197 Post – 720 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

newsstand ... cd-rom

Oh wow, the nostalgia is strong, eh.

They were still performing around as of about 10 years ago.

Happy Birthday to us!

It's a drag being an American sometimes, eh? (me too)

Oh, didn't you know? It's not really your PC any longer.

21 more...

That title is so confusing. Why are they connecting the shooting of this mayor with the election of the president?

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I'd have Ubuntu stop forcing me to use Snaps.

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I just refuse to watch any YT video where they make a face like this in the splash image.

OP, if this video is yours, sorry, but not very.

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Nothing. Amazon is an evil corporation, anti-labor, too large for anyone's good, and deserves all the problems they have.

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But does it whip the llama's ass?

I think not.

  • this is a really old Winamp reference for you younger folks.
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Thanks for taking one for the team and checking that out. I sure wasn't gonna

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That bugzilla page says they targeted version 122 for this change. I have Firefox 122 on my PC and when I look at the about:config page, that setting is still set to False. I think y'all are freaking out about a very small thing.

If you use Firefox, and you check your about:config page and you see true for that setting, then just change it to false and go about your day.

Or are we all just talking philosophically about this?

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It's funny, sure, but I bet that as was targeting repair shops, not the end users of the brakes.

Source: my feeble brain

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Should have been open sourced from day one.

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Being able to make lightweight edits to photos is going to be very nice.

I just read this in my new feed and was... not very shocked.

I hope this makes people question BS like 23 and me a well.

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“It was parked by the CVS and it just rolled down,” a witness can be heard saying in the video. “Nobody was in it.” “Holy crap,” another person replies, adding that it was a “freaking miracle” no one was hurt.

Well, there you go. Jesus helped 'em out a little, I guess

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Americans: I'm so used to being lied to about literally everything that this doesn't seem that bad.


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Is that not Helvetica?

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We know. It's been obvious for many years now, in my area at least.

The company lists possible applications of the new robot as "wildfire control and prevention," "agricultural management," "ecological conservation," "snow and ice removal," and "entertainment and SFX."

Or another use I just thought of:

Accelerating the updating of laws in 48 states.

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1 year from now: "Oh, now we're too big to do that. Sorry not sorry"

Hahaha. And they say the internet is only for porn.

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I'll take care of the "What is this thing?" for you, OP.

Leap Micro is an ultra-reliable, lightweight operating system built for containerized and virtualized workloads.

So, the electronic parts appear to be 100% non-user-repairable. I'm sure Apple's main motivation was to reduce the size and weight, but this is still a $3500 disposable item. Has anyone identified the "killer app" yet?

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🚀 An open source alternative to searx which provides a modern-looking ✨, lightning-fast ⚡, privacy respecting 🥸, secure 🔒 meta search engine

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So this is Arial. Gotcha.

I see you're trying to embarrass yourself with a reply to a really important email. Want help with that?

I'm not sure about this legislation either, really, but they're not being asked to spend $300,000, just to be able to get an insurance policy for that amount.

They had me at tower defense mechanics.

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For anyone else not aware of this.

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My issue was just that YT puts me in a bubble where it thinks I want to be. But then you only see videos like the ones you've been watching - a bubble. Imo, it's better to see lots of different videos.

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The article quoted the tweet as saying, "Deployed two Optimus bots performing tasks in the factory autonomously.”

That could mean assembling cars, or maybe standing in one spot and "don't get in the way".

I'll believe this when I see it.

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As a Tuta user .... go get 'em!!

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Uhh, unless you work for Apple, on this product's team, you're no more informed about what it is really doing than we are. Imo, people should be concerned about this kind of technology.

This is just stupid enough to make me laugh haha

Imagine this scenario:

  • You go to a store, buy a little server in a box, something the size of an Apple TV or a Roku.

  • Bring it home, plug it in, fire up its home page on your phone, tablet or PC.

  • That has a really simple, slick UI which walks you through its set up without asking any technical questions, including enabling services you want to use, getting it connected to the cloud for away-from-home connection and cloud backups (if you want).

  • It automatically sets up a Wireguard VPN for you, takes the most secure options with each of the apps you enable. Ties it all to one password or passkey for you. Sets up certs, etc... the right way, without bothering you at all.

  • On your phone (mobile first, eh), you use the app as a launcher for the apps you chose to enable (things we all know like Navidrome, Immich, Paperless, etc...). They work the same at home and on the road.

  • On your home devices (any kind of PC, Apple TV, Roku, Android TV, music streamers, and so on), you install and run apps which all connect to your little server instead of going outside your home.

  • Enjoy your media, backup your documents, chat with friends and family, etc... as you like.

ETA: And share whatever you want with whoever you want. Send your sister some pictures, let your kid at college watch one of your movies. And so on.

I can dream, at least.

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Made me smile. It's good with me.

Everyone else here who said, "Keep learning" is right on, but don't forget to work on your soft people skills along with your tech skills. Whether your long term goal is to stay in development or some other aspect of the industry, you should be comfortable talking to all sorts of people (management, sales, customers, etc...), making presentations, being social at conferences and so on. We (techies like me) tend to forget this, but it's really important.

Imagine yourself starting your own company in five years or being the senior manager of a large group. How are you going to like meeting new people every day, selling or at least explaining your product or service to them? If the answer is "not very", then start working on that now.

Good explainer, if you need to catch up like I did:

Read the supply chain attack section.

Also, from the video...

X is losing its action! We LIKE!

Hell yeah we like.

Lemmy. Just use Lemmy.

Why is this so hard, rest of the world?

Oh yeah, because there are no millions to be made here. /bangs head with hand