Source Who Revealed How Taxes Steal for the Rich Rewarded With Five Years in Prison

🦊 OneRedFox 🦊@beehaw.orgmod to – 126 points –

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After the ProPublica investigation was released, Republicans called for investigation into how the documents were leaked, while progressives used the data to call for a reform in the tax code

I'm about 40 years past giving politicians credit for what they say. It doesn't matter what they say when they don't do anything practical to make meaningful change.

The ever popular
Appearance of Action
Say the magic words [virtue signaling] & do fuqk all, promising eventual incremental change, after the next cycle...


Remember when they promised $2000 checks in exchange for victory in Georgia? Then after they got elected they claimed that they actually meant $2000 total, and only sent $1400, since $600 in aid had been sent previously.

Fucking snakes.

And then 'inflation' on the basket of goods jumped like 200% because every corporation used the supply chain disruption as an excuse to jack up prices and suppress wages.

I sure hope the boomers didn't want grandkids, because I don't see it happening in my lifetime, let alone theirs.

You're not wrong.

This heretorfore unimaginable impoverishment of the poor and middle class is going to have disastrous effects on population growth.