
1 Post – 507 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Oh god, please don't make me talk about myself.


Literally 90% of my problems are because billionaires exist. My rent is too high, groceries are unaffordable, my car is one dashboard light away from breaking down. All of these problems are solvable with the money that billionaires extract from my labor.

Look, I can't say that I don't understand the sentiment, but people calling YouTubers out on their bullshit is strictly better than 'Nobody ever cares about anything outside of their 60 hour a week jobs that they work to pay for an overinflated cost of living in this hypercapitalist dystopia hellscape that they don't have the emotional capacity to care about because of said 60 hour a week jobs.'

I want to hear about this because it means somebody still cares, somebody is still paying attention to the injustice, however trivial or removed from daily life it is.

"To show our appreciation, we're offering the same one-month free trial of our new subscription that we offer literally fucking everyone."

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There are nine reviews on metacritic from various outlets that score the game 100/100. I would love for every single one of those reviewers to look me in the eye and with a straight face, repeat the claim that Starfield is perfect and there is absolutely nothing in the game that could possibly be improved on. If you want to know who's not conversing honestly, that'd be a good kicking-off point.

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Am I the only one who thinks that having only a 7% dip in visits and a 16% reduction in time spent on site is really unusual when over 99% of the site was dark for 48 hours? To me, that suggests that something fucky is going on with the count of real users vs bots on the site.

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If half of Americans can't afford to retire, is that a lifestyle problem or an economy problem?

I'm part of a generation that will likely be obligated to work until they die. We're not buying houses. We're not having families. We're 'killing' industries because we don't have the money to spend like our parents did. The well is dry and we are thirsty, and their response is to tell us we should have saved the water we were never given.

No matter what you post, someone on the internet will find a way to be angry about it.

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I feel like I should be concerned about the emotional intelligence of today's youth, but at the same time I'm imagining this pokemon-esque abomination flying around and saying "Homander" before laser blasting the hell out of things and it makes me giggle as it probably did this child.

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I mean, it's bad, but it's not nearly the worst of the firearms industry's sins. Look up the Bushmaster 'Man Card' ads - Really outlines how the confluence of toxic masculinity and gun culture is a key factor in the prevalence of school shootings in the states.

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Fucking ghoulish.

I am so fucking tired of living in this shithole country.

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Man, I'm really enjoying watching the 'find out' phase of the insurrection. Keep 'em coming.

Because the U.S. has been letting its mental health issues fester under a veneer of American Exceptionalism for the better part of a century in order to squeeze every last drop of labor surplus out of its citizens.

JFC. Imagine saying 'Strike One' out loud in person if you're on a date or something. Someone does that to me, the date is over. I don't have a lot of self-respect, but I have enough not to tolerate that bullshit.

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Careful the devil doesn't trip over that bar.

"The game's actually really good! Trust me guys!"

  • Average everyday game player Hodd Toward

Anubis is the Egyptian god of the underworld. The legend goes that your heart is weighed against the feather of truth at the gates, and if your heart is deemed too heavy with guilt, you get devoured by Ammit.

Most of us don't anymore. People have stopped having kids and stopped investing in their communities because work makes it impossible. I look to the future and see forty more years of hell, assuming climate disaster, preventable disease, or an impending WWIII don't kill me first.

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Read: We don't want to put the time and resources into making quality games when we can prey on whales in shitty Skinner box mobile apps.

It's not the root cause, but I'm sure having easy access to a gun seems a lot quicker and cleaner than, for example, hanging yourself. I know a lot of people who probably wouldn't be around right now if their folks kept guns in the house.

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I'd settle for just a normal sex cult.

Be sure to punctuate your actions with the occasional "...Which was the style at the time."

I presume one where barbie stays in the kitchen for two hours and cooks for Ken coming home from long days at the traditional family values factory.

Also she's barefoot for some reason.

It's funny, because the original purpose of that phrase was "There is a period during which you can voice your concerns about new or changed ops and procedures, and once the dust has settled, you'll feel better about what comes out of the oven because you had a hand in making it." Instead, the new age Jack Welch management types saw the phrase and decided it means "You don't have to like what we say but you have to obey it."

Surprisingly, the latter interpretation does not lead to a happier healthier workplace with high retention rates. Who would've thought?

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Nothing of value was lost. Any content worth having couldn't have existed without Kurvitz' writing.

So if I understand this correctly, the fetus has rights, but only when it is convenient for the ends of hurting women.

Honestly, if they did? More power to them. I'm tired of good houses being tied up as overpriced vacation rentals, where you have to clean the damn thing out to exacting specifications and still pay a fucking cleaning fee. We could only be so lucky, that maybe private investors will go after Blackrock in a class action for trying to monopolize investment housing or some shit. Let the greedy eat each other.

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The ability to pick something up easily, make some progress, pause it, and resume quickly at the next available window appears the best way to go.

Then you want the steam deck. This thing is powerful enough to run elden ring at a pretty stable 30 FPS, sometimes even up to 60, while being portable enough to fit in a backpack. I take it with me on business trips and it's perfect for flying, bussing, wherever, with the caveat that you want it plugged in more often than not - the battery life is a little on the low side for those high-impact games.

The same as anything else in a Bethesda game, busywork.

I know that not everyone is greedy and stupid, but the people that are get to make the decisions that pull us further and faster into catastrophic ends for their own personal gain and the average person is completely unable to stop it at this point. Everyone knows the next ten to twenty years, we're going to see cascading failures, if we even have to wait that long. Droughts, food shortages, desertification, algal blooms, melting ice caps - these things have all been snowballing for decades already and we're doing nothing to slow it down because to do anything would harm the economy rich people's bank accounts.

This is it. This is the great filter. The rich killing the planet and everyone getting firsthand experiences of the old cree proverb.

I mean, everything has tripled in price and the reason is corporate greed.

Seems about on par for 2020 part 5.

They're paying in spades for Elon fucking everything up.

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What's the fucking point of getting homeowner's insurance if it's not going to cover the most likely source of damage? Earthquakes, wildfires, floods, a tree falling on it during a storm? All natural disasters. Are people in florida going to 'accidentally' set their houses on fire to ensure they'll be able to file a claim after a hurricane?

What's to dream about? Living these days feels like being in a game of monopoly where someone started with hotels on every property. The fascists are winning, the planet is burning, we're in the middle of two wars, the capitalists are talking about putting shock collars on their vault slaves when the apocalypse begins, and all signs point to everything getting worse as time goes on. In light of all this, my dream is dying peacefully in my sleep before the water wars begin and I get pushed into Nestle's torment nexus to make the stock price go up a fraction of a penny.

Rice cooker. Seriously, even the shittiest $20 rice cooker is heaps more convenient than manually boiling rice.

You're only allowed to have fun if we can monetize it

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I tell you one way they could do that - offer extra money to people for every day they're in the office, to offset the expenditures on gas, maintenance, and incidentals, as well as the opportunity cost of time lost on commute and preparing meals. I did the math, with the thirty minute commute one way, I save about $2.5K a year on gas alone.