chepycou πŸ‡»πŸ‡¦

@chepycou πŸ‡»πŸ‡¦
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Joined 12 months ago

Christian (Roman Catholic) ✝️
FLOSS enthusiast 🀝
Computer science student πŸ–₯️
writes its bio like a git readme file πŸ€“

@Tixanou @Madiator2011 Plus they are basing themselves off of a sample of websites, so it's like polls it's made to be representative but cannot be 100 % accurate

@Linus_Torvalds In the meantime you still have #DOTA2 (I'm neither a #dota nor a #LeagueOfLegends player but I know people who worked on the LeagueOfLinux project)

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@carl_dungeon @flakpanzer Personally an apple job would be even lower on my list than a Windows job (which is already a deal-breaker to me)

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@Malix @psycho_driver From what I can remember this limitation (which either Fedora or Nobara overturned 1yr ago) was set way before video games that take up a lot of memory were a thing.

@PuddingFeeling907 Don't think so but there should, For instance the famous Christian-inspired non-profit organization EmmaΓΌs uses Linux to reduce the digital divide by repurposing old computers with

@Psyhackological @play0ad 's #0AD game has to be my favorite

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@llii @Presi300 It was made for apple users and evidently so (it's basically #alacritty and #tmux but closed source, cloud-based and with some AI bullcrap on top of it)

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@Linus_Torvalds True, true, I'll definitely try to play it if it ever reaches the level of @play0ad or mindustry.

@ian @asciiandarch If all you do is web browsing, document processing and graphical games you may never ever touch the terminal ;)

@indigomirage Neovim ? (there are pre-configured #neovim based IDEs with every fancy thing such as Nvim-Chad)

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@fmstrat @fireshell I'll personally use only office if needed (I have to use a pptx or docx file), but appart from that LO is perfect (and latex can be great too depending on what you're doing)

@d3Xt3r @zyratoxx IT is true that this is a terrible way of measuring popularity, like they could put surveys or use the searches on the site for instance

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@petsoi How does it compare to #musescore for instance in terms of quality ?

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@MentalEdge @FatCat same as the time they sent all the notification to the government or uploaded all the pictures for server side scanning. It's "private" as in they keep it for themselves 🀣

@clmbmb @backhdlp agreed, #nixos users cannot refrain from mentioning it before anything else πŸ˜‚

@SubArcticTundra @Haven5341 I personally think Manjaro is a false good idea.

You'll have an β€œout of date” system (i.e., one-month-old) but packages from the AUR which are made for the up-to-date system.

Quite a nightmare to use IMO (and that's not talking about Manjaro leadership and certificates problems)

@Communist @WeAreAllOne
cannot speak for the second part, but I totally agree with the first

@boredsquirrel I personally use neither of those, but I've had to fix issues on computers running both.
I can tell that the apple GUI is clumsy, but sadly inevitable when you want to do stuff. I would always lose time trying to tile or move windows without success.
At least in #Gnome, it's #linux so you can fix everything without being forced into using a badly designed GUI and a lot of things work well. Though you'd better not be looking for some customization on Gnome, but if you bought an apple device you've already kissed customization (and fair prices) goodbye so to me there is no real question between the two in terms of user experience.

@Psyhackological yup, playing it tonight

@thejml @technom And then start a craze so you can make tier lists of tier lists of distro tier lists


@pudcollar @flakpanzer Depends, in real computer science companies technical people will use #Linux
But if you're not in a really technical company and/or in a not-that-technical division of the company, then I guess it will be BYOD then.

@perishthethought sorry for mentioning you too πŸ™‡
I was answering to @CatTrickery regarding his message asserting that Brodie β€œharassed people but did not block nazis” (

@randomaside @jackpot I'd disagree, chromeOS really is the worst

@ShortN0te @narc0tic_bird + battery life, which is always useful on a handheld

@indigomirage Always better to do so, I just included a mention of the pre-built IDEs because it can be a hassle to set up and prevent people from trying

@JackGreenEarth @Lucidlethargy True but would it change anything ? The owner of the project would just open another or go to #gitlab (or a #selfhosted instance of #gitea / gitlab)

@mrshy @KuroJ Agreed, you also have the @slimbook and the @tuxedocomputers #computer which are well suited for running #linux since they ship with it out of the box !

@MajorHavoc Plus it can even be quite ecologically good, the parts are not serialized so you cannot replace them yourself, it almost feels as if you own it (especially once you own the software on it)

@CatTrickery @perishthethought do you have any proof of what you assert ?

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@Wooki @VLDK the new **I use NixOS BTW** πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

@theshatterstone54 @TwinTusks Did you play against the easy AI ?
Back in the days when I first started I had to play 10 games before I could beat the Ai because I chose the normal mode.

But playing against the easy or very easy AI gives you all the time you need to understand the mechanics

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@Semi-Hemi-Demigod @Artemis_Mystique I totally disagree, I have to troubleshoot software installations for students and help them repair broken devices and I spend most of my time fixing one or two issues for the biology or mathematics students having macs. (And when their computers are broken, well I advise them to buy a new one which they'll be able to get repaired).
It's just not meant for serious computer use, IMO. The only contexts it beats #Linux et rivals windows seems to be in creative settings.

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@TwinTusks How does it go ? Is it that you get overrun by a larger army ? Or you have trouble maintaining your economy ?
#0AD #games

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@TwinTusks Do you research economics/military upgrades enough ? Do you build siege engines/elephant ?

Usually for me the rule of thumb is :
- no unit that does nothing
- no building that produces nothing (i.e., try to never get popcapped and always produce, so you need to have all the resources you need to produce)

@PoliticalAgitator @TheGrandNagus Well, it's mostly because Linux is way newer to the computer scene than microsoft's OS for instance. When #linux started out, computers using msdos were already being shipped for over a decade, and so they were the de facto standard, and it takes time for people to switch to a better product if they are used to another one and have the ecosystem keeps them in (that's the main reason people keep buying overpriced apple products)

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@PoliticalAgitator @TheGrandNagus On the contrary, Linux was already here when the need for supercomputers and servers appeared, and that's why most of them run on Linux.

@Auli @BossDj Isn't it logical ?

@Semi-Hemi-Demigod @Artemis_Mystique Well, maybe the problems the students are facing are due to all of the software that the school uses being incompatible with apple. (Knowing how apple loves to be incompatible themselves, I guess that's quite logical).

And I am sure an experienced user can find workarounds to get the computer to work properly. (#asahilinux being the first thing that comes to my mind, though I never tried #asahi personally because I don't want to contribute to apple's e-waste)