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Joined 1 years ago

You know those actors that go to Trump rally’s really underestimate the value they are providing to Trump. Perhaps if they organized and bargained collectively they could get higher wages and or benefits.

Is this the cancel culture I’ve been hearing so much about? Oh well guess it’s time to make an even bigger display!

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I truly don’t understand how an adult can listen to that and go yeah that’s my guy

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His face is the kind of smug that screams he’s never had to face any consequences for his actions in his life.

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The only thing Ken Paxton should be defending in court is himself for securities fraud.

You’d think the states that endanger a woman’s life to birth a baby, would want to keep those babies alive after they are born but here we are. I’d say I’d love to hear a Pro-Life perspective on this but in reality I actually give zero fucks what the people who got us in this mess think.

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Don’t you just love political candidates that don’t believe in the first amendment, probably not a fan of the 19th or 13th either.

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I’m not too familiar with Liz Cheneys actions before the insurrection, did she do anything to try and stop it happening or just sit back, watch and write a book later?

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Exactly, someone should make shirts with a bud that says come and take it.

What a raging dickhead

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If women weren’t allowed to vote in 1849 why should they be bound by a law from then?

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Damn in the US you can attempt to over throw the govt and stay in congress

How do 1%ers hear this and not immediately pull campaign funding, what would a civil war do to the US economy. When a nation with the most guns in the world has people starving what do they think is gonna happen. I guess they are counting on being kings in the aftermath or that Jesus will come back or something.

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Hopefully they catch these terrorists and charge them with felonies, then yall-qaeda will learn real fast the right bear arms can in fact be infringed.

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Wish they had this same attitude towards Ted “fucks pre teens” Nugent

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Capitalism needs meat for the grinder I guess? Can’t wait to see the court restrict this then let those Purdue pharma fuck heads off the hook for unleashing a plague on humanity .

Inflation running rampant right after he left office wasnt Hoover enough for him

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Holy shit that’s absolutely disgusting.

Idk I’d probably still vote for Hunter over any republican.

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Introducing Paramount Max Plus, now for the low low price of 49.95 per month for the first 6 months!

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Wait, sorry I must of missed something, I thought they were all anti fa working for Soros.

I still can’t believe this smelly mother fucker was paying 750 (2016, 2017) in taxes while president.

Idk if you’ve read about Anthony Comstock before but was a freaking nutter butter, actually he’d probably feel at home in today’s GOP. Dude used to brag about how many women he got to commit suicide by ruining their lives.

Don’t forget another way to funnel tax money to their friends!

Medicare advantage is some bullshit I do not understand why people sign up for it, I guess it’s great if you never have to use it.

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The pentagon thinks providing healthcare to woman is more important than confirming their top nominees without a vote. They could end this this situation today by allowing woman to die and get everyone confirmed rapidly, but they refuse.

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No additional time for running away is that normal?

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I wish Texas dems would block flights to Vegas using the same logic and really piss off the old repubs who love to gamble.

Haven’t they been saying the whole time the west is involved, what’s the difference?

Another member here, are donations tax deductible?

Bullshit, Trump doesn’t pay his bills where did the money really go?

Your right Donnie it’s not if it was America you would have been held in contempt long ago.

Better start protesting outside IVF clinics then considering they destroy unused embryos.

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So we post into social security assuming we won’t get it to support the boomers but then they shot down student loan forgiveness, cool.

Instead of being referred to as “married” you can be butt buddies!

To be fair you usually learn about carpet baggers in high school.

WOW literally read the other day about a Russian who killed a woman and put her through a meat grinder got 11 years, but only served half and got a pardon for going to the front line in Ukraine.

Mods + cryoutilities has it running pretty dang good!