88 Post – 2559 Comments
Joined 2 years ago

The hymen is not normally ripping at the "first time", but these myths come from brutal men that have no compassion and dont know how to make both people horny.

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I think if you start with political positions of bigtech companies...

Just buy used

Because Apple

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That "I" am pretty much just the construct of electrons flying around my brain.

That you need to lay down K.O. for many hours every day, otherwise you get insane.

That we are always only 2min or so away from death, if we stopped breathing.

That everything I eat actually gets digested into mousse and bacteria are in my body, digest it and I get the elements into my blood.

That our world is so big, but you could also walk to China Japan from the EU, if you had enough time. But also its crazy how huge our common trade routes are.

That a weird minicomputer in my pocket can store 128GB of information, access a wireless network from across the whole planet, and can remember so much more than my brain

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Plasma is not a system, but I see how they didnt want to confuse people here

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Being able to install OpenWRT on a router without needing to explain "why Netflix is not working"

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I met a homeless guy once and we talked. He told me about a time when at the train station there was someone laying on the ground, in the winter, nearly dying in front of a Cash Terminal.

People just stepped over him and were annoyed, while that person nearly died. He told me they had surveillance footage though and many of them where sued for denial of assistance.

The same guy had a huge fresh wound in his face. He was at the train station seeing 4 people attacking a single person. He went to them to see what was going on, had a weird feeling and turned around, someone smashed him in the head.

That was 4:00 in the morning, in the Winter at about 4°C. He woke up at 10:00, nobody helped him, and he nearly died.

He went to the hospital on his own to get stitches. A paramedic gave him his reflecting orange jacket, so that nobody would ever overlook him again...

Also told me how people would shit and piss directly next to where he had to sleep.

Nobody deserves to be homeless. This is so fucking sick.

There will always be someone requesting the weirdest Windows features.

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They remove it to push people to use bluetooth, on iOS this means you wont disable it permanently and keep Apples tracking network alive. Not that nasty on Android but I suppose the same reasoning

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Can you please like write the points in a list and not with these weird // in between? Lemmy uses markdown

- this (that space between line and text is important)
- is 
- a list

* this
* too
* forwhateverreason

``` before and after something : codeblock




Damn this is really bad. Good that they fixed it.

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Its not very actively developed but maintained. Development is nearly exclusively for XWayland

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Mobile browsers all suck.

What is your alternative? I want E2EE sync. Is vivaldi better? But honestly I wouldnt use their browser.

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Systemd can generate SVGs? Damn thats "bloat" but also unexpectedly fancy

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Tbh GrapheneOS.

Android is Linux.

And unlike desktop Linux it was able to spread secure and private standards

  • every app is sandboxed, not some opt-in like Flatpak
  • apps start with no permissions (or at least very little), everything is opt-in
  • it is like 99% unbreaking, immutable, it just always works while my desktop Linux broke all the time
  • there is a webview, which can be hardened. Not Electron, which is insecure and bloated
  • energy saving etc work like a charm. 1% battery loss over an entire night!
  • hardware security with trusted element is decades ahead of desktop Linux (Ubuntu is just now getting TPM encryption support)
  • it is a unified platform, with tons of apps, many of them essential (as the platform is so secure), like 2FA, Banking, public services etc. you can have a full FOSS phone though

I am sure excited for other operating systems but they are just toys. GrapheneOS does amazing work that is a 100% alternative today, for real phones with normal prices, good performance and outstanding security.

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I dont get why people would care for influencers

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No shit Firefox is really missing:

  • systemwide Webview for Android and Linux
  • sandbox compatible with Chromium, especially on Linux and Android
  • webapps through a secondary profile
  • very secure preset in privacy settings to make it en par with Torbrowser / Arkenfox
  • native support for custom Search engines (literally Edge and Chrome have that)
  • possibility for a side panel with custom sites.

Thats it basically. Firefox is great

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Rustdesk! Its a GUI copy of Teamviewer but it works.

It has all the DynDNS stuff that miss in all the other options so they are unusable in countries where IP addresses change.

But no wayland, yet.

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Important: Nobara is way less Secure than Fedora.

  • no Secureboot
  • monthly updates instead of often daily
  • purposefully removed SELinux (because the Dev doesnt know how to use it)
  • still no Fedora39!

If you want to game, stick to regular Fedora. A project that is actually secure is ublue with dedicated NVIDIA images that should just work and never break, and they even have Bazzite, an Image specifically for the Steamdeck but also for Desktop.

These images are only ½ day behind upstream, apply minimal additions and patches (like drivers, codecs, packages, udev rules for controllers) and Nick from the video above found out that the Nobara patches with their weird less supported Kernel arent really worth the hassle.

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Not currently high enough to answer, will come back later

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Aah, the security again...

Fuck this company

Chat in general is so flawed when talking about multiple topics at once. At least when people dont use matrix threads, spaces and rooms correctly.

Email, the Internet, Telephone, riding my bike, local shopping in small shops, Matrix, Lemmy, Mastodon, Pixelfed, Nextcloud, Syncthing, Kde Connect

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Poorly yes. Even though

  • no headphone jack
  • super expensive
  • damn huge
  • no SD card slot
  • no hardware switches
  • repairable? Idk
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Native android (AOSP) photo picker portal, really great. If you want to use a different gallery chooser, click on the right upper button.

This means apps dont need full access to your stuff.

Looking at you, Signal, Whatsapp, or all the other apps implementing internal galleries for no reason.

And then how long do you get any updates?

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  • extremely slow updates
  • incomplete updates as component lifespan is shorter than advertized

Yeah, its about what comes in the Future

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That graph looks exaggerated but this is over a few days which is crazy

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For all those single-click fans:

  • how do you quickly rename a file?
  • how do you even drag-drop instead of opening stuff?
  • how do you select files?
  • how do you live?

Saying "well kids use web stuff and Android and dont know what a single click is" is basically neglecting the use of a mouse. I love at least 3 buttons, hovering and fast clicks.

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Its not only Microsoft crap, its also an Electron app!

Full of nonremovable crypto stuff, and it comes from a very shady company and CEO

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sudo hostnamectl set-hostname SOMETHINGNORMAL

git clone
cd unsnap

The first one will set the name behind the @ sign to something not that long. I recommend just usint "PC" for privacy reasons. Often nobody needs to know your device model.

The second one removes snaps and snapd and installs installed apps as flatpak instead. Flatpak is a universal format, similar to snap, came out a bit later but not only Ubuntu uses it. Snap also works on multiple Distros but people dont like it, it is still slow (now just slowing down boot) etc.

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All these stupid "ignore them to seem attractive because interested = unsexy"

Not being a virgin anymore? Thats something good too.

Having actively broken up a past relationship, knowing barriers.

Hanging out with friends rather than you sometimes, which is really important "relationship time management"

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Discourse, Git* and more really need federated search.

It is already hard getting Contributors for projects, even more if you are on some random selfhosted server that nobody finds and everyone needs to create a new account for.

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OpenOffice is dead since years, Libreoffice is what is used today :D

Btw Inkscape is said to be quite good. GIMP 3.0 will have color profiles and nondestructive filters.

I used Libreoffice Impress instead of Powerpoint recently.

  • you will need to learn the core concepts new, master slides etc.
  • once you have your own templates, presentations will be very nice
  • you dont get AI bullshit templates so more manual work but more authentic presentations
  • same for hunting down icons, stock images etc.
  • for collaborating OnlyOffice is used, integrated into Nextcloud. OnlyOffice has a Desktop Client, but I dont see the reason, Libreoffice is more feature complete.
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You where able to create a Lemmy account and a post.

So please add

  • what OS (OEM Android version)
  • what app
  • why is anything Amazon on your device
  • where is it showing up
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