents I get. IRS let me know I get to redo that form (back to start!) and will probably have to pay back $50 of my refund. GOTTEM!

Just send me a fucking bill. For 8 billion per year, and you already know what I should pay, just send me a god damned bill. Fuck this.

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Tom Scott did an episode where he explained that going back and retrofitting old videos with the shock face and click bait titles upped his views by a lot

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Damn shrinkflation the T shirts just keep getting smaller

Tons of studies going on! Mostly data collection on the turbines themselves and observing animal patterns, but still waiting on more analysis.

They're not seeing marine life getting pulled into the turbines.

The sound issue concern isn't about carry distance, but creating a sound wall or causing confusion especially for echolocation animals. But the concerns are all currently speculative, all unknowns right now. But tons of studies.

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Cool. But you went full tilt accusation at that guy. Like FULL tilt. Just trying to throw some humble your way.

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After the ProPublica investigation was released, Republicans called for investigation into how the documents were leaked, while progressives used the data to call for a reform in the tax code

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I want to hear her say the sentence, "We need to keep the cost of the trips a secret to protect my family."