FIash Mob #5678

@FIash Mob
1 Post – 578 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Artist, theatrical performer, roller derby announcer, and former derby skater in the Midwest.

Single, childless, and married to my my freedom and sense of adventure.

These sorts of books are great fun. I have one of Guns n Roses and KISS. Now that both bands are either done or way past their prime, it's nice to pull those books out and take a walk through my memories.

I'm shocked that the guy who has handlers to make sure he doesn't wander off had a sub-par debate. /s

These two candidates are there because they're useful idiots for the billionaire class. Neither of them give a damn about anyone, and it's probably past time to stop pretending Trump 2.0 isn't happening and have an exit strategy.

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John Roberts is worth $25,000,000.

That's all he cares about. We're really going to find out how awful all of these people are after November, I imagine.


One of my good friends was one of the voices on LA Noire years ago and gets zero residuals from it. It's maddening.

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Yeah, but siding with Israel here is the logical equivalent of siding with Andrew Jackson and supporting the Indian Removal Act as he committed genocide against the native people.

The power imbalance and how Israel has used it is what makes it imperative that Israel be held accountable by the international community.

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I think it's inevitable.

The bad actors stealing data to train their apps don't seem to have an adequate understanding of the implications of their actions. They're just looking to make a quick buck and run.

Bring on the lawsuits.


Every instance should block Threads.

It pleases me when the law actually protects a smaller company that had its tech stolen by a corporate giant.

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It's pretty apparent that AI developers are training their applications using stolen images and data.

This was always going to end up in the courts.

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THIS is how you handle terrorist groups, not like here in America, where people let them hide behind the First Amendment and make excuses for their ideologies and behavior.

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That's shitty, but thankfully, we have the emulation community.

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I've had Spotify Premium for four years at $9.99.

And it's going up $1.00.

For the enjoyment I get out of it and all the new music I've found, that really doesn't feel like a huge increase, TBH. If they were jumping $5-$10 I might be angry, but one dollar? GTFO.

I expect things to get more expensive over time, just reasonably so.

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Fandomwire wants clicks, clearly.

Anything to hurt someone

This is the crucial point, because the policies Republicans support are observably flawed and don't work. The country with the lowest abortion rate in the world is The Netherlands, where there's universal health care, sex education (and not the kind where people get to lie to you), and abortion is legal.

The cruelty of it is the point.

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I hate that now, every time I hear the word 'Sanders', it's the bitch who brought back child labor and not Bernie.

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That AI is going to get really racist, really fast, judging by the muck we all saw daily on Reddit.

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This is why I jumped ship to Mastodon in October 2022 when he pulled that moronic stunt with the sink. Elon no longer cares about being seen as a visionary. He's an out-and-proud chad.

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Define 'better'. I'm not sure that word means what you think it means.

Finally an accurate headline.

One of the many, many, many reasons to keep Meta out of the Fediverse if it can be managed.

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We add a cool $5 billion to the Republicard every year on Israel's behalf.

But the thing is... war is good business. I'd be surprised if there weren't a legislator in Washington that hasn't already made a stock move based on their classified briefings on this event.

I don't think anyone's confused or frustrated by it.

If you're not getting any extra service for something you're buying, you just hit the zero button.

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This is a good reminder that the freedom of expression has morphed into freedom of stupidity.

These awful people actually expect to be taken seriously for their moronic bullshit world views.

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My family fostered 40-50 kids over a ten year period, and I've seen what starvation can do to a kid. Most people can't imagine that trauma, and the fact that his has become a state-level issue should be reason to vote out every single politician in Washington, if you ask me.

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HA, funny that this comes up. DND Beyond doesn't have a d100, so I opened my ChatGPT sub and had it roll a d100 for me a few times so I could use my magic beans properly.

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In what fucking world does that level of harassment justify possibly taking a life?

America, that's where.

Here it seems normal to many to end an argument with a bullet, but I'm with you. It's absurd. The shooter should have removed themselves from the situation and reported it.

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I divested from Tesla years ago.

I still feel great about it.


I've paid $10 for spotify every month for years and it's always been a great service and the algorithm does a good job of finding me new music that I like.

But most of this stuff can be pirated or bought piecemeal without bothering with a subscription.

And that's what we'll do when it gets out of hand, as we all know it will.

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Stories like this are why you'll never convince me there's a good and just god somewhere in the sky.

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I guarantee you every member of Congress used their classified briefings on Israel to make changes in their stock portfolio, and it's not even illegal. doesn't.

And the beauty of Mastodon is you can block an entire instance, as can your admin, when something awful is posted. Mastodon even has a hashtag they use as an alert for this kind of thing. (#Fediblock)

Clearly, America needs to see the real consequences of our free-for-all gun policies.

Those who are clutching their pearls need to self-reflect.

Honestly, I was kind of surprised to see a comment like this here.

I would think in a country where mass shootings occur every single day it might be understandable why this kind of doxxing is so alarming.

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Watching the rest of the world slowly turn on Israel makes my heart go all pitter patter.

Well done.

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I love that this and more funding for other countries' wars are a higher priority than the housing crisis.

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This makes us a state sponsor of apartheid.

But we can't get an extra dollar for your health care, folks.

So yeah, hate his politics all you want but recognize that him leaving the party would be a terrible thing.

The reason why things are never going to get better is that 49% of us pretend a Republican's okay because they're wearing a blue suit.

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Those same Americans will just ignore that there are other candidates and it'll be yet another presidential election where 49% of voters claim that they don't really support the person they vote for, and that you have to do the same as a moral imperative.

And, as it's been since Reagan, no matter who we elect we'll only get conservative outcomes.

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After years and years of headlines like this and no meaningful consequences, I feel like there's only one appropriate way to respond.