Modern light themes (white on white) suck. What is your favourite Plasma Theme? to – 66 points –
Modern light themes (white on white) suck. What is your favourite Plasma Theme? - KDE Social

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Tom Scott did an episode where he explained that going back and retrofitting old videos with the shock face and click bait titles upped his views by a lot

And that is what nobody cares to admit. They do those thumbnails cause they work.

Great for Tom Scott and everyone one using this (sincerely) and everyone attracted to videos with images like this.

I am still out.

Good for you? I guess.

I do not really like them either but I am not sure what point you are making. Their point is that these images result in more viewers, even accounting for your absence. What are we meant to do with the information that you are out?

They probably just wanted to voice their opinion

And they explained why this opinion is kind of silly.

"I will not listen to anything this person has to say, because I don't like a small and inconsequential part of their presentation" is not a great opinion to begin with, even ignoring the fact that this presentation might be necessary to reach a meaningful audience.

Sometimes people just don't like something. It doesn't have to be logical